======================================================================== FIRST THE POSITIVE COMMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Per Samuelsson writes: I just want to tell you that your adoom work fine on my a1200 with 060 64 mhz (AGA). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^_^ (Tm2) writes: ADoom is excellent!!!!!!!!!!! It runs very reasonably on my 030-50MHz with 8MB RAM. Please continue your efforts, as they are most appreciated. [...] I'm enjoying your ADoom port more every day! It's one slick piece of work! [...] Again, thanks a lot for the port! I have had really a lot of fun on my Ami thanks to your efforts. It won't be forgotten! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Benjamin YORIS writes: By reducing a bit the screen size (2 times from the maxsize) the result is very impressive on my Apollo 1240/40 Mhz NTSC. Congratulations !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Simon Kempster" Very impresive, for such a short period of time. :) I've checked out the other ports that I could find, and yours is definitely the best so far. Now, if you could just get the speed up a bit... [...] My machine is A1200 + Blizzard 1260 + 16Mb Fast RAM. Standard AGA, no graphics card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dominique Harelle writes: I download you version of Doom yesterday and think that it's great. I have been trying to setup AmiDoom but have trouble with getting the sound to work properly, small screen corruption and the game freezing when you select a menu option. Your version doesn't display any of these problems, sound works without the need for AHI. The graphics look as they should on a 320x240x256 CGFX screen and it play very smoothly indeed. [...] Well done for a good game port and thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ David Wahlberg writes: I have tested ADOOM with the sharware wad.I have an A1200 with Blizzard 1230-IV and it works great!. Not fullscreen, but close. And with some Optimation for AGA and 020+, it would be even better. So i wish to thank you for bringing us this great game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lars Nelson writes: Thank you so much for ADoom. I would like to buy the Amiga Port when Networking support is finished. I used it on a low-res CyberGraphX screen, and it plays without a problem. I like it better than the one at www.pluk.com because yours has sound support, and did not crash. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gareth Murfin writes: This letter concerns Adoom. Firstly id like to tell you what you've done. You have brought the very finest the gaming world has to offer to Amiga, you have given us a PERFECT conversion of Doom, except this is better, it can Multitask. Whats more is that this early beta version runs like it is on a bloody p200, on my 060/50. yes it runs like a bloody dream! Its fast, Its Smooth and its down right impressive. To be honest I didnt think even an 060 was capable of this. But this has re-wrote the book on how good the Amiga is. With my 060 and AGA I can play this game which i thought was impossible. Yes for years Ive thought that games such as gloom are better, and indeed i still think that Gloom is unbeatable, but doom is pushing it very close. Pete, you're a god! ;).. [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -CFP writes hello and thanks for your work on the doom src. as for aga compatibility, it works fine on a4k 040/40 and there are no trouble when exiting the game. default adoom res is dblntsc lowres on my system and gfx speed is very fine. i just copied the wad from the macdoom demo i had on my shapeshifter partition. it complains about wrong version of the builtin demo but otherwise works fine for playing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "H.R. Laser" writes: Thanks for doing this port - I'm sure Amigoids all over the world are chanting your name in praise by now. It runs perfectly on my 40mhz 030 A1200. (Haven't tried it on my 060 yet because that machine is only ECS). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ mad@mail.cosmos.it (Guido Falsi) writes: Hello, I'm using adoom 0.2 and it's very good(on aga it's not very fast, but I'm sure that in a few days(when I'll have a CV3D ;-) it will go as fast as it goes on PCees ;-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexander Niven-Jenkins writes: All I can is excellent, it runs brilliantly on my 060 far better than AmiDoom, [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Niko Tomatsidis writes: This game is great, and it's so fast that you would not belive it:))) I got one big problem with this version. You got to use CTRL to fire, and since I got a PC (natural keyboard) the Caps lock is The CTRL key, and therefore it won't work, so I can't fire:(( can you please make ALT or Amiga the fire key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ben 'bean' Cass" writes: ADoom is bloody brilliant! It runs quite smooth at almost full screen on my AGA A4000/040 25MHz! I run NewWPA8 which may have something to do with the great speed but doesn't the latest SetPatch do the same thing?? You say there is not much Amiga specific code yet. Does that mean it could get even faster?!? At the moment it is running faster than Gloom! Ah well, it's great to have such a good game finally for free on Amiga! Keep the 040 optimisation BTW. You need it. I need it. It's good enough. ;) THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!!! At least Adoom works unlike some others. ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Jon Aslund" writes: I just want to send you a I-like-your-port-it's-better-than-the-others-letter. You have made a good job. Firstly, it works. Secondly, it's fast. I read that it had optimized c2p for 040 and I was very happy, because I have 040. I tried it and it was definitely faster than the others that I had tried. It took some time to figure that I had played the game WITHOUT 040 optimized c2p. I had to start without startup-sequence because of little memory and then the FPU wasn't recognized until I started setpatch. THEN it went FAST! :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ aTmosh@amiga.cistron.nl (Thomas Tavoly) writes: v0.2 exits with 8000.0003 here BTW, and the SHIFT key needs to be let go and re-pressed in order to be running again, seems killing monsters switches it off. Otheriwise it works great. Too bad the Heretic sources aren't available yet, it's the best of the 3D crop.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fabian Jimenez writes: Yeah, I got it and it works great. I will safely say that you have smoked the other version hands down. [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Georges Segel writes: Adoom 0.2 work very well on my AMIGA. I see you use SAS/C 6.58 so do-you think to do a version PPC Adoom with the SAS/C PPC update patch ? My config is: A4000/PPC604e/200MHz/060/50MHz with PICASSOII under CyberGraphX. If you want somebody to test a version PPC, I'm ready :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Jason Watson" writes: Just a short mail to say how impressed with v0.2 of ADoom I am. [...] Just for your reference my setup is:- A4000 40Mhz 040 Wb3.1 Ks3.1 2Mb Chip 24Mb Fast. Cybervision 64/3D 4Mb and Scandoubler using r69c CyberGfx3. I usually use a 320x200 8-bit CGfx display on ADoom but it also works very well on every standard screenmode I have tried so far. I have compared ADoom with the other amiga versions currently being distributed and so far yours has impressed me the most. For a start it is more functional. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Andrew Deacon writes: Congrats first version i've tried that works! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Steven Pearson" writes: WOW! ADoom is amazing =) I'm playing on a 030/50 No Fpu with AGA Any chance of any optimisation =) And sound REALLY made the difference! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ metrodj@swlink.net (Troy Bastin) writes: I have a 1200 with a 40Mhz 030 without a graphics card (yet). It doesn't run any slower than Gloom in full screen mode [...] Also wanted to tell you "Good job"---I don't know where we would be right now without people like you. Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CMM writes: ADoom is cool and you've done a good job. Both Dooms...yours and AmiDoom fly on my A3000T, 32MB, PicassoII & WarpEngine 040/40mhz. [...] Keep up the great work. The game flys on my machine and so does Amidoom. Id were assholes to even say that the Amiga couldn't run a game like this, because it runs better on my Amiga than I've ever seen it run on a PC! :) If either version were any faster they would be unplayable as they would be too fast! :) Anyway...great job! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Toby Zuijdveld writes: First I have to say... Well bloody done! The most playable DOOM port I have seen on my 020 yet! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CMM writes: ADoom is great and the other one is nice as well but you have outdone them with the sound and all. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henrik Mattsson writes: It's always fun to be of some kind of help, btw, I really appreciate adoom! Yeah, in case you want to compile a list of specs. that works well with adoom: a1200 + blizzard 1230 50 w. 8Mb fast - works fine except some jerkiness in fullscren. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matthew Gregan writes: First, let me congratulate you on your port of Doom. I got your version after getting the AmigaDoom version, and found it too be much better, having ECS support, and being easier to get running (ie no crashes from ADoom (0.2) and it ran straight off... AmigaDoom crashed many times... