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The award winning PC and Mac graphics adventure makes a welcome appearance on the Amiga.  This huge adventure is absolutely stunning with breathtaking views of an entire world awaiting the Amiga Adventurer.

Graphics-wise, at the first moment Myst is being released as AGA only. However, all the graphics files for a CGFX version are already on the CD, so once the final CGFX code is ready it will be available as a free download from our web site, Aminet, and magazine cover disks. It is less than 1Mb in size. Currently, CGFX code is in beta testing stage, and can be obtained from "download" section.

Myst CD also contains a 14 minute self-contained QuickTime movie "Making of Myst", where authors take you behind the scenes of making of this magnificent game!


  • 100% OS friendly
  • fully multitasking
  • high-res graphics (640 x 400 , 256 colors minimum)

Myst installation program allows you to choose how much data you want to install to hard drive. The more you install to HD, the faster access Myst will have to those files, therefore the faster it will run (this is especially usefull if you have a slow CD or CPU).

5Mb will only install the code and AHI
40Mb will install all the sounds
270Mb installs all the gfx
310Mb installs all the gfx+sound


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Copyright � 1998 Weird Science Ltd.
Last modified: January 08, 1998