#1# Super Crypt by Super Software Super Crypt was written by Dave Black of MaeDae Enterprises. Super Crypt provides a very secure, multiple method, approach for encryption and decryption. It also provides tools to help you analyze the encrypted code. If you choose the DES level of encryption, your files are first encrypted/decrypted using several traditional encryption methods then processed using the very secure Data Encryption Standard (DES) technique. Using this approach, you have the best encryption we could provide with the secure DES on top of that. Super Crypt requires an IBM PC or compatible with 384K of RAM. Display adapters known to work with Super Crypt are the IBM monochrome (MDA), color (CGA), enhanced graphics (EGA), and video graphics array (VGA) adapters. Comments or suggestions for improving Super Crypt will be appreciated. #20# General help for all menus: This menu is broken up into two basic windows. The window at the top of your screen shows several options to choose from. The window at the bottom of the screen expands on what will occur if you choose the highlighted option (the one that has a different background color). Options may be selected in one of two ways. You can either press the first letter of the desired command or move the highlight bar over the desired option and press enter. To move the highlight bar use either the space bar, up arrow, down arrow, left arrow, or right arrow. You can also use home to move to the first top line item on the menu. Using the first letter of a command only works in the ACTIVE window. If you don't have any pulldown then the active window is the top window. Once you pulldown one of the options that becomes the active window. You must use one of the commands in the pulldown once it is active. You can always use Escape to back out of the pulldown and return to the top menu. #21# You are now using the Super Crypt Main Menu. From here you can access the main functional areas of Super Crypt. Refer to the On-Line Manual to get a feel for how Super Crypt can help you protect your important data. We have tried to design Super Crypt to let you get your job done quickly and easily. Please feel free to forward any suggestions for improvement to us at Super Software, Attn: Super Crypt Author. #30# The following is some general information about keys: What is a key? It is a special access code used to make a file unreadable to anyone who doesn't have the access code. Just like you can't unlock a lock without a key, you can't look at an encrypted file without the key. You limit the number of people who know the key, thereby limiting the number of people who can access the intelligence within the file even if they have access to the file. A key is simply a combination of letters and numbers. They may or may not have any conventional meaning. For example, the letters xyz12345 could be a key. More keys: never-again, paeirj, etc. Keys may consist of letters, numbers, spaces, etc. Try to come up with a key that is unique. Don't use your name, social security number, or any other item that someone could easily guess after gathering a few of your personal statistics. For security reasons we require you to enter a key at least 5 characters long. This number is the minimum. We recommend you use as long a key as possible. The longer the key, the better. #40# Super Crypt requires some information from you before it can decrypt your file. For example, it needs to know where the file is and where you want to place the decrypted file. That is what this screen is all about. You need to tell Super Crypt the requested information before it can decrypt your file. You must use the same key to decrypt the file as when you first encrypted the file. Your source and destination directories can be different. They can even be on different drives. Did you notice that you weren't prompted for a destination filename? That is because the filename was stored in the encrypted file when you first encrypted the file. That way we can save you the extra trouble of remembering what the real name of each file was before it was encrypted. Warning: The key is remembered to make it easier for you to decrypt other files. DO NOT leave Super Crypt running and walk off! Someone could call up the decrypt screen and gain access to the last key you used. Exit Super Crypt when you are finished! Several hints on usage of this area follow on the next page. #41# This screen was designed to minimize the number of keystrokes required to specify a file to decrypt. The following assumptions were used: - Most of the time for mutiple uses of this command, you will use the same source and destination paths. We will skip directly to the key or file name prompt for faster entry. Use the up or down arrow to change these paths only when needed. - The key, if it contains anything, is assumed to be the desired key to use for this operation. If there isn't a key, the prompt will start with the key. You must specify a decryption key! No leading or trailing spaces are allowed. Leading and trailing spaces are not visibile unless you are editing the key. This created confusion with some users because they weren't considering the spaces as part of the key, leading to them using different keys for encryption or decryption because of the spaces. - The filename is normally what will change the most. It is also the only thing that changes most of the time (unless you use a different key for all your files). Because of this, the prompt will normally start at the filename entry point. All you will have to do is enter a new filename and press enter to decrypt it. #43# Super Crypt requires some information from you before it can decrypt your files. For example, it needs to know where you want to place the decrypted files and what key to use for decryption. You need to tell Super Crypt the requested information before