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mauri Hiltunen writes: I dowloaded your ADoom archive from aminet and tried it. Perfect it works fine and it is the only doom port that works with my Amiga. But there are two things. Sounds are not played correctly, there seems to be missing lot of samples and when the samples are played they come with deley and when I quit the Doom it crashes the hole system. My Amiga is: A1200 motherboard on Mikronik tower + zorroII slots Kikstart 3.0 Cybervision 64/3D + CGX Software v3.1 Blizzard 1230-IV / 16 MB of fast Ram And the programs that I use with my Workbench are AmigaOS3.0 with MCP, Magicselector, Newicons4.1, Toolmanager Thanks for good port, keep it going. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Benni writes: after some test and looking around for all tose Amiga Doom ports I have to say that yours looks like the best imho. [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Matthew O'Neill" writes: I'm just writing this email to say how brilliant I think ADoom is. and eerrm, thats it really. I suppose you'll want to know what machines it works on and about s and so on, so here they are. My machine, 1200 blizzard 030 FPU@50MHz and 16 mb SIMM 60ns on my machine, I use the third from largest window, and I get a very good frame rate. I guess that this runs at twice the speed of alien breed 3d II. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Per Jonsson writes: I just wanted to congratulate you to a VERY good Doom port. I was really amazed, I hope you will continue to port/optimize it further. Very good work! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ timboo@innotts.co.uk (Tim Pykett) writes: Having tried out your demo of ADoom . I must say it's the best i've tried so far. Keep up the good work!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hexagon of Topex writes: I have ADoom 0.2 and found it the best and fastest among the 3 other ports. I'm using Amiga 1200 with blizzard 1230-IV 50MHz and FPU. I have no gfx-card (except my graffiti) and have 16 MB fast. As you can see I'm using AGA, and it works perfectly. [...] The greatest with your ADoom is the sound !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ madjack@zumzum.tky.hut.fi (Tuomas Aho) writes: I just found program called ADOOM. version was 0.2 (1.1.98) I have never seen such a FAST doom in Amiga. My computer is A1200+020/28Mhz and it works with it quite fast & good, but.... sometimes after few minutes play (5-15) it just crash (program jummed). Tasks will change (ctrl+m) but the game does not move. Well.. can you do something ? :) I know i know.. it's very hard to track down bugs like that but the game is so fast and nice.... The other version of adoom (hmm.. that was made by trace or something?) does not work at all. Besides i hate programs which uses Ixemul.library ;-) [...] btw; i found another bug.. in 0.2 game exits middle of game very often and says just 'returnconde 20' . [...] Well.. i just install version 0.3 of ADoom but it still exists middle of action! But now is discover to write errorcode to paper.. here it is: 'Error: z_ct at w.wad.c:514' plus that returncode 20.. HUH! hope you can find reason of this very bad bug.. [...] Humm.. huh.. i just tested full version of Doom1 .. same things happen and there should not be any wrong maxtransfer rates on the hd.. [This one's got me stumped, Peter McGavin] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chris Seward writes: I just downloaded your amiga doom thing and would like to congratulate you on your successful port of this great game. I only have a A1200/020cpu/8Mb Fast/710Mb HD and a 33600bps modem and few other bits but none to be used in a game like doom. Although as you would expect I could only run it in second to smallest window it all worked perfectly. I am soon to get a Blizzard 030/50Mhz and will be eagarly awaiting it's arrival to play Amiga Doom. Thanks again for porting it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steffen Flick writes: Your Port (I tested the others too) works perfectly on my machine (A4000 Cyberstorm060 Cybervision3D). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stephen Kroh writes: I downloaded this game two days ago, and my wife and I haven't been able to stop playing it! Bravo on an excellent job. We haven't had a single bug, and gameplay has been very smooth. For reference, here's my system: An A4060T made by Quikpak, with 32 meg of RAM. A PicassoIV video card. I have prepareemul for Shapeshifter running at startup, Newicons, QMouse, etc etc, and no problems at all! I just choose 320x240 24-bit as my graphics mode at startup, and off I go. Pity the game doesn't adjust to higher resolutions, but from what I hear that was a limitation of the original. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Martin_Dirk@t-online.de (Dirk Martin) writes: Great,fantastic,unbelievable Doom on Amiga. My second Christmas !! Thangs Peter for convert this fantastic game. It worgs good on my Amiga 4000 (040 25Mhz). