How to update Picasso96

Where do you get new versions of Picasso96?

You can always get the latest distribution archives from the Picasso96 WWW home page at

Please keep the latest version of Picasso96 that works for you around, too, just in case we introduced new "undesireable features"...

If you want to be kept up-to-date about the development and possible problems of the latest Picasso96 versions then join the Picasso mailing list at Please send a mail to with "help" in the body (!) of the mail to get help about how to use the mailing list and send a mail with "subscribe Picasso <your_email_address>" in the body to join the list. This list has quite some traffic but offers lots of vital information for the interested user.

Performing the update

If you used the installer script for installation it will also allow you to update your current Picasso96 configuration. Just run the install script and select the Update option. The script will try to guess as many details as possible and will only ask you about details it could not decide automatically. If you used the default directories during installation updating will be even easier for you.