-Uropa� Prices-

Uropa� is shareware. The game is restricted is some ways and if you pay the fee those restrictions are lifted.

The following prices apply:-

(To convert to Uk pounds, it's abpout 75% of the US Dollor price, ie. Getting the Keyfile via EMail, paying in cash is about �19)

Keyfile via e-mail

CashAUS$30 (US$25)
Postal Money OrderAUS$30 (US$25)
Direct debitAUS$30 (US$25)
Foreign CheckAUS$40 (US$32)

Keyfile via mail

CashAUS$40 (US$32)
Postal Money OrderAUS$40 (US$32)
Direct debitAUS$40 (US$32)
Foreign CheckAUS$50 (US$40)

Full version via mail

CashAUS$45 (US$36)
Postal Money OrderAUS$45 (US$36)
Direct debitAUS$45 (US$36)
Foreign CheckAUS$55 (US$44)

Direct Debit to:
Name: Austex Software
Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Code: 064834
Account: 1009-9225
Note: - Make sure all charges are paid at your end.
- Please enter your name or email on the transfer form.

The full version (minus keyfile) will be freely available, so you can save some money by obtaining the game from such sites as the Austex Web Site, Aminet or a local BBS.

Mail your order to:

P.O. BOX 48
Queensland 4817

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