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stephen Bucknall writes: I would just like to say thanks a lot for all the hard work you must have put in to port Doom over to the amiga. I never thought I would see the day when I could play this [one of my favourite games] on my humble amiga. Doom v0.2 ran straight away on my set-up, A1200,030/50,8mb fast ram, the game runs very fast and smooth with very little slowdown. Once again a big Thank-You. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tim Cribbin writes: Congatulations - didn't they say it could never be done? I downloaded ADoom 0.2 from the Aminet on Friday. Had a bit of trouble getting the WAD file but eventually downloaded it from Marcus Geelnard's (AmiDoom) site (other sites were very slow and kept throwing me out before the end). Anyway the game runs great, very smooth on about 3/4 full screen. I am using an A1200 with 040/33 Apollo board and 8MB fast (AGA only). So far I have had no crashes and it multitasks well with Workbench 3.0, with no problems on exiting. Sound is a bit off and on (occasionally samples are missed if several other sounds are already playing - is this a limitation of the audio.device/Paula chip?). No music either. Keep up the good work. Perhaps this example will be the inspiration that the big software companies need to get back into the Amiga market. Long live Amiga! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Benjamin Busche writes: first Thanks for the Amiga Doom Port !!! I have a Blizzard 1230-4 (68030) with 16 MB of Ram without ! GraphicCard. And Doom works fine ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ jhaas@novia.net (John Haas) writes: Thanks for your work on porting Doom to the Amiga. I've enjoyed playing it! [...] __ __ /// A1200, 3.1 OS, 10 Meg, 85Meg HD, SCSI+, '030/FPU/MMU. \\\/// A600, 3.1 OS, 10 Meg, 540Meg HD, SCSI+, '030/FPU/MMU, HD Floppy. \XX/ EZ135/28.8Modem/NEC210 CDRom/1960 Monitor. MailTo:jhaas@novia.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RaYzor writes: My name is RaY, I live in NY USA .. and I just wanted to thank you for ADoom. It runs well enough to play on my A3000 030/25 w/CybergraphX and 10 Megs RAM with decent speed. [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ arnold@quicktel.com (Arnold Ford) writes: i've play adoom on my 1200, and my 2000 the 1200 is just a 3.0 rom, has a 030 at 50 mhz, plays ok , good speed on the 2000, it has a 030 at 25 mhz, works but slow, and lacking in colors, but playable ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chris Morris writes: I am running ADoom on an A4000 with a PicassoIV and a Cyberstorm060 and it runs just as quickly as it does on a PC! I was pleasantly surprised. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Rorland writes: I want to thank you for your doom port I have 4 doom ports (including yours). And your Amiga port was the first one to work and work good. I remember when doom came out a couple of years ago, many amiga owners bought PC's instead. They said doom couldn't be ported to the amiga, now thanks to ID software and you I can play doom on my AMIGA at last. Thanks! I have an AMIGA 4000 030 with picasso IV and it works great. Hope I can afford one of those Cyberstorm PPC with 060 someday soon and it will be even better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mario Cattaneo writes: great job you did (are doing) with this port of D**M for the Amiga. On my A1230 with CV3D it's not the fastest (no wonder with this processor :) but it quite as fast as AB3D2 was :-)) [...] BTW, wouldn't a Alien Breed 3D 2-Level to doom.wad converter be great? This way one would get AB3D2 on a gfxboard :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moses Leslie writes: Great work on the port, it worked out of the box on my picassoIV/mkII060-66 a3000, which is more than I can say for some commercial software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ bamo@algonet.se (Bahman Moallem) writes: I know that you can not use this letter to pay your bills or feed your pet but still I wanted to show you my appreciation for your work and your Doom port. It works excellent here (CS 060, CV64) right out of the box. Thank you! [...] Please keep up the good work. Your port is BEST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Roberto Patriarca" writes: Hi Peter, this is just another message to say thanks. Thanks for giving us a wonderful port of one of the best games ever made. It runs very smoothly and without a crash on my A3000 equipped with a 66 MHz 68060 and a Retina Z3 graphics board, run by CGX v2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Martin Biro writes: Gratulations, I tested your Games ADoom and it works verry well with my System configuration: System: Amiga 1200T Processor: CPU: 68060 / 50 MHz (ID $0430, Rev 5) FPU: 68060 / 50 MHz