Modspot is a regular feature in TI in which your musical submissions are analysed and commented upon. Please note that ModSpot is NOT INTERESTED in receiving any random, 'unsolicited' PD modules for review (although we welcome these for our PD modules column, see submissions for more details). Modspot is a section of TI specifically aimed at COMPOSERS, and, while we're on this subject, please try and ensure that you put your name somewhere on your module, letters sometimes get lost, and anyway, we can never understand the mentality of people who spend hours over a module and then don't even credit themselves on it????

Modspot reviews are split into two categories:-


We feel that there are entirely different skills/talents involved in both styles, therefore, to judge them on the same plain would be totally unfair. With ORIGINAL Compositions we take more notice of the tune, song arrangement etc. rather than the technical use of OctaMED, whereas, in Cover Versions, the exact opposite will apply. At the end of each review each module receives a mark from 0% - 100%

* These marks serve two purposes:-

    FIRSTLY (and most obviously) they will set a standard for you (the reader) to try and attain. For instance; if 'T. Bloggs' consistantly gets high marks for his modules, then his reputation will grow and readers will start requesting his mods from our library. Readers who receive high marks in ModSpot frequently find their modules featured on MUG disks.

    SECONDLY, any mods that attain a mark of 80%+ (no easy task) will qualify as a 'Modspot Hotshot' (tacky aren't we!) these mods, as well as being available individually from our library, will also feature in Hotshot compilations (which we are still to compile!) The idea of this is to highlight the cream of the crop from, and to, all our readers. We also have a special section in Modspot called the 'Grim Bin'. In here we deposit any modules that receive a mark of 30% or under, and these will also be compiled and released intermittently. (Confidence boosters for beginners?)


Although it will not be feasible to review every mod we receive, all submissions will be listened to and added to our module lists. If you MUST send crunched mods, then, unless they've been done with "POWERPACKER" they simply WON'T get reviewed. OK? We just havn't got the TIME to try and find some mega obscure packing program off a 1986 cover disk! Generally, we ask you to send UNCRUNCHED stuff. Finally, as with all other items in TI, your comments, suggestions (and insults!!!) are fully appreciated.