APC & TCP Vol.1 - FF 70 - � 7.0 - DM 20
APC & TCP Vol.2 - FF 70 - � 7.0 - DM 20
These CDs have been created by a club German: the first volume includes some hundreds utilities, demos, games, pictures etc... ready to use. The second volume includes more of 1500 IFF pictures, GIF and JPEG, from different authors. A superb work of creation and compilation.
      APC & TCP Vol.3 - FF 89 - � 8.9 - DM 26
The new CD achieved by members of the APC & TCP club , present more than 1000 games: PD, freeware, shareware and commercial demose. Most these games are directly executable from the CD.
Download the content of the CD
      APC & TCP Vol.4 - FF 89 - � 8.9 - DM 26
      A compilation of 700 new games freewares, shareware and previews! The big majority of games is installed and is executable since the CD-ROM. Some games require an installation on the hard drive or on disks.
Download the content of the CD
      ART STUDIO 2 - FF 349 - � 34.9 - DM 100
The commercial version of a DP program, Art Studio is a program of picture conversion in many formats, as well as a cataloguer of pictures, and a program of picture treatment. To retail will ask for It of numerous pages, but know that it has an ARexx interfacing, that it functions under Cybergraphics and other graphic cards.
      ARTWORX CD - FF 119 - � 11.9 - DM 34
Artworx CD is a complete CD dedicated to art and images created on computers over the last few years. Every image has been painstakingly created by computer artists. Thousands of images have been collected together from many different computer platforms, categorised for ease of selection and put together on compact disc to form the worlds greatest collection of computer art ever seen.
Two versions of the CD have been produced one for the Amiga and one for the PC. As all of the art is computer generated it makes absolutely superb colour clip art and provides probably the largest collection of AGA images and colour clip art ever for the Amiga.
Although both compact discs will work on both platforms each CD has been specially prepared with the images in the correct formats for each machine, IFF for the Amiga and Windows BMP for the PC. This means that the images will load into most Word Processors and graphics programs.
      BLANKER COLLECTION - FF 99 - � 9.9 - DM 29
This CD-ROM contains all freely redistributable Blankers that have ever been released for the Amiga. It contains even some previously unpublished Blankers, like the Windows Blanker. Most of the Blankers are ready to use. There are even some blankers for graphics cards and some for Kickstart 1.2.
In addition to these blankers the CD contains the latest PD/Shareware programs and lots of modules, animations and fonts in order to make the blankers even nicer.
      ANIMATIONS CD (2 CDs) - FF 199 - � 19.9 - DM 57
The last CD of Weird Science is in fact a double CD dedicated to animations in all kinds, to the IFF formats, FLI, MoviePlayer and Deluxe Video. More of 1 Gigabyte of animations.

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