MMU: 68060 Chipset: AGA, RamSey None, Gary None, ChunkyPlanar None, BattClock Found Mother RAM: 32 Bit, 70 ns Access, Double CAS, 4x Bandwidth Inst Cach: Enabled Data Cache: Enabled Superscalar Branch Cache Store Buffer AmigaOS: 3.1 (= V40.68), SetPatch V43.6, ROM 512.0KB Exec: V40.10 Workbench: V40.4 Graphics: CyberGraphX 3 Audio: AHI (v4.18) NOTES: 68060.library v43.0, RTG v27.0 installed You see it works fine, but some times it took a verry long time 2 Init the DOOM refresh daemon ... sometimes it's fast like hell ;) [...] I am now running AmiDoom v0.5 and it works well ! I've burnned the Game to a CD-R and it works faster on CD-ROM (24x) than on my HD ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gordon Stewart writes: Greetings from australia. I have an amiga 2000 ecs denise, 1mb chip ram with blizzard 2060 board, 36m ram, 200mb harddrive, and 12x cdrom drive Seems to work ok in all modes with wad1 downloaded from http://www.pluk.com Thanks for the effort ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alvaro Thompson writes: A couple of days I downloaded the AmiDoom v0.3 engine..... WHAT A BRILLIANT ENGINE! I have played Doom in nearly every format available (PC, Playstation, Saturn, Snes, 3DO, Jaguar), and I must say, that is one BRILLIANT version of it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steven Jeffery writes: Thankyou very much for your work in porting Doom to the Amiga. I know that it is nice to have your work appreciated, so I am letting you know it IS appreciated..if the thousands of web site hits to download it didn't already make that clear! [...] Keep up the great work and thanks again! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guillaume Ubbelohde <950947@mercure.umh.ac.be> writes: I own a 060+picassoII and it works pretty smooth on full screen 320x200. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dirk Neubauer writes: Thanks for your work. Its great also on my machine. Works fine with P96. The speed is normal, if the screen is not to big, with little margin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Garry McCandless writes: Great port mate your's is the fastest I've played : A1200 - 030,28Mhz ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Paul Webb" writes: I've been playing ADoom for a few days now and I think it's just great, so first I'd like to say thank you for your work, it's people like you that keep the Amiga alive and kicking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ emilio@mediterranea-net.it (Emilio Bova) writes: Very good work. It seem to be the fastest port on my 68060 (it runs really fast on AGA screens too) :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Martin Johansson writes: One of the first DOOM recompilations for the Amiga that I tested was ADoom and I was really amazed (I still am :) over the speed of it, in fact that it was running on a custom 256 colour screen and multitasking!! It runs very well on my A1200 040/40 AGA, and I run it in 3 sizes below the full screen window to make it go smooth, although it's playable in fullscreen too, but not as smooth. Today I've tested several Amiga DOOM compilations, but ADoom is still, without doubt the fastest one (at least on my 040/40 AGA) and the sound effects work perfectly! For example AmigaDoom uses AHI for the sound and it doesn't sound very good with annoying clicks every time a sound is played, I don't know if this is caused by AHI or if the author(s) of AmigaDoom has made some mistakes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JBB writes: Congratulations for your brilliant work on ADoom. I think it is the best port of all... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jan Christiansen writes: your port of Doom for the Amiga is great!!! ADoom v0.4 runs very nicely on my A1200 with 1230 50 MHz with 16 MB Fast RAM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ parzys john writes: a big thank for DOOM ;) a 68060 c2p was cool :-D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Peter Mattsson writes: I have now tested 4 different Amiga DOOM conversions based on the DOOM source from ID. In my opinion your port is the best and most serious, [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sascha Glade writes: I really like ADoom and I hope you continue to improve it. btw I found one little bug: If you start ADoom from shell, it still reads the tooltypes of the icon, which shouldn't happen IMHO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Paterno' Tobia" writes: Yeah! I must admit I'm flyin' High with latest ADoom0.5! My plane is good ol' B2000 enchanced with Blizzard 2040/40 ERC, 2 Mb Chip (MegaChip 2000), a mix of OCS/ECS, as I've (absolute) standard Denise. So, you've guessed, I'm hailin'u from an ExtraHalfbrite screen, and going fullscreen with statusbar, between 12 - 14 FPS, an enough acceptable rate. With this the actual C2P routines make their job in max. 31 ms per frame. