September 10 - We received votes from CU Amiga's reprint of the wishlist for users without Internet access. More than 500 Amiga users voted, adding to some final changes to the wishlist standings.
There are now three lists:
1. votes - acquired through the web site.
2. CU Amiga - from the magazine
3. Total - combined votes, creating the final wishlist.

August 19 - Conversion wishlist is now being closed. We will only add votes from the CU Amiga's printed copy of our wishlist for non-Internet users, and that will decide the final standings.
In the meantime, we would like to thank everyone who participated. Thanks to your input it is much more clear to us what you, the Amiga user would like to play. Naturally, we will also use this list as our reference for future conversions.

And last, but certainly not least, is the announcement of our wishlist 2. "What the hell is that?", you may ask. During this time we have realized several important things that could have been added in order to make this list more precise and well defined. Therefore, we will take some time to prepare a new conversion wishlist voting area in which you will be required to answer more questions, like:"Have you heard about this game? Have you played it?" , etc. That will give us a much more precise view. Naturally, if you have any ideas on how to improve wishlist 2, please let us know.

July 26 - Added Postal, an interesting game, to say the least. Quake is closing on Monkey Island, so is Settlers 2 on Diablo. NHL makes the biggest jump, Putty squad gets no votes at all.

July 15 - There are no major changes among top 20 - Quake is closing on Monkey Island 3, as is Grand Prix 2 on Civilization 2. At the bottom half of the list, Screamer 2 and MDK have been making a steady progress in a past couple of weeks.

TFX will soon be removed from the list, as the full game will be appearing on the October CU Amiga's cover CD, free with a magazine! TFX is currently occupying 18th spot - congratulations going to CU Amiga.

So, TFX will be joining Myst as another game making an Amiga appearance, afterall. Two down, 10-15 more to go. :)

June 5 - Some games that were doing badly have been removed from the list. Therefore, we don't recommend you request them.

1. Hexen (replaced with Heroes of Might and Magic 2)
2. Heretic
3. Cyberia
4. Terminal Velocity

May 15 - Response to our wish list is unbelievable! The first day after the press release we received almost 1500 submissions! That is 1500 active Amiga users in one day, on Internet, voting for the future of the Amiga!

This really is great news. Not only does it show our idea was good, it will also tremendously help us for future projects.

While Red Alert, Quake and Monkey Island 3 are the most popular at the moment, the final score is still some time away. We will wait for the Amiga magazines to print this news, so that users without web access can vote, as well. The more votes we receive the more precise results will be.