it can decrypt your files. You must use the same key to decrypt the files as when you first encrypted the files. Your source and destination directories can be different. They can even be on different drives. Please note that you selected the source directory and source file(s) on previous screens. Did you notice that you weren't prompted for a destination filename? That is because the filename and file date were stored in the encrypted file when you first encrypted the file. That way we can save you the extra trouble of remembering what the real name of each file was before it was encrypted. Warning: The key is remembered to make it easier for you to decrypt other files. DO NOT leave Super Crypt running and walk off! Someone could call up the decrypt screen and gain access to the last key you used. Exit Super Crypt when you are finished! #45# Super Crypt requires some information from you before it can encrypt your file. For example, it needs to know where the file is and where you want to place the encrypted file. That is what this screen is all about. You need to tell Super Crypt the requested information before it can encrypt your file. You must use the same key to decrypt the file as when you first encrypted the file. Your source and destination directories can be different. They can even be on different drives. Please specify a destination filename. Your source filename will be saved in the encrypted file so you will be notified of of the correct name at the time you decrypt the file. That way we can save you the extra trouble of remembering what the real name of each file was before it was encrypted. Warning: The key is remembered to make it easier for you to encrypt other files. DO NOT leave Super Crypt running and walk off! Someone could call up the encrypt screen and gain access to the last key you used. Exit Super Crypt when you are finished! Several hints on usage of this area follow on the next page. #46# This screen was designed to minimize the number of keystrokes required to specify a file to encrypt. The following assumptions were used: - Most of the time for mutiple uses of this command, you will use the same source and destination paths. We will skip directly to the key or file name prompt for faster entry. Use the up or down arrow to change these paths only when needed. - The key, if it contains anything, is assumed to be the desired key to use for this operation. If there isn't a key, the prompt will start with the key. You must specify a encryption key! No leading or trailing spaces are allowed. Leading and trailing spaces are not visibile unless you are editing the key. This created confusion with some users because they weren't considering the spaces as part of the key, leading to them using different keys for encryption or decryption because of the spaces. - The filename is normally what will change the most. It is also the only thing that changes most of the time (unless you use a different key for all your files). Because of this, the prompt will normally start at the filename entry point. All you will have to do is enter a new filename and press enter to encrypt it. #48# Super Crypt requires some information from you before it can encrypt your tagged file(s). For example, it needs to know where the files should be placed after encryption. That is what this screen is all about. You need to tell Super Crypt the requested information before it can encrypt your file(s). You must use the same key to decrypt the file(s) as when you first encrypted them. Your source and destination directories can be different. They can even be on different drives. Please note that you selected the source directory and source file(s) on previous screens. Each source file will be encrypted and its current name will be saved in the encrypted file so you will be notified of of the correct name at the time you decrypt the file. That way we can save you the extra trouble of remembering what the real name of each file was before it was encrypted. The current date for the file is also saved and restored when you decrypt the file. Warning: The key is remembered to make it easier for you to encrypt other files. DO NOT leave Super Crypt running and walk off! Someone could call up the encrypt screen and gain access to the last key you used. Exit Super Crypt when you are finished! #50# This option allows you to tell Super Crypt where to look for the files which need to be protected, where to place the encrypted files, and where to look for its help/manual files. You may find this area helps you organize your disk access. You can build a subdirectory that contains only ordinary files. Another directory could contain the encrypted files. A sample setup might be: C:\SC -- Contains the program, help, manual, and misc files. C:\SC\ENCRYPT -- Source directory for encryption. Contains the unencrypted sensitive files waiting to be encrypted. C:\SC\DECRYPT -- Source directory for decryption. Contains the files waiting to be decrypted in a protected secure format. #53# Super Crypt supports a secure method of erasing your source files. It writes three patterns over the top of your file. This is repeated mutiple times. The number of passes for writing the three patterns is user installable. We default to three passes. This is a fairly slow process. You may want to limit the number of passes to three or four. The speed of this operation is limited by the physical speed of your drives. Expect floppy drives to take up to ten times as long as hard disks for this operation. Why would you want to do a secure wipe? DOS will erase a file for you but it doesn't overwrite any of the information within a file. It only erases the file from the directory listing and returns the storage space for use in other files. If you don't overwrite the storage locations on the media, someone can come along and recover your