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                               EDIT CAR SETUPS


This option will allow you to edit the Qualifying and Race Car Setups for
every track.  Everything from Wing settings to Gear Ratios can be altered.

What you will see

A window on the left-hand side of the screen displays a list of every track
on the calander.  Below this is a row of buttons.  To the right of this is
the main window which holds slider bars to adjust Front and Rear Wing
settings, Brake Balance, Tyre Compound and the Gear Ratios.


You can highlight a track by clicking on it's name using the left

Slider bars can be moved by dragging the black blob in the bar to the
required value.  Clicking either side of the blob in the bar, will move the
blob one value to the left or right respectively.

You can change the following settings:-

Front Wing

Use this slider bar to adjust the Front Wing setting.  The range is from

Rear Wing

Use this slider bar to adjust the Rear Wing setting.  The range is from

Brake Balance

Use this slider bar to adjust the Brake Balance setting.  The range is from
-32 - 32.

Tyre Compound

Clicking on this will cycle through all the possible tyre settings.

Gear Ratios

USe these sliders to adjust the Gear Ratios of the car.  Please note that
gear ratio values can't be smaller than the previous gear, or larger than
the following gear.  The range is from 18 to 80

Qualify/Race Setup

Clicking on this button will cycle though either Qualifying or Race Setup

Main Menu

Clicking on this will return you to the Main Menu.

Converted on 21 Oct 1997 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.