XI PAINT V4.0 CD - FF 399 - � 39.9 - DM 114
XiPaint is the leading edge, 24-bit paint program. It's suited to the demands of novice and expert alike, and within a short time, you too will be able to produce colourful and creative art in 16.8 million colours. This version of XiPaint provides a professional paint program at an unbeatable price/performance ratio.
Overview of Features:
•New Animation Features (Brush-Animation, Script-Animation, Effects) •Raytracing-Features ( A mini-Raytracer to generate single objects will be included, to have the possibility to give objects the look of glass, metall, wood, sky etc. and to map textures perfectly on balls, cubes, spheres, rings ...) •magic fill (Allows to fill color-ranges) •new windows for koordinates, paint-modes and background-shifting •better wacom-support (also ArtPad) •Painting with Background-Pictures, which are smaller and can be positioned (also in lighttable) •Prefs-Printer-Driver •Bug fixes in JPEG-Saver, XiMulti-Loader, Color-requester, Cycle-Requester, •Diverse paint functions including colour, contrast and saturation adjustment. •Mask, outline, recolour and fill functions. •Airbrush with adjustable spray functions. •Light-table function for manipulating mantages and animations. •Text functions with anti-aliasing using Compugraphic fonts. •Support for a variety of graphic formats. •Unlimited Undo. •Diverse manipulation of alpha channel. •Supports many graphic cards. •Layers to combine different projects. •ARexx port. •Drag & Drop colours. •External filter module. •Extensive documentation. •60 textures, 50 landscapes, 30 other pictures and many fonts included.

System requirements: Kickstart 2.0 or higher, 2 MB RAM. Hard disk, additional memory and graphic card recommended.
      X-RAY CD 1 - FF 137 - � 13.7 - DM 40
Un nouveau CD d�di� � la 3D, avec cette fois �i au programme: 130 objets Imagine, 140 objets Lightwave, 380 textures, 40 backdrops, 100 fontes Postscript. Tout fonctionne � partir du Cd, pas d’installation requise, ni assignations, documentation anglaise avec previews au format Amigaguide.


      PHOTO MODEL FILE (CD X) - FF 199 - � 19.9 - DM 57
Voici la suite du CD Sex Model File: Toujours de tr�s tr�s belles filles � regarder dans de superbes vid�o clips. STRICTEMENT RESERVE AUX ADULTES.
Fonctionne uniquement sur CD32 avec une carte FMV.
      PLAYBOY MASSAGE (CD X) - FF 199 - � 19.9 - DM 57
Un superbe CD �rotique vous montrant les secrets des massages intimes. STRICTEMENT RESERVE AUX ADULTES.
Fonctionne uniquement sur CD32 avec une carte FMV.
      SEX MODEL FILE (CD X) - FF 199 - � 19.9 - DM 57
Ce CD est en fait un Vid�o CD. Vous pourrez y voir douze clips vid�o de tr�s jolies jeunes femmes, dans le plus pur style de PlayBoy. STRICTEMENT RESERVE AUX ADULTES
Fonctionne uniquement sur CD32 avec une carte FMV.
        Joypad Honeybee Competition Pro pour CD32/A1200

Lecteurs CD SCSI Externes
Panasonic 8X
Pioneer/Toshiba 12X
Pioneer/Toshiba 14X

Lecteurs amovibles externes
SyQuest 230 Mo EZ Flyer + cartouche
Syquest 1.3 Go Syjet
Iomega Jaz 1 Go
Cartouche 230 Mo
Cartouche 1 Go
Cartouche 1.3 Go
CD 74 mn Vierge

199 F

1354 F
1499 F
1933 F

2100 F
3800 F
2900 F
240 F
750 F
750 F
50 F

      DIRECTORY OPUS 5 MAGELLAN - FF 490 - � 49 - DM 140
      The Magellan version is not just a simple upgrade but the product of 12 months of intensive development of many components of the Opus 5 system and enthusiastic testing by our beta testers. This version gives you many new features with superior useability especially in Workbench Replacement Mode(tm) with greater control over icons, actions on and with icons, plus many new features such as Start Menus, extra popup sticky menus and new background images to name but a few.

After extensive testing we have also improved the compatibility with Workbench and other Amiga programs with in-built support for the NewIcons system, better Cybergraphics support, faster icon layout, dragging and display routines and so on. A rewritten OpusFTP module complements these changes and not only gives you up to five times faster access to the Internet but now has a full GUI for the Address Book and operational parameters.