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aragorn Son of Arathorn writes: I recently downloaded your doom port ot the amiga, and thought I would write to say.....AWSOME job... I really like it, and it even runs fast on my computer....(Amgia 3000 picasso 96, with picasso II board, 16megs ram, in case you care :>) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Girvin writes: thanks for ADoom :) Works a treat here on my new Blizzard 1260! [...] FYI, 0.5 flies on my B1260 fullscreen. Excellent! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sasha Coubrough writes: GREAT CONVERSION!!! ; ) I have A1200 030/40Mhz 16Mb RAM 500Mb HD (Soon to have 200Mhz PPC/060!!!!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Craig Howard writes: just a quick note to say well done on an excellent port of doom. The music option is good and doesnt seem to slow the game down much, if at all. Its so kool it even runs under uae on my p266. I look forward to even more speed ups in the game, and also if possible running doom in a widow on my cgfx wb. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ fabsced@techplus.com (F. Shaun C Edwards) writes: You have done it once again. Made the impossible, possible. MUSIC playing in doom while keeping the FPS from dropping. WHOOHOO!!!! I run an A1200 with 060-50 & AGA. I have 40 megs ram so I load the whole doom setup that I wish to run into ram, then start it. From what I heard I thought the screen fps would slow-down from the music going, but they were wrong. The screen fps was just as fast as hell with the music & Sound FX running. I don't know how you pull off such awsome shit, but keep it up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rick ijS Klaassen writes: Just again another email to send a big THANK YOU to you for making the best doom port on Amiga! It runs very fast (486 DX2 level) on my stock a4k040 / CV64/3d / CGFX3 / OS 3.1 and I've also seen it running on an a1230/50 at which the speed was very impressive too. I've had absolutely NO problems at all (except for some tiny red glitches sometimes, but they didn't bother me), either running from workbench or without startup-sequence. It made me very happy that the game runned so slick on our great Amiga, and once again it shows what a simple Amiga can do with it's 'puny' MC680x0! And again it shows the tremendous enthousiasm of Amiga users, the sourcecode's only 10 days out and a PeeZee game is very succefully ported 5 times to our so-called 'dead' platform, and loads of people are already playing it, according to userhints.txt! Gr8 stuff, and it certainly will keep a few more people from giving in to the 'dark side'. ;) Please keep up the good work, and maybe somebody can add support for that nice S3-Virge chip on that CV64/3d of mine? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ acdc_hacker@hotmail.com (MAX HEADROOM) writes: A friend & I have been REALLY enjoying your version of DOOM for the AMIGA. Yours is _the best_ so far. :) Yours even kicks DoomAttack & AmiDooms ass. That may not be your objective (?). ;) Please continue the excellent work. [...] COMPUTER: A2000+040/MMU/FPU/28Mhz - Kickstart 40/Workbench 3.1 17MB RAM.Picasso2+CGX(24bit)/Exabyte 8200 DAT/2.2 Gigs HD Space ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Thomas Danielsson" writes: I want to thank you very much for a really nice conversion of Doom for Amiga. Today i download ADoom0.5 from Aminet and now with music, that's exellent keep it up man. On my A1200 030 40Mhz fpu 40Mhz 24Mb, HD 1.61 GB with AFS, Datic Multisync monitior, CD- Rom 8x. It's really playable and load's fast to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ StAn writes: Hey... I saw all your congrats mail in ADoom 0.5 archive; and I didn't even thank you for the port ! So here it is: THANKS ! *<;-) [...] My config: A1200 OS3.0 AGA 68030 50 MHz 16Mo 60ns (with BlizzMagic) BTW I'm surprised by all these people saying that they're playing with a big window size with a 68030: I need the smallest window, or just one step bigger, otherwise it's too much jerky and difficult to sight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jason Frecknall writes: Adoom 0.5 is amazing! It's at least twice as fast as previous versions on my 060 (and it was fast then). I need never shrink the screen again! Bring on the 640*480 full screen modes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sascha Hoogen writes: ADoom is just brilliant, thank you very much for this perfect port! It works like a charm on my A4000/060@50/CV64, I would never have guessed that a Doom port for the Amiga could run that smoothly (in fact, yours is the only one that does, the other ports don't even come close). On my A3000/040@25/Picasso-II it runs ok if I set the screen to a smaller size. Finally I found a good reason to tune up this machine! ;) Programs like ADoom help to keep the Amiga alive, thank you very much! