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RAT_READ() Mouseable read
Set up your gets as normal, with @SAY...GET
The only limitation is that you cannot use a
user-defined READER block, as RAT_READ() installs a
user-defined reader block for each get.
After setting up your @SAY...GET statements, instead
of issuing a READ, issue a RAT_READ(getlist,...).
[nStart] is an optional starting get number, which
defaults to 1.
[lWrap] determines if going past top or bottom get
exits the read. Default is True. By sending false, going past top
will put you at bottom, and going past bottom will put you at top,
with only CTRL-W exiting the read.
[nRmKey] is an inkey value that tells RAT_READ() how
it should interpret a right mouse button click. Default is ESCAPE.
[bLmouse] (new in 3.5) is a codeblock that is evaluated when there
is a mouse click and it is not meaningful to RAT_READ().
It is evaluated as : eval(bLMouse,mouserow, mousecolumn)
[aLmKeys] is an array of hot mouse coordinate sub-arrays and their
key equivalents. For instance, if you have the following for hot
keys: @24,0 say "[F10=save] [ESC=Cancel]", and you wanted these as
hot mouse areas, the array would be:
{ {24,0,24,9,K_F10}, {24,11,24,22,K_ESC} }
Clicking the mouse within 24,0,24,9 would be interpreted as pressing
the F10 key.
The structure of each sub-array is {nTop,nLeft,nBottom,nRight,nKeyValue}
v1 := space(10)
v2 := space(10)
v3 := space(10)
@10,10 get v1
@11,10 get v2
@12,10 get v3
// read, starting at get # 2, wrapping, and interpreting the right
// mouse button as chr(27) (escape).
This does not replace GETSYS.PRG, but rather parallels it.
The Clipper GET system, contained in GetSys.Prg and accessed via
READ contains several exported functions which obtain /handle
information about the current GET and the current READ.
In order to implement mouse-aware reads, a modification of
GetSys.Prg was needed. However....
I didn't want SuperLib to replace the Clipper Get system
willy-nilly, as that would presume that you always wanted
to use _only_ the SuperLib version. So I had to rename all
of the exported functions in the SuperLib mouseable get
system. The names are as follows:
Clipper Get System SuperLib GetSystem
------------------ ------------------
ReadModal() Rat_Read()
GetReader() RatReader()
GetApplyKey() RatApplyKey()
GetDoSetKey() RatDoSetKey()
GetPostValidate() RatPostValidate()
GetPreValidate() RatPreValidate()
GetActive() RatActive() ---or--- GetActive()
ReadKill() RatKill()
ReadUpdated() RatSetUpdated()
Updated() RatUpdated()
So you can call either READ or READMODAL() which accesses the
Clipper Get System, or call RAT_READ(), which access the
SuperLib mouseable get system, and they will not tromp on
one another.
There still remained one problem, however. Some of the SuperLib
functions access the above named exported functions, such as
GetActive(), and of course user-defined get readers need to
access GetPostValidate(), GetPreValidate(), GetApplyKey() and
GetDoSetKey(), and possibly others.
By calling R_ISRATREAD(), you can determine if the current
read is a RAT_READ or not, and call the regular exported
read/get functions, or call their equivalent RAT* functions
as listed above.
An exception is GETACTIVE(), which may be called while using
either get system, as RAT_READ() calls GETACTIVE() to update
the current get, and also saves and restores the active get
in case there is a prior READ active.
This R_ISRATREAD() function returns TRUE/FALSE for 'is the current
read a RAT_READ or a READMODAL (normal) read'. Essentially it tells
you which GetSystem you are in.
Thus you can have both RAT_READ() mouse aware reads, and standard
READMODAL() Clipper reads in the same system, and tell the
difference between the two.
User defined readers attached to GETS passed to RAT_READ can
return a numeric value indicating which get to jump to.
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson