Release notes for IBrowse 1.1 ----------------------------- Welcome to IBrowse1.11, a state of the art webbrowser for our favourite computer! With this version of IBrowse you are finally able to navigate on the increasing number of 'Netscape enhanced pages with frames'. For those of you who don't like frames at all, a preferences option is available to turn of frames. The Floyd-Steinberg dithering is default turned off. If you want to use it, please enter preferences General/HTML Display. If you have less then 16 colors, it might be a good idea to select the 'Don't dither backgrounds' to avoid that the dithered background will distort the text. Remaining bugs -------------- Due to some internal problems, % widths in tables were not fixed. This will be fixed when the table parser is rewritten for IBrowse 2.0 Changes ------- 1.11 Forth public release. Added preferences option for expiration for links. Added primitive support for ftp://username:password@host in the ftp module. Added support for BGSOUND if you have an appropriate datatype installed. Added help bubbles that shows the alt text of images. Added SCREENTOFRONT and SCREENTOBACK arexx commands. Fixed problems with the disappearing stop button. Fixed the freezing scrollbar bug. Added a popupmenu to the back button to show the recent visited places. 1.1 Third public release. Added support for Frames. Added support for cookies (you can turn it of in prefs). Improved image quality by adding more advanced dithering functions. Added netstat window. Added remove possibility in cache browser. Enhanced drag'n'drop possibilites for URLs. Press an URL and move the mouse away from the link. Requires MUI3.8. Added support for Added a clipboard for urls. Drag an URL to it for fast access later. Added 3 different palette modes: Best, Fast and Gray. Fast uses the same palette as Netscape. Best usually gives a little better result but it is slower. Gray only contains gray pens. You need to iconify/deiconify IBrowse for these changes to take affect if you have changed it in prefs. Added possibility to use your configured email address as ftp password. Unused pages are cached in a much better way now. You don't have to type http:// in front of a proxy host any longer. Added 'Real name' to email settings. Fixed problems with signature preferences not beeing used. Added configurable output screen for external viewers. Set to nil: if you don't want any output. Added 'Accept-Language' to tell a webserver which language you prefer. Improved loading speed of pages. Especially from the memory cache. 1.02 Second public release. Improved exit speed. Improved the built in spread palette. Added switch to select internal gif/jpeg individually. Added possibility to show all net-errors in the html display. Added edit capabilites to the html source window. Added possibility to automatically downloads files using their net-name. Improved handling of gifanims. Fixed a nasty memory trashing bug causing many problems with IBrowse 1.0. Added cut/paste to the URL in the current window. Fixed bug when loading the hotlist. Added switch for grayscale decoding. (You have to exit or iconify IBrowse after changing this option.) Added switch to add new entries in the hotlist to the menu automatically. 1.0 First public release.