data. It may take a lot of work, but it can be done. Super Crypt overwrites the information so securely that it is virtually impossible to recover any of the data. The only method that we know of to recover the data requires the drive to be shipped to a special cryptological center. There, they would use special electronic test equipment to recover a few percent of last 8 or 9 items stored at each location on the media. #55# This option allows you to enable/disable the sound or beeps on errors. Some people find programs that beep on errors to be annoying (me for one). This option will allow you to disable ALL warning beeps in Super Crypt. #60# This menu allows you to change all the colors used in Super Crypt. To change a default color - first use the up or down arrow key to select the color, then type in the new color. When you have changed all the colors press Ctrl+D to display these colors in a sample window. As with all installation options, these changes will not be used until you choose the retain option on the main menu. This allows you to experiment with the installation options and then not have to lose your original defaults. Please keep in mind the foreground text colors can be 0-15, the background 0-7. If you choose a text color the same as a background color then the text will disappear. You may notice some of your installed color combinations result in invisible lines on the Ctrl+D popup window. Please be careful not to choose this color for one of your text colors!! Note: For many of the Super Crypt installable options and user inputs you will see a prompt containing the characters . If you count the number of 's you will find the maximum number of characters that can be entered. Also, Escape is used throughout Super Crypt to signal "I want out". Press Enter, up arrow, down arrow, or whatever is asked for to enter the desired value. Escape will throw away any immediate changes and get you out of the area you are in. #61# Please note that the background color (0-7) is one digit long and the foreground color (0-15) is two digits long. That is why you will see the input prompt (the  s) change it's width as you go between the colors. #65# This screen shows the possible combinations of colors in Super Crypt. If you are using a non IBM display adapter you may have to "play" with the colors to get a pleasing combination. Super Crypt defaults to colors that work well with the IBM Color Graphics Adapter, IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter, and IBM Monochrome Display Adapter. On some monochrome display adapter clones you may need to alter a foreground text color to get the background to change intensity. The default combination of colors will work on any 100% IBM PC compatible display adapter! #70# Super Crypt allows the help and manual paths, program colors, etc. to be saved in a configuration file. If no configuration file is specified on the command line (ex. C:>SC /C=MyConfg.CNF) when you call up Super Crypt then Super Crypt will use the default name of SC.CNF for the configuration file. You are being asked for the name of the configuration file to load. You may have several configuration files saved under different names. Example: BW.CNF (for black and white composite monitors attached to a composite color card), etc. Please make sure that the configuration file you are asking Super Crypt to use is really an Super Crypt configuration file! Remember you can always press ESC if you got into this area by accident. #75# Super Crypt allows the default help/manual paths, program colors, etc to be saved in a configuration file. If no configuration file is specified on the command line (ex. C:>SC /C=MyConfg.CNF) when you call up Super Crypt then Super Crypt will use the default name of SC.CNF in the current subdirectory. You are being asked for the name of the configuration file to save all the program defaults to. You may have several configuration files saved under different names. Examples: BW.CNF (for black and white composite monitors attached to a composite color card), etc. Please remember you can always press ESC if you got into this area by accident. #80# Super Crypt is looking for a path with an optional drive and a filename (for a file located in that path or subdirectory). Example path: C:\SC ƾ; The working directory The working drive Filenames consist of up to eight characters, a period, and an extension of up to three more characters. Examples are: Command.COM, SC.EXE, Config.SYS, etc. Please note that the capitalization doesn't matter and that extensions are optional. Refer to your Disk Operating System (DOS) manual for detailed information on paths and file names. #85# Super Crypt couldn't locate any files in the specified directory. The computer uses a "mask" for directories. The mask used is normally "*.*" for all but encrypted files. For encrypted files we use a tilde (~) as the first character of the extension. The default mask when decrypting a file is *.~*. You can specify a different mask when you specify the path. Super Crypt automatically adds this mask to the path for you. #90# Super Crypt couldn't locate your path. Are you sure you entered the correct path to get to your file. Computers are dumb, you have to tell them everything. Try using the select file option on the main menu. Super Crypt will find all the files in your specified directory and allow you to use a color bar to select the file. #95# Your floppy or hard disk is used to store files. Many times, files will be organized into groups and stored in specific areas called subdirectories. The computer needs to be given a location called a directory, to find the files. The computer's first "guess" on where to find the files will be your current default subdirectory (unless you install a default path under the installation section). Most of the time this will be what you want. If in doubt, press enter! The files are probably located in the current directory which is normally the default. Super Crypt uses a "file mask" to obtain directories. We use a *.