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Here is a list of things I strive to have put into the next version of

� Localise the program - This shouldn't be too difficult to do.  The only
                         tricky thing is writing the catalogs...

� Convert Save Games   - I want to be able to convert mid-race save games
                         to end-of-race save games.  This is quite easy,
                         and so should be in the next version of

� Select Wet/Dry Race  - Somewhere in the save game is a variable which
                         determines whether the session is wet or dry.
                         As soon as I find it, this function will be

� F1GP-style GUI       - I will try to get the program looking as much as
                         like F1GP as possible.  Pictures can also be
                         displayed in the background.

If you can think of other ways of improving F1GP-SaveEd, then don't hesitate
to write to me and suggest it.  You can find my address in the
About�The�Author section of the program.

Converted on 21 Oct 1997 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.