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "David E. Golden" writes: Just a note to say well done on your DOOM port - It flies along on my system (Bliz. 1260 A1200 with FastExec, KS remapped, CopyMemQuicker patch) Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHRISTOS COUCOULIDES writes: Your Doom Version 0.5 in my 4000 MK II 68060 with Music ON Full Screen AGA, works great and also faster than 0.4. All my PC Users friends now have epilipsia!!! :) Thanks Peter You done a great work. All works Perfect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Isak Schmidt writes: Weeeha!! I tested your port of Doom the other day and I was really stunned. I had played AmigaDoom but your port was something special. Surely it can't really beat Doom on PC when it comes to speed but it is cool to be abel to play Doom on your favourite computer (Amiga :)!! [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Andy Gardner" writes: First of all I'd like to congratulate you on your excellent ADoom game! It's been a long time comming (Doom that is) and when it does arive it does so with style and not a slow, buggy, dodgy conversion. Well done that man! I'm using it on my 50Mhz 030 A1200 without any problems at all & have had no problems since Version 0.2 onwards. Even though it seems I'm downloading a new version every other day, they are well worth it as each version brings something new and worth while with it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lebrun Loïc writes: your 0.5 version of Adoom is very very very very very very very very very very very good. I love it on my 68060. and the music work fine ! I'don't know what can you add in the futur version !!! Your engine is very exelent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ George W Fairham writes: WOW! I have an A4000/060/050,Retina BLT Z3 running CyberGraphix and Adoom Runs VERY fast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Paolo D'Urso" writes: I'm playing with your ADoom... congratulations! So far it's the best Doom emulator for our beloved Amiga. Thanks!! :) Eheh no problems to answer me... i perfectly understand you (i'm too a developer and i receive hundreds of email too) :) I just wanted to let you know one more Amigan appreciated your work! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nick Tamm writes: Hello, I am just writing to thank you for making a wonderful port of Doom to the Amiga. It works great on my computer, an Amiga 4000/040 with 12mb of ram and 2 of chip. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steve Cutting writes: Just downloaded your ADoom 0.5, it runs quite a lot smoother than the last version on my 060/050/CV64 :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "michel gilles" writes: Congratulations for your DOOM port on the Amiga. Like many people, i consider your port is the best of all i have seen for far. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frank Durban writes: I found your port of Doom on the web recently. And to me it seems as this one is the fastest and most advanced port I have seen by now. It runs bloody fast on my A1200T with 060 and Picasso II Gfx Card. Thanx for this great piece of soft !!!! I hope you'll keep on optimizing it (optimized 060 code ??, PPC-port ??). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Benji writes: Thanks for supporting the port of Doom on the AMiGA! I have downloaded and played all versions so far (about 7 I think) of Doom on the AMiGA and yours in certainly the fastest and most friendly! I have an 040/40 with CyberVision 64/3D in my A4000. It flies along! The only criticism is that when you run the -timedemo switch it slows right down - is this something to do with sync to sound effects? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== OTHER DEVELOPERS ASSOCIATED WITH ADOOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ People who said they successfully compiled ADoom from all that was in the archive: Gabriele Greco Matthew Gregan Danny Robinson ------------------------------------------------------------------------ People who said they tried to compile ADoom and had problems: magicsn@birdland.es.bawue.de (Steffen Haeuser) Sebastian Schlesinger (for PPC PowerUp) Antel@pub.osf.lt (Andrej Teleshov) Martin Berard (for PPC) Tim Boescke ------------------------------------------------------------------------ People who sent me source code: Gabriele Greco (CD32 joypad) j.selck@flensburg.netsurf.de (DrawColumn(), DrawSpan(), C2P merge) Aki M Laukkanen (draw, fixed-pt, memcpy, C2P) Juergen Fischer (C2P, draw) Philipp Grosswiler (AHI interface) Henrik Mattsson (C2P) Joseph Fenton (MUS-player) Tim Boescke (draw, fixed, from Mac DOOM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== THE COMPLICATED SUBJECT OF WHICH WADS WORK ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arto Huusko writes: As a note: I tried the WAD from