
HOFPoints is a utility for competitors of the Amiga HOF
(Hall�of�Fame),�that�calculates and displays points, which you reach.

In first line is track info. There is track number, track
name�and�length�of�track in metres. On the next line is best time done
in�the�HOF�(track�record), your best time, your points and
time�difference�between�record and�your time. In next line is number called
"need�points". I�must�explain this.�When I want to be placed to 10th place
(for�example), you�can�see in the�last HOF results that on 10th place has
someone�224 points.�then you need at least 224 points to be placed on 10th.
   I spent much time on looking for best method for calculating need points
for every track. But I found it and it works well. There is calculation:

                                 /   Px                      \
need points for track = points + |  ---- * (need points-SUM) |
                                 \    S                      /

        where   points.....your current track points
                Px.........( 1 - (points/20) )
                S..........Suma of P1 to P16
  From these need points for tracks are calculated time�which you�need for�
this number�of points and time difference between needed�time and�your time.
In the next�row is points difference between needed�points and�your current
number of�points (your score) and the total number�of points�that you get in
the HOF�(but only if record stay unchanged). In last line are positions on
tracks and position in HOF in all.
    Your times and score can be printed on printer too.

      This program is available from me, newest version
is�posted�to�all�members of HOF by E-mail from Edo Nijmeijer(Thanks for help
to�Edo)�or�at�Oliver Roberts web pages:

         (Amiga Formula One pages where you found many important
          informations an many useful programs)

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