Toddware Bootlog Utility!!!!!!! This isn't bad. Every time It is run, it records the date and time to a file. The file, you can view and delete using the Log viewer. to record the date and time every time your machine is turned on, place the one of the following lines in your autoexec.bat. CALL Btlg /Record CALL Btlg Record CALL Btlg /R CALL Btlg R If the bootlog Batch file(BTLG.BAT) is in a directory in your path state- ment, make sure that you place one of the preceding commands AFTER the "path=" line in your autoexec.bat file. Otherwise include the entire path- name. For example: @echo off path=c:\dos;c:\windows;d:\pctools CALL btlg /r . . . or @echo off CALL d:\pctools\btlg /record path=c:\dos;c:\windows;d:\pctools . . . THE BATCH FILE THAT IS INCLUDED IN THE ZIP FILE ASSUMES THAT YOUR COPY OF THE BOOTLOG.EXE FILE IS IN YOUR C:\DOS DIRECTORY. IF IT IS NOT, THEN CHANGE THE BATCH FILE SO THAT IT CHANGES TO THE CORRECT DIRECTORY BEFORE RUNNING THE BOOTLOG.EXE FILE. YOU CAN USE A TEXT EDITOR TO DO SO(EDIT.COM, DEBUG.EXE) OR USE A WORD PROCESSOR THAT CAN WRITE ASCII TEXT FILES. WRITTEN BY TODD PRATT Toddware Bootlog Utility (C) 1993 All Toddware is free as of 9/93. Copy, Distribute, Delete, Rename, or do with as you wish without permission or contribution to me. Also look for other toddware utilities (such as,,,