Bjorn Lynne


Bjorn Lynne, earlier known as "Dr.Awesome/Crusaders" (1988-present)and also known as editor of AM/FM disk magazine (1991-1994) is now afull-time professional musician, with 3 CD's released, and a new CDcoming up in the spring of 1996.

As a special offer to purchasers of the MIDICraft Disk Magazine, (available from SeaSoft Computing on 01903 850378), he has agreed to give away completely *FREE* 60-minute tapes with various songs from his CD's, plus 2 previously unreleased songs from his forthcoming CD "Witchwood"

The *free* 60 minute tape from Bjorn Lynne contains the followingtracks:

Details give Track number, Year released and title of CD:

All Life is One (1) 1995 Dreamstate

The Faery Woods 1996 Witchwood (not yet released)

Progress 1995 Dreamstate

A Secret Place 1994 Montage

Time & Growth 1995 Dreamstate

Dimminuendo 1992 Hobbits & Spaceships

Tell Tale Signs 1996 Witchwood (not yet released)

A New Age 1992 Hobbits & Spaceships

The Cycle 1995 Dreamstate

Montage 1994 Montage

All Life is One (2) 1995 Dreamstate

Here's how to get your *free* tape with all the above music:

If you're in UK: Send 2 first-class stamps to the address below.

If you're in Europe: Send 2 IRC's (International Reply Coupons) tothe address below.

If you're outside Europe: Send 3 IRC's (International Reply Coupons)to the below address.

If you don't know what an International Reply Coupon is: These are sort of "international stamps" that they sell at all post-offices allover the world. They cost approx. 0,50 each. You buy them at yourlocal post-office and send them to Bjorn at his address below. Hewill be able to use them at his post-office to pay for the sending ofthe free tape.

When you send for the free tape, don't forget to include yourfull name and address, so Bjorn knows where to send the tape!

Here are all of Bjorn's contact details:

Bjorn Lynne

33, Hollin LaneCalder GroveWest Yorks. WF4 3DGENGLAND

Phone (daytime): +44 (0)1924 267 776Fax: +44 (0)1924 267 658Email:

Internet World Wide Web page:
  • Bjorn

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