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                           LOAD AN F1GP SAVED GAME


This option allows you to load in an F1GP saved game file.  You can load in
any type of F1GP saved game files.  These are either 3570 or 32852 bytes in
length.  This option and Exit will be the only two highlighted when you
first load in the program.

What you will see

Once you have selected this option, a file requester will appear with a
column of buttons to the right, and a list of files to the left in a black


The File Requester will have the following buttons:-


Clicking on this will display a list of all inserted disks, and assigns made
in the black window to the left of the button bank.


Clicking on this will display a list of all connected drives, as will as
mounted drives in the black window to the left of the button bank.


Clicking on this will take you to the previous directory on the currently
scanned disk.


Clicking on this will abort the operation.


Clicking on this will load in the selected file.

Get Dir

Clicking on this will reload the current directory that you are looking at.

You can select the filename by clicking on it in the black window to the

Converted on 21 Oct 1997 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.