The disk magazine of the Official OctaMED Users Group

Lovingly know by group members as


TI is aimed at everyone who has an interest in OctaMED or simply music of the Amiga. It includes a balanced content of articles, reviews, tutorials and modules and tries to be entertaining as well as informative.

A new issue of TI is released as soon as it is ready. It's as simple as that. TI used to have specific release dates but it caused major problems when we simply couldn't stick to them. As a member of the MUG, you are guaranted to get new issues of TI as soon as they are released so you don't really have to worry about it, each issue of your subscription will be sent automatically. On average, a new issue appears every 6-8 weeks.

If you would like a brief history of TI, as well as the group as a whole, please click here .

Please note that TI is NOT Public Domain but you can copy it for, say a friend or whoever. The main point to remember is that you can not charge a single penny for providing copies of TI to others (not even for the disk). The reasoning behind this is simply because it protects the hard work of the contributors to the magazine from being exploited.

By the way, any questions regarding TI itself should be sent directly to the groups Swindon address at this time, but this is liable to alter in the future.

TI Contact Addresses
  • Contact Info
  • OctaMED Home Page

    This page is maintained by Ray, (publisher), at the UK OctaMED site and if you have any questions you can e-mail him on:
