Hardware supported by Picasso96
Bare requirements:
- Amiga with Kickstart 3.x or a PC running Windows95/NT and UAE,
- Motorola MC68020 processor or better,
- about 2 MB of RAM available,
- at least one of these boards:
- CyberVision3D (early alpha driver, currently ZorroIII only),
- CyberVision64,
- Domino,
- Merlin,
- oMniBus,
- PicassoII,
- PicassoII+,
- PicassoIV,
- Piccolo,
- Piccolo SD64,
- Pixel64,
- Retina BLT Z3 (early alpha driver),
- Spectrum,
- UAEgfx.
Recommended for optimum performance and usability:
- accelerator board using Motorola MC68040 or MC68060 CPU and local fast RAM,
- 8 MB of fast RAM,
- hard drive,
- Amiga 3000/4000 with a ZorroIII graphics board (e.g. PicassoIV),
- a descent state-of-the-art VGA monitor (Multisync) with a maximum line
frequency of more than 64kHz offering resolutions upto 1024x768 in 75Hz
refresh at least.
alternatively a high-end PC equipped with:
- PentiumII,
- 32 MB RAM,
- graphics board with AGP bus interface.
Currently not supported:
- Macrosystem Retina Z2 due to missing linear mapped memory access,
- Commodore A2410 due to also missing linear mapped memory access.
tabt, February 4th, 1998