* for everything except encrypted files. When you encrypt a file we suggest you use a ~ (tilde) as the first character of the extension. Our default mask for decrypting files is *.~* which means any file with a ~ as the first character of its extension. We automatically generate this extension as a suggested name when you encrypt a file. Wildcards are used by DOS as a mask to allow a group of files to be easily selected during a directory. Details on paths follows on the next page. #96# This area allows you to specify the path Super Crypt will use to access your files. You can access files anywhere on your system. Example: C:\SC ƾ; The working directory The working drive Super Crypt will ask the computer to tell it all the files on drive C: in the subdirectory \SC. The "mask" used to get the directory is C:\SC\*.* most of the time. If there are no files in the directory you specified you may see the error message "Could not find C:\SC\*.*". If you are not sure what you should use just press enter without changing any of the information. Chances are that the default is what you want (that is why we made it the default). Refer to your Disk Operating System (DOS) manual for detailed information on paths and file names. #100# You have specified an invalid key. For security reasons we require you to enter a key at least 5 characters long. This number is the minimum. We recommend you use as long a key as possible. The longer the key, the better. Enter a longer key and try again. Please note that all leading and trailing are removed from the key. This helps eliminate confusion when a key might have a trailing space which is invisible. You would then use a key (for example "This is a key ") to encrypt with and then wonder why you couldn't decrypt using what looked like the same key (for example "This is a key"). We eliminate the confusion between "This is a key " and "This is a key" by removing the trailing spaces. Some general information concerning keys follows on the next page. #105# You have specified an invalid filename. To be valid, a filename must contain at least one character. Please type in a longer filename and try again. After you exit this window you will be returned to the edit window with the cursor on the filename that is too short. #110# The name you are trying to save the new file to already exists. Super Crypt is asking if you would like to use the name anyways. In that case the old file will be overwritten by the new file. You will lose the old file forever. If you answer no to -- OK to erase (Y/N)? -- Super Crypt will allow you to enter a new name and will try again using the new name. #150# Super Crypt breaks up big files into smaller blocks for the encryption or decryption process. This window gives you the status of the operation. You will see the block number increase as more of your file is processed. If an error occurs you will be given a message concerning the problem. A couple of the possible errors are: 1. Super Crypt couldn't find your input file. Please recheck filename. 2. Super Crypt couldn't create your output file. Is your diskette write protected? Is the disk full? After the entire file has been processed (encrypted or decrypted) you will be asked to press any key to continue. The last block processed will normally be only a portion of a block just to finish off the last portion of the file. #200# Help for Directory Screen: To edit a file use the up or down arrows on the numeric keypad to highlight a file name and then press enter. All files in the directory listing are sorted. Super Crypt can handle a directory containing up to 1000 files. If you have more files than that in a SINGLE directory then please break the directory into smaller ones before running Super Crypt. Cursor key movements: Up Arrow - Move up one file. Down Arrow - Move down one file. PgUp - Move up one page of files. PgDn - Move down one page of files. Ctrl+Home - Move to the first file in the directory. Ctrl+End - Move to the last file in the directory. Use Enter to select the highlighted file and start operations using it. The estimated times for encryption or decryption may change as you do different directory listings. We encrypt a very small section of memory and use the duration measured from your computer's clock. By keeping the time to a minimum, we don't introduce any large delays but the accuracy of the calculation suffers. Our estimate should be within about 20%. #201# Notes on tagging: You can also use the tag function to tag mutiple files for encryption or decryption. The commands are: T -> Tag the highlighted file. Use Ctrl+T to tag all files. U -> Untag the highlighted file. Use Ctrl+U to untag all files. Space Bar -> Swap the tag status of the highlighted file. It swaps or toggles the tag status of the highlighted file. When you select a file or files, Super Crypt first checks to see how many files you have selected. If you have selected only one file, the options you select apply to only that one file. If you have selected several files, a few assumptions have to be made to allow mutiple file operations. For example, you must use the same key for the entire series of files in the batch operation. If you select the fully automated options then the entire batch of files can be encrypted or decrypted without any user input. One of the automated options allow you to automatically overwrite or delete a file during decryption if it already exists. #202# General notes: 1. The file sizes are shown in K bytes to conserve screen space. This abbreviated display method allows additional information to be shown on the directory screen. Each K is actually 1024 bytes. If you use a DOS directory listing to show the size of a file, it will show a 100K file as 102,400 bytes (100 times 1024). 