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                               EDIT RACE DATA


This option allows you to edit certain in-race details, such as laptimes,
the  amount of qualifying tyres used, and the session types.

What you will see

The upper-left box displays the laptime and tyre details of every driver.
The box immediately below this displays the race details.  The button box in
the upper-right area of the screen allows you to manipulate the driver


The information can be editted as follows:-

 Driver Details

Clicking on the < and > buttons will scroll through the different drivers.

 Edit Laptime

This option will allow you to enter a new laptime for the currently selected
driver.  It must be entered in the mm:ss.sss format (i.e.  1:26.819),
otherwise the time won't be allowed.  Pressing Return without typing
anything will cancel it.

 Edit Tyres Used

This option will allow you to change the amount of qualifying tyres used by
the driver.  Usually, you can't use more than 4 sets, but a cheat installed
by F1GP-Ed will allow you to use more, hence the option to enter upto 9 sets
used.  Simply type in the number of tyres used (between 0 and 9), and press
Return.  Pressing Return without entering anything will cancel this option.

 Race Details

 Session Type

Clicking on this button will allow you to cycle through the different
available sessions.

 Race Type

This option allows you to select whether the race is part of a championship
season, or just a non-championship race.

Converted on 21 Oct 1997 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.