HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.1 (19th October 1997) (151,908 bytes) · Added option to edit Standard Options from F1GP-SaveEd · Car Setups can now be edited from the program. · Race Details can now be editted. · Edit Driver Data and Edit Season Data sections partially rewritten to be made slightly faster. · New options added to the Edit Season Data section. You can now set what the next race is going to be. Also, you can add non-finished drivers to the result, and you can remove drivers from the result. · All types of F1GP Save files can now be loaded and edited. · Engine names can now be nothing (such as Ferrari). · File requesters now has the last selected file as the default filename, instead of it just being blank. · The program will use the current Workbench Palette. BUG FIXES · Program would freeze if any of the function keys were pressed on any screen except the main menu. This is now fixed. · In the Edit Driver Data section, the list wouldn't clear when the Up and Down buttons were used, so you were left with two lists super-imposed onto one. This has been fixed. · Driver 40 wouldn't be highlighted as a human driver even if they were in the saved game. · The Depth Gadgets now work on all screens. · Human players weren't being saved correctly to disk. This was a pretty bad bug, which has now been fixed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V1.0 (14th June 1997) (117,684 bytes) · The original version of the program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------