2. Choose the appropriate level of protection required for your data. For routine work where your data doesn't need a lot of protection, use the lite level of encryption (it is much faster than DES encryption). For more sensitive information there is no substitute for the superior protection provided by the DES encryption technique (available only in Super Crypt ). #205# Super Crypt will sort the directory you are viewing based on the "field" you select. It may be: 1. The name of the files. 2. The date the files were last modified. 3. The size of the files. 4. You may also choose the direction of the sort. Forwards or backwards. NOTE: Do NOT delete files and then use the sort option. Once you delete a file, it's information is removed from the directory listing and you will be sorting the "Deleted" message instead of the real information. This also applies when you press a key during the file directory to abbreviate the listing. #210# Syper Crypt allows you to remove files using two marking techniques. You can mark the desired files using the tag commands to work with a group of files at one time. You can also work with a single file simply by using the color highlight bar and then telling Super Crypt to remove the file you have highlighted. #215# Super Crypt provides two methods to remove a file. You can choose a secure file wipe OR a simple deletion using the DOS delete command. Wipe -- Super Crypt provides a secure delete command called file wipe. The file is overwritten first with the binary pattern 10101010 then with the pattern 01010101 followed by the default pattern for a freshly formatted diskette. This process is repeated three times before the file is finally deleted. The military typically accepts three overwrites of alternating ones and zeros as a secure method of completely erasing a file. That is why this method was chosen. During the wipe process each byte in the file will be overwritten a total of nine times. This process will be slow for large files and when used on a floppy based system. Delete -- Super Crypt also provides a high speed file deletion using the DOS delete command. This method is not recommended if you are really concerned about removing all traces of your file. Many utilities are available to recover a file when this simple removal technique is used. #300# IBM ASCII characters range in value from decimal 0 (00 hex) to decimal 255 (FF hex). Please note that the numbers displayed on the screen are scaled to allow them to fit into a limited space. The scale is displayed on the window border at the top of the screen and will vary depending on the size of the file being used. This screen gives you detailed statistics on both the number of times a character occurred in a file and some frequently used yardsticks to measure the quality of the character distribution. Some definitions for the terms used to describe the data: Mode - That value which is repeated most often in a data set. When you look at the statistics you will see the number of occurrences for each value within the file. The number with the largest value is the mode. Median - Middlemost or most central item in a set of numbers. Half of the numbers lie above this point, and the other half lie below it. #301# Mean - Basically the arithmatic average. Add all the values and divide by the number of values. We commonly refer to this as the average of a set of numbers. Std Dev - The standard deviation is a measure of how the characters in the file deviate from the central value of the distribution (the mean). This number characterizes the width or variability around the mean. If you assume a normal distribution, then 60% of the data will fall within one standard deviation of the mean. Notes: Different types of data give you different distributions within the ASCII chart. One of the characteristics of a wordprocessing file or any readable ASCII file is the large number of spaces (20 hex or 32 decimal). If the data shows the mode as being a space and most of the characters in the file fall in the first half of the ASCII chart, it is a safe bet that you are looking at a wordprocessing file. Compare a few files before and after encryption to see how well Super Crypt hides the characteristics of your file during the encryption process. It completely masks the type of source file. After encryption all your files will have virtually even distribution throughout the entire ASCII chart! #302# Listed below are the viewable versions of the ASCII characters (at least those that could be displayed on your screen from within this program). This is an IBM ASCII table numbered in hex. The vertical axis is in steps of 10 hex (16 decimal), the horizontal axis counts up by 1 from the step.  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 00          10               20 ! " $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? 40 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ 60 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o 70 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~  80 90 A0 B0 C0 D0 E0 F0 #310# These bar graphs show you graphically the distribution of the data within 16 character segments of the ASCII table. The data is scaled to allow the largest value to go all the way to the right side if possible. Like on the previous screen, the scale is displayed on the window border at the top of the screen. The number displayed on the bar chart times the scale shown on the window border should be basically the number shown for the number of occurances within the 16 character segment. The best distribution for encrypted data is for all of the segments to have their lines the same length. Patterns are harder to find with this sort of distribution, making it harder for someone to decrypt your files without knowing the encryption key. #320# The input and output file names MUST be different. Super Crypt compared the source (input) and destination (output) file names and found that they are the same. If you really want to overwrite the input file with its encrypted counterpart, encrypt to a temporary name then from DOS copy the the encrypted file over the source file. #330# Super Crypt couldn't write the output file you specified. Some of the possible problems are: 1. You ran out of storage space on the specified drive. 