AmigaSoc UK

AmigaSoc UK features writer Chris Livermore is currently writing a series of tutorials on NetBSD which will appear in the current and future versions of Amiga Format. Many of the files mentioned in these pages will also appear on Amiga Formats cover mounted CD-ROM.
Although this NetBSD section is complete in itself, you will find it even more useful when used in conjunction with the articles appearing in Amiga Format.
Currently the following NetBSD documents are available to make installing and using NetBSD easier.

What is NetBSD - A brief introduction to NetBSD and other Unix variants available on the Amiga.
Supported Hardware - An up-to-date list of which hardware is and is not supported by NetBSD.
NetBSD resources - The definitive list of where to download NetBSD from, other NetBSD pages, Newsgroups and Mailing Lists.
Installing NetBSD - A step by step guide to installing NetBSD on your Amiga.
Useful Commands - A guide to some of the more useful Unix commands. What they do and how to use them
Getting to grips with vi - The standard unix text editor can be a bit tricky to use. This guide aims to make it easier to use.
Customising NetBSD - A step by step guide to configuring the basic NetBSD installation to suit your needs
Installing X Windows - A step by step guide to installing the X server and Window Manager.
101 Applications - A step by step guide to installing numerous applications uner NetBSD.
Window Managers - An on-line guide to compliment the article in Amiga Format
Shells - An on-line guide to compliment the article in Amiga Format