AmigaSoc UK
Home Page

"Only AmigaSoc Makes It Possible!"
This site is sponsored by IMMStudios

Hello and welcome to AmigaSoc UK's web site. We're hoping that we've put together a fantastic collection of things for you to look at and participate in. We've got reviews of top-notch Amiga software, interesting articles by notable people in the Amiga community, and plenty more to come. Stay tuned to this site as we have more goodies on the way!

We don't normally like to boast, but what's the point in winning an award if you don't put it on display....

For those of you that are interested, this page was put together using DrawStudio 1.1.1, Photogenics 1.2a, Imagine 4.0, Real 3D 1.4, ImageStudio V2.3.0 (registered), Personal Paint 6.4, Colour Coordinator V1.0, and Bounder V1.0.

All material, both graphical and textual, on this site is copyright AmigaSoc UK and cannot not be used elsewhere without our consent. The opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily those of IMM Studios.