2. The directory you told Super Crypt to store the file in may not exist. 3. The destination drive could have a write protect on it. #352# Super Crypt supports encrypting and decrypting multiple files in a batch mode. In the previous menu, you tagged a group of files to be used at one time. Each of those files will be loaded and then encrypted or decrypted in the order they were displayed in the directory. During the process, the defaults you selected will be used. You can't override any of these defaults once you start the batch process. If you need to override these defaults, then work with one form at a time. You will be given the option to override any defaults when you work with one file at a time. Displayed on this screen you will find an estimate for the encryption or decryption time for all the tagged files. Estimates are shown for both levels of encryption or decryption. Level 0 is the lite encryption (still very secure) using three layers of conventional encryption techniques. Level 1 is a total of four layers of encryption with DES being the final layer. Level 1 encryption is much slower than Level 0 but is recommended for the protectio n of your most sensitive information. Level 1 is virtually unbreakable! We estimate it would cost tens of thousands of dollars in manpower and computer time to break the encryption per encrypted file. #400# This screen is the general setup screen to get the options needed for encrypting/decrypting a file. It is composed of predefined areas that can't be changed and areas for user input. Both are defined below. Predefined areas: The source file has been specified prior to this screen and is also fixed. Press Esc to return with a new file. User modifiable: The user can modify the Method, Key, and Destination file name. Use the cursor keypad Up and Down arrows to move between options. Press the enter key on the destination file name to signal that you are ready to start operations with the displayed options. Super Crypt provides mutiple passes/methods for encrypting and decrypting your data. They include several methods we have developed with the very secure DES as the final technique/protection. DES provides the majority of the protection and also takes 3 times as long as our techniques. Any delay that you may notice during encryption/decryption is due almost exclusively to the extensive data manipulation required for DES. #405# Super Crypt allows you to specify how the file directories will be sorted. You can specify both the field to sort on and the direction. The installation section you are using allows you to specify these options. When Super Crypt first comes up it will use these installed options as the directory sort options. Any change you make to the sort options while viewing the directory will be retained during the use of Super Crypt. If you want the options to be permanent then they must be installed and saved using the installation section of Super Crypt. #600# Macros allow you to record a keystroke sequence for later playback. Super Crypt maintains a general buffer to record your keystrokes. Once you have recorded a keystroke sequence you can write it to a disk file for later playback. Over 100 macro keys are supported. The shifted function keys 1 thru 10 are supported directly (just press one of them). The other macros are available by pressing control O then the second key. Be sure to take advantage of the descriptive text label for your macro when you write it to disk. Use Ctrl+Q to flush the keyboard buffer if your macro gets out of control. Macros can contain virtually any keystroke that you can enter from the keyboard. Here are some suggestions to make using macros easier. 1. If you start a macro from the main menu use the numeric keypad home key to reset the menu to a known starting position. 2. When using editor commands in your macro try to start from a known position. Examples: a. Use Ctrl+Home to move the cursor to the upper left corner of the form for a starting position. b. When using Alt+G in a macro set the default palette first before drawing anything. #601# 3. Be aware of the keystroke limit. As you enter each keystroke you will see a small box in the center of your screen that shows which keystroke you are entering and the maximum allowable keystrokes. Once you have created a set of macros, write them to disk. You have complete freedom to give it any name you desire. This allows you to have multiple sets of macros defined. Super Crypt will automatically load load the macro SC.MAC if it exists on the default drive and directory when you first bring up the program. You will probably want your most useful set of macros as the default. When you run Super Crypt use SC /m=macrofile to specify a name other than SC.MAC for the macros. You can execute the keyboard macros at any point. However, the macro attached to Shift+F10 will automatically execute when you get past the opening screen(s) as you first bring up Super Crypt. Hint: Macros emulate you at the keyboard. As you record a macro try to start at a known position and enter the keystrokes just as you would like the macro to be played back. Don't try to design a macro in one area of the program and play it back in another area. It may work but the macro will be harder to visualize and enter. #610# Super Crypt allows the default macro file name to be changed from within