New features include: •Enhanced Lister functionality including:-
•Command functions can now act on icon mode listers; •New popup menus; •Optional Space Gauge showing free space on drives •Inline Editing for Name mode listers
•Enhanced Opus FTP including:
•New GUI Address book •New GUI for configuration system •Up to 5 times faster access with less memory usage •Individual directory cache exclusive to each FTP Lister •Optional idle timer •Auto index download for AmiNet index files.
•A new integrated system of Start Menus. •New Desktop Folder mechanism:
Drag and drop items to the desktop with the support of optional popup menus •New Icon Positioning system:
Configure areas where icons will appear and their priority. •Global control of icon labels and icon borders. •Direct byte-for-byte copy of icons. •Icon label splitting for long labels. •New Icon Command function for special "command" files. •New Icon Information requester with extensive popup options. •Faster icon dragging routines. •Use traditional Workbench icon positions for icons or exclusive Opus positioning. •New Popup menus with shadow look. •New Environment GUIs for greater control over Opus configurations. •Cybergraphics support for dragging icons and general display speed with full 24 bit backdrops. •Integrated NewIcons support not just for icons but for all system images including graphic button banks. •Improved compatibility with MUI, DataTypes, MCP and a number of other programs. •New environment variables to allow you to customise Opus functionality even more. •Rewritten Text Viewer for faster access and better scrolling especially on Cybergraphics screens.

•New Filetypes including ability to match on disks. •New Scripts system of disk inserted/disk notification gives control over new disks or newly mounted remote file systems. •New Command Functions plus enhanced Argument Variables.

•Buttons/Images: Full NewIcon image support plus more support for image and animation file formats including DPaintV/PPaint AnimBrushes. •Groups: Can now contain icon-less items plus you may now add left-out commands to groups. •New ARexx commands. •More than 40 new callback hooks for easier user programming of Opus
      BURN IT - FF 695 - � 69.5 - DM 199
Pour graver vos CD ROM sur Amiga, voici BURN IT... Un logiciel de gravure tr�s simple d’emploi qui fonctionne sur Amiga 1200 avec 4 m�gas de m�moire au minimum et une interface SCSI (blizzard conseill�e). Vous pourrez graver des CD Iso, Audio etc... de fa�on tr�s efficace. Les graveurs support�s par Burn It sont: Philips 521, CDD2000, CDD2600, Hightech CDR2000, Kodak PCD 225, PCD 600, HP Superstore 4020i, 6020i, Plasmon RF4100, CDR4220, Ricoh RS1420C, RO1420, Mitsumo CD2401TS, Plextor RXR24X, Yamaha CDR100, 102, 200, 400, Sony CDU920S, 924S, 940S.
T�l�charger la d�mo de Burn It
      CD RECORDER + BURN IT - FF 3490 - � 349 - DM 998
Phoenix DP vous propose une configuration �prouv�e sur Amiga: le logiciel de gravure Burn It + un graveur CD SCSI RICOH RO 1420 (4X/2X - chargement par caddy, 2 m�gas de m�moire cache) ou un graveur Philips CDD 2600 (6X/2X - chargement par tiroir, 1 m�ga de m�moire cache), en boitier externe auto-aliment�,et cable SCSI 25/50.
        SMD-100 + 4 FREE VIDEOCD - FF 1690 - � 169 - DM 483
The SMD-100 is the new VideoCD and MPEG-1 decoder from HiSoft Systems. Once connected to a SCSI CD-ROM, the SMD-100 will produce high quality, full-motion video when plugged into any television or suitable monitor.
Controlling the SMD-100 is child's play using the compact infra-red remote control (included) to provide all the standard playback functions such as play, pause, slow motion, fast-forward and rewind plus power standby and CD-eject.
The SMD-100 is compatible with any VideoCD title, CDi Movie or Karaoke CD; choose from the thousands of titles available.
The SMD-100 is perfect for home entertainment using an existing SCSI CD-ROM or for use in Multimedia/Kiosk environments. We welcome trade enquiries for such projects.
Now with 4 VideoCDs at a new, low price!
      TERMITE TCP V 1.20 - FF 340 - � 34 - DM 98
TermiteTCP is the first Internet connection for the Amiga that is easy to configure and use. It's so easy that even a first time telecommunicator will be cruising the Internet in minutes. With an Internet PPP account and a few mouse clicks you'll be free to explore the world of information that is the Internet.
Download the demo version of TermiteTCP
      MIAMI V 2.X - FF 350 - � 35 - DM 100
Now available the registered version of Miami 2 .The ultimate connection program for Amiga computers.

Download the demo version of MIAMI 2

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