Why was Guy Clarendon killed?
Hint 1 of 5:
There are two ways to answer the judge's question. You can work out the
answer or you can use process of elimination. Although there's a perfectly
logical way to solve this, it depends on your knowing the answer to another
of the judge's questions. Since I don't want to answer a future question
for you, I'll use process of elimination. Holmes will explain after the case
is over if you want the explanation.
Hint 2 of 5:
Clarendon didn't have any money, so Loretta wouldn't kill for it ("E").
Hint 3 of 5:
Several people told you about the nature of Loretta and Guy's relationship.
Both Langdale and Loretta gave you some important information.
Hint 4 of 5:
The two weren't lovers, so you can rule out jealousy and a break-up as
motives. Those are choices "B" and "D".
Hint 5 of 5:
Choice "A", the murder was a joke, almost works, but that doesn't explain
the cover up well at all.