Xi Paint CD

(Version 4)

Price � 49.95


XiPaint is the leading edge 24 Bit paint program. It's suited to the demands of the novice and expert alike, and within a short time, you too will be able to produce colourful and creative art in 16.8 millions colours. This version of XiPaint provides a professional paint program at an unbeatable price/performance ratio.

Overview of Features
New Animation Features
Raytracing Features
Magic Fill
New windows for co-ordinates
Wacom support
Painting with background images
Prefs Printer Driver
Improved Jpeg saver, XiMulti Loader
Improved colour requester, cycle requester
Diverse paint functions
Mask, outline, recolour and fill functions
Airbrush with adjustable spray functions
Light Table functions
Text with anti-aliasing
Support for a variety of formats
Unlimited Undo function
Diverse manipulation of an Alpha channel
Supports many graphic cards
Layers to combine different projects
Drag & drop colours
External filter module
Extensive Documentation
60 textures, 50 landscapes, 30 images
and many fonts included.

Kickstart 2.04+, 2megs RAM
Hard Disk
Additional memory
Graphics card


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Copyright � 1996 Weird Science Ltd.
Last modified: December 31, 1997