Richard 'Barney' Bannister

Ahhhhhhh! I hate writing about myself. Basically the whole MED Users Group is mostly my fault. It started as a little glint in the back of my monitor in December 1992 and well, here we are now as quite a professional (ha ha) outfit but I won't go over the history of MUG here...

I'm currently sitting at my poor and humble desk and typing a few selected words into my A1200 which I just about managed to scrape enough money together for in November 1993. At the moment I'm what you could class as being a student and I have the typical stereotype problem that being a student, I have no money whatsoever. I play the Saxophone and keyboards but can put my hand to most instruments when pushed.

I'm currently in a band in which I play keyboards but it's not in any way serious and we all "play for our own amazement"!

My association with MED started with it's original release back in '89(?) and I soon realised that there were a lot of people out there that used the program and simply kept their modules to themselves... "What's the point in that?" I asked myself.... quite a valid one if they're as bad as mine some might say.

My mods tend to be rather vague as I never concentrate on something for two long but hopefully that's just a phase I'm going through, (quite a long phase however). I tend to just "play it by ear" when writing mods. In my book (to re-coin a phrase) "Nothing is write or wrong, there is only opinion". Anyway, there you go. I'm not telling you any more than that. You'll have to wait until I sell the whole story to the papers...