Languages drawSTUDIO

This page contains extra language files which can be used with drawSTUDIO v1.1.0 and above. English and German language translations are provided as standard with the package.

No guarantee is given as to the quality of the translations. Please submit any suggestions or corrections directly to the authors (addresses in the language file, where appropriate).


All the text for the drawSTUDIO program is located in the file called "language.msg" which is found in the same directory as the drawSTUDIO program. You are free to translate this file into your own language if you wish, instructions for doing this can be downloaded to aid you in the translation. (2K)


Many thanks to Stefano Guarnieri for providing this Italian language translation for drawSTUDIO. (11K)


Many thanks to Jari Pakarinen for providing this Finnish language translation for drawSTUDIO. (11K)


Many thanks to Marcin Oriowski for providing this Polish language translation for drawSTUDIO. (11K)

If you have translated the drawSTUDIO "language.msg" file for your own language, and would like to make the file freely available to other drawSTUDIO users, please EMail me and I'll add the file to our Web site.

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