
Hint: What do I do with the spindle?

Hint: Where do I find the Moonstone? [F,T]

Hint: How do I get the statue heads?

Subject: How do I get out of the labyrinth?

Hint: How do I open the second gate with a shelf next to it?

Hint: What's the deal with the floor that moves (near the statue)?

Hint: How do I get up after using the elevator?

Subject: What's Sternhart talking about in his note?

Hint: I can only get the static detector to point to me.

Subject: How do I get through the gate with the pulley?

Hint: How do I get past the door blocked by a stone slab? [F]

Hint: How do I get across the chasm? [F]

Hint: What should I do with the stone shaft?

Hint: What should I do with the microtaur? [W]

Subject: How do I get past these guards? [F]

Hint: Sophia is trapped in a pit! [F]

Hint: What should I do with the spindle in the map room?