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Amiga Nutta Editorial - 06th August '97

Hi there,

Nothing much new this week, lucky really as I have been busy sorting out the Amiga Nutta expansion. I have decided to make a magazine version of the Amiga Nutta page that will be distribruted via Aminet and BBS's. Of course, the online version will still be here.

The magazine will still be in HTML and will be release bi-weekly. It will contain all of the previous two weeks worth of news that has been on the Amiga Nutta webpage as well as a few other things. This will allow people who don't have access to WWW and even those that don't have access to the Internet to access the latest Amiga games news.

As well as this I have been giving the site a bit of a re-design. Things are not quite finished yet. If there is anyone out there who thinks they can help with the site (Rendered logos are particully welcome) then give me a shout.

Whats new this week? Well, I have some updated information on Foundation as well as some more solid information about Championship Manager 2. There is also some sad news regarding Mediasoft, it would seem them have stopped all development of the Amiga magazines. :(

Anyway, keep on reading and don't forget to fill in the survey if you haven't already done so..

Bye for now,

David Flaherty (Amiga Nutta)

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