How to send your results

(V1.3.2 - 8 November 1997)

Results are automatically processed, so you should e-mail your results to Markus using the following templates and guidelines depending on what you are sending.

Changes since v1.3.1: Changes since v1.3:

The SUBJECT line

The 'Subject' of your result mails indicate to me and my mail-client for which round of the championship you send me a result. For the first round (USA) the beginning of the subject line must read:


(Please: 'F1RESULT' and not 'F1 RESULT' or 'F 1 RESULT')
If you submit a result for Brazil (2nd round of the championship), the 'R1' would be replaced by a 'R2' and so on. For the pre-season races, the suffixes are 'PRE1' and 'PRE2'.

Then you add a character to this text to indicate if it's a qualifying or a race result. That means that


stands for your qualifying result at Phoenix, while


stands for your race result. The mail with the race files (logfile, replay, description) must be named


All this helps me to keep track of the mails and enables me to publish the result earlier than I normally could. So please stick to this pattern, it reduces the time you have to wait for the result!

The TEXT part


Send me your result with these lines:

Series: (the championship you compete in, ACE or SEMI-PRO)
Round: (round of the championship, i.e. 1-16)
Name: (your name)
Team: (your team name)
Qualify: (the time you achieved, for example: 1:21.098)


Here you have to send me two E-Mails. The first one contains the basic data of your race and is similar to the one you use for qualifying:

1st e-mail: The result
Send me your result with these lines:
Series: (the championship you compete in, ACE or SEMI-PRO)
Round: (round of the championship)
Name: (your name)
Team: (your team name)
Race: (the time of your race, for example: 1h23m45.678)
FastestLap: (your fastest lap of the race, for example: 1:22.333)

Please stick to the formats for race/qualifying times that I used here:

Qualifying time/Fastest Lap:                                     0:00.000

Race time:
 - finished in the same lap as the leader of your race:        0h00m00.000
 - lapped during your race 4 times but saw the chequered flag:   -4 laps
 - retired in lap 20 (completed 19 laps):                        19 laps

2nd e-mail: Race description, logfile, replays
The second e-mail contains some material to illustrate what happened during your race.

This material should include

That makes some three files you wish to send me. Please give these files proper names:


(XX should be replaced by your driver no. that you'll get at the start of the season)

You can then archive the files with LZX (preferred) or LHArc. Please name the archive

DATA_A_XX.lzx (or .lha)

if you compete in the ACE series, or

DATA_SP_XX.lzx (or .lha)

if you compete in the SEMI-PRO series.

In both cases 'XX' is again your driver number.

If your mailing software supports MIME, simply attach this archive to the mail. If you don't have a MIME-capable mailer, you have to use a UUEncode programme - look into Aminet's util/arc directory to find one of those.

Send all the E-Mails to:

Last modified: Saturday 15 November 1997 - 11:31