How to setup Doom on Amiga (and other problems...)         [1.1] [31/12/1997]

Here are some frequently asked questions and their corresponding answers.
Please read this text carefully before you are going to bug me. If you still
have problems after reading this, you are allowed to get on my nerves :)
Whenever you tell me your problems, please state the version of Amiga Doom
you are using first! You can check the version by using the usual version
command of AmigaDOS. Thank you!

Ok, let's start...

Q: What do I need to run Doom on Amiga?

A: First of all you need the executable file, which you can download on (e.g. amigadoom-1.10-#?.lzx). Next thing
   you should do after unpacking the archive is to read the readme file.

   For successful execution of Doom you'll need to have ixemul library
   installed, you can get it from the home page too or from the main
   distribution archive on, change to the directory
   /pub/geekgadgets/current/amiga-bin/ the current version is 47.2.

   You will also need to have lowlevel.library installed (>0.3�)!

   Now you have the basic setup. You should be able to play Doom in a
   window on the public screen you can specify with -pubscreen <name>.

   If you want to play the game on a custom screen, you should download
   the RtgMaster user archive from either the Amiga Doom home page or
   Aminet. The current version is 27.0. Use the installer to install
   the software.

Q: When loading up Doom, there are some textures missing, why is that?

A: You are probably using an old version (<0.3�) which has still the major
   bug. Get the new one from the home page.

Q: When I start Doom, it crashes right after Init Refresh Daemon, why?

A: The version upto 0.3� does only support machines which have FPU installed.
   You should get the newer release, which has both versions included, the
   FPU and non-FPU version. (I should better check if FPU is present and
   abort the execution if it fails...)

Q: How can I use the gamma correction to brighten up the display?

A: First check if you have the latest version (>0.3�). Since Amiga does not
   have F11 key, this key is bound to the DEL and HELP key.
   (I noticed that the Linux sources don't support gamma correction at all!)

Q: Why can't I switch between low and high detail level?

A: Because this feature is disabled. The Linux sources don't support
   switching detail level, I will try to get it working on Amiga.

Q: How can I speed up the game on 68060?

A: You can install OxyPatcher to speed up FPU calculation!

Q: Can I use Doom II WAD files with Amiga Doom?

A: Although I have not tested this myself, I have reports that this will
   work! You have to check it out.

Q: When I am using the registered WAD, it is loading very slow!

A: You should increase disk buffers with AddBuffers <drive> <buffers>!

Q: Is it possible to load custom WAD files?

A: Yes. Use the option -file <name> to add it to the file list. However,
   there are not all custom WADs working, you should try to get Doom I
   WADs only as Doom II custom WADs don't seem to work.

Q: How can I play Doom on the Internet?

A: This is very experimental! I have tested this with Quetzal and basically
   it does work. However, it's not well optimized for Internet, it always
   sends tons of information. I have to figure out some way to reduce the
   network traffic. Maybe the option -dup <ticks> will help.

Q: I can't hear any sound, how can I turn it on?

A: Actually, there is sound support, but it is not working at the moment.
   To get the feeling of it, you can turn it on by removing the option
   -nosound, but don't be surprised if it sounds strange! I am still
   working on it...

Q: I want to play Doom in a window on a public screen. How do I do that?

A: You can use the -pubscreen <name> option for this purpose. But you must
   be sure that the public screen is >= 8 bit depth (>= 256 colors). If
   this is not the case, you will have some problems with the colors.

Q: Why does the mouse pointer appear on the custom screen?
Q: Why can't I use the window close gadget to quit the game?

A: I have fixed this in version 0.4�.

Q: Will there be Joystick and Mouse support in future releases?

A: Yes. Get the latest version (>0.3�)!

Q: I can't resize the window on the public screen?

A: That's correct. It would need some processor power to scale the window
   to the user defined window size. Without graphic card it would be a pain.

Q: When I quit the game, the custom screen is black and doesn't close!

A: That's something special: if you use CyberGraphX system and you have not
   correctly installed RtgMaster, it could be possible that you have copied
   the rtgP96.library to the libs:rtgc2p/ directory. If this is the case,
   delete that library and try again. Now it should work. The problem is
   that rtgP96.library can use double buffering and can emulate CyberGraphX
   software. The rtgCGX.library can't use double buffering. If you select
   the Picasso 96 screen mode (in CGX emulated mode) it wants to use
   double buffering and the message port is used for that. When closing
   the screen, it wants to wait for the messages to finish and it hangs
   on CyberGraphX systems. So don't use this rtgP96.library if you do not
   really have a Picasso 96 graphic card!

Q: Will your Amiga Doom port become Shareware?

A: I don't think so. I started to port Doom because I wanted to see how fast
   it runs on my CyberGraphX Workbench. And then I released the port to let
   other users have some fun with it, too! You see, since I released that
   thingy, I have got mails and chats on IRC, it's just fun! There's finally
   something going on! :)
   Of course, if you want to give me something for the time I have spent with
   porting Doom, you can do this. It's up to you! Friendship rules!

Q: Where can I get the latest Amiga Doom releases?

A: You can get all the required files directly off the Amiga Doom home page.
   Check out now!

Where can I get WAD files from?

Official ID Software Home Page

DOOM WADS - The Ultimate Collection

Doom Themes Pages