the program. Normally the name SC.MAC is used. To tell Super Crypt to default to another macro file at load time use the command line: SC /m=MyMacros.MAC You are being asked for the name of the macro file to load. You may have several macro files saved under different names. Please make sure that the macro file you are asking Super Crypt to use is really an Super Crypt macro file! Remember you can always press ESC if you got into this area by accident. #620# Sorting large macro files may take a while. We have went to great lengths to minimize to requirement for additional disk space during the sorting process. The macro file can be over 200K in size. Creating and managing backup files would require a lot of extra program code and disk space. We have opted for a disk based sort that sorts the macro file without creating a backup. If you would like an unsorted backup, copy the macro file to another name prior to sorting it. The sorting may take a while for a large macro file. Please be patient. #630# Each of the over 100 macros can have a descriptive text label added. This description serves as a reminder of its function. As you create macros, use a long description of the macro's function. You will find the description extremely important both to yourself and to other people who also use the macros you create. The macro file is built as you define the macros. This ensures the macro file is small as possible but the macros may be out of order. Use the change macro order option to sort the macros back into key order. The maximum file size with all macros defined is over 200K (102 macros with each having 1000 keystrokes of two bytes each - 102*1000*2 plus overhead). We have defined S+F10 to be the "Autostart" keyboard macro since it will be automatically executed when you run Super Crypt. Please note that it doesn't start execution until you get past the opening screen(s). #660# Super Crypt allows you to write the defined macros to disk for later use. If you would like for your macros to be automatically loaded then use the default name SC.MAC. Super Crypt is asking you for two pieces of information before it saves your macro to disk. The first is which key would you like to use to call up the macro at a future time. The second piece of information is the textual label or comment that will be shown when you ask to see all the recorded macros. This piece of information is optional but its use is strongly recommended if you are to figure out what the macro is supposed to do at a future time. Use the up arrow key to move from the description back up to the keystroke definition if you have changed your mind about which key to attach the macro to or pressed the wrong key. You may have multiple sets of macro commands defined. Save each set under a different file name and use the load macro command to read it from disk or specify a different macro file when you call up Super Crypt. Example: SC /m=MyMacros.MAC #670# A file error occured while trying to save your macro to a disk file. The macro file grows as you add new macros to it. If you redefine an existing macro, the space within the macro file is reused. When a file error occurs, it is typically due to one of the following: 1. You are out of hard disk space. 2. You specified an invalid filename or path for the macro file. 3. There is a bad area on your hard disk that can't be written to. Please ensure that you have used a valid name for the macro file. #1000# Super Crypt ran out of memory while trying to perform the requested operation. Generally this will only happen if you have limited free system memory (RAM) and try to perform an operation on a large section of a very large form (can require up to 64K RAM for maximum form size). The notepad and block copy/move commands will ask your computer for memory to perform the requested operation only when you use the command. That way the drain on your system resources is kept to a minimum. However, if you have limited free memory you may see this message. Possible corrective measures: 1. Limit the number of memory resident programs you load. 2. Upgrade your system RAM if you have less than 640K. 3. If you have anything stored in the notepad and run out of memory during the block copy operation - delete the notepad contents first. #20050# Quick startup info: Super Crypt allows you to encrypt and decrypt files. This means it allows you to limit the distribution of your important information to a restricted group of people. Super Crypt gives you the ability to make your important information unintelligible to those who don't have a "need to know". ONLY those with the correct decryption key can access your data. Super Crypt provides mutiple encryption/decryption levels for privacy of communication. First, it uses our simpler techniques developed for simple data protection. Second, it uses the very secure (and very slow) Data Encryption Standard (DES) technique of secure encryption/decryption. This provides two levels of protection-- DES on top of our own techniques, providing much greater protection than either one alone! You can use the analysis section of Super Crypt to gain information on the contents of a file. The statistics provided may give you clues in your search for how the file was encrypted, but don't count on being able to do anything with the encrypted output of Super Crypt. It is very secure! Refer to other sections of the On-Line Manual for additional information. F1 is always available to call up help while you are using Super Crypt. #20051# Ŀ  Commonly Asked Questions   1. Does Super Crypt (SC) allow me to send software thru the mail without worrying about unauthorized people getting access to it? Yes! Both you and the person you are sending the files to need a copy of Super Crypt and the common shared key. Before sending the files thru the mail, encrypt them using the secure data encryption provided by Super Crypt (this provides maximum protection). At the receiving end they will decrypt the file using Super Crypt and the common key. 2. Can I be sure that no one will ever be able to "read" my encrypted data? Not completely, but the probability of anyone ever being able to "read" your data is almost zero! All that you can do is make it extremely difficult for anyone to have access to your data. Your goal should be to make it more costly for someone to gain access to your data than the data is worth. Super Crypt 's encryption methods can be broken but it is very costly to break the extremely high protection within Super Crypt. It will cost thousands of hours of manpower and mainframe computer time to "crack" Super Crypt 's encryption. This process is very costly and would have to be repeated for each file! #20100# Super Crypt requires an IBM PC or close compatible with at least 384K of RAM and DOS 3.0 or later. A hard disk is not required but is recommended when encrypting/decrypting large files because of the much faster disk access. Super Crypt provides several encryption/decryption levels or methods combined to make it virtually impossible for anyone to gain access to your protected data within your lifetime. #20200# The use of coded messages for secret communications has been a practice throughout history. Julius Ceasar sent coded messages to his general to ensure the messages couldn't be read if they fell into enemy hands. George Washington, during the Amercian Revolution, passed important information about the British forces in coded form. Today, the US Military and many large corporations pass important information in a coded or encrypted form. The ability to communicate is very important. But there will be occasions when you may want to limit who can "see" or access your information. To accomplish this, Super Crypt securely protects or encrypts your important information so only those you give a special decryption key to can access your data. You can store or transmit the encrypted files through normal means and still keep your information unintelligible to others. Some individuals may be interested in determining what your message said. If this individual obtains a copy of your encrypted message, he will attempt to determine what your message said. Your message is considered safe as long as it will take too long to unravel the message, for it to be useful to the other person. The basic concept of encryption/decryption is explained in our manual. #20201# Some basic definitions follow: Cryptography -- The general study of hiding the meaning of messages and the general techniques used for the hiding. Cryptanalysis -- The solving or breaking of codes without any knowledge of the key. Cipher -- Any technique, method, or scheme (substitution, transposition, and XOR) used to encrypt and decrypt text, without regard to its linguist structure. Plaintext -- The unencrypted or totally decrypted readable text. Ciphertext -- The unintelligible text, after encrypting it. Encrypting -- The process of encoding a plaintext file to hide the intelligence. Decrypting -- Decoding an encrypted/ciphertext file. #20202# Some more basic definitions follow: Data Encryption Standard (DES) -- DES is a very secure method of encrypting/decrypting your data that works on 8 bytes (64 bits) of your data at one time. It rearranges your data based on a 8 byte key. All this data manipulation is one of the reasons it is very secure and very slow. Key -- The text that was used to encrypt or decrypt a file. Sometimes called a code word. #20300# HISTORY OF REVISIONS:  Super Crypt v3.00 Dec 1990 This is the initial TestDrive release of Super Crypt. It provides very secure protection for your data using NSA's Data Data Encryption Standard. Whether you mail the files or send the files electronically, you can be sure nobody other than the intended person will be able to look at your important data. SuperCrypt v3.12c Mar 1993 Added directory navigation to allow easy access to all drives and subdirectories. Also touched up several minor areas. #20500# GENERAL:  1. Super Crypt was developed by David Black of SuperSoftWare /EZX. 2. Special thanks to all of our Beta testers. Especially Perry Kelley, without whose help this program would never have been developed. His help with encryption theory was essential to the product development. 3. Super Crypt was written in C with some assembly language and uses the Professional C Windows described below. The source for Super Crypt consists of about 8,000 lines of code. 4. Special thanks to Jim Nech at SSS for his excellent C & Assembly language windowing package (Professional C Windows) used in Super Crypt. It comes with complete source code and is only $89. This package is a must for software developers (info/orders 713-943-8060). #20900# Unable to run SSINFO.EXE - The latest information on our products! Please ensure SSINFO.EXE is in your current working directory. Are you out of free RAM (see the bottom line of this screen)? If it shows less than about 80K, try running SSINFO.EXE directly from DOS. If SSINFO.EXE has been lost, call: Voice 1-713-488-0210 FAX 1-713-280-0099 #20950# Unable to run SSUPPORT.EXE - The latest information for technical support! Please ensure SSUPPORT.EXE is in your current working directory. Are you out of free RAM (see the bottom line of this screen)? If it shows less than about 80K, try running SSUPPORT.EXE directly from DOS. If SSUPPORT.EXE has been lost, call: Voice 1-713-488-0210 FAX 1-713-280-0099 #END# erSoftWare /EZX. Super Crypt provides a very secure, multiple method, approach for encryption and decryption. It also provides tools to help you analyze the encrypted code. If you choose the DES level of encryption, your files are first encrypted/decrypted using several traditional encryption methods then processed using the ve