Ultimate Doom and it worked although the fourth episode was not visible and no demo was played... the game just exited and complained something about HELP2 (sorry but I did not write it up). If one was fast enough the game could be entered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sinan Gurkan writes: Also when I try a registered DOOM WAD file..it doesn`t run..I`m sending you the log file of Adoom when I try to run Registered Doom.. ADoom Log File: ------------------- ADoom 0.1 (29.12.97) DOOM Registered Startup v1.10 [...] ST_Init: Init status bar. Error: W_GetNumForName: STBAR not found! I_ShutdownSound() I_ShutdownMusic() ------------------------------------------------------------------------ mad@mail.cosmos.it (Guido Falsi) writes: Now, I'm writing you becouse I've tried adoom with the 10Mb commercial wad(taken from the original dischettes...) and It does not work: first he complains that the demo is from another version, and second when I select the game the game quits... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Jason Watson" writes: I am using v1.9 of both Doom1.wad (shareware) and Doom2.wad (commercial) without trouble on my setup. The only problem I have so far encountered is the one you have found yourself, mainly that ADoom guru's occationally when quiting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ J.Urbanek@t-online.de (Juergen Urbanek) writes: Yesterday I became The Original DOOM for the PC and ADOOM Breaks with the Message : [...] Error: W_GetNumForName: HELP2 not found! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ stefano writes: hello i'm stefano from italia, many many compliments for your amiga porting of doom(0.2). i have tested on my a1200 with blizzard 1240t (40mhz) and 32mb of fast ram and work fine. i have tested my old wads for the first doom pc version but don't work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ schon writes: the Doom.wad (shareware) that you mentioned in the readme doesn't work because it's from Doom1.. and the 'early' WADs you talk about probably have the same problem, they're likely for Doom1 and not Doom2 (the shareware WAD for Doom2 works just fine, as does any standard 'Doom2' PWAD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Rask Ingemann Lambertsen" writes: Btw, I found the DOOM2.WAD from Doom 2. Not only does it work fine with ADoom, it is also has much better gameplay than the unregistered DOOM1.WAD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Ben 'bean' Cass" writes: Also, I have a Full Doom I WAD which appears to be from the Ultimate Doom package and although it loads up fine whenever I go to the second information screen (the one /after/ the screen which shows the key layout) the game exists and says 'HELP2 not found' or something like that. Apparently it works fine on Amiga Doom. Any idea what could be wrong?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steve Clack writes: Ok, i'm using the shareware doom 1 wad (4196020 bytes) and Adoom comes up with the error: P_Init: Init Playloop state. Error: R_TextureNumForName: SW1BLUE not found ------------------------------------------------------------------------ stefano writes: i have tested some doom2 wad but don't work but isn't a problem your porting is really great ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Matthew O'Neill" writes: also, no other wads seem to work. I've tried 5 other, but none work. Some even have 2 files eg. hell-gfx.wad and hell-snd.wad ????? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adam Sibley writes: i've tried all the commercial doom wad files on my a1200 030/882 18mb 3.1 and they work perfectly... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steve Clack writes: > One person told me that any "Doom2 PWAD" works fine. Thanks :o) I got this one and it works fine, the mac version would have worked ok but it got called DOOM.WAD instead of DOOM1.WAD and made ADoom/etc mess up :o( maybe you could make a note of that in the docs :o) oh and i hear someone ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nicholas Piper writes: All DOOMS require a WAD, this contains all the game information, like sounds, graphics, level details etc. etc. If you don't want to pay for one, use the Shareware WAD from the original Shareware DOOM. This is availible at http://www.dtrance.ch/doom/download/Doom-[Shareware].lzx and http://www.pluk.com/ I think. This is the ONLY WAD you can use without paying. If you want to use all the hundreds of custom WADS and 3rd party levels (say from ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/) you need the commercial WAD. This contains loads of more information that these custom 3rd party WADS don't contain but the game needs. You can get this WAD by buying the Doom game and copying it over to your Adoom/AmiDoom directory. You can then use them by doing "Adoom -file custom.wad" etc. You are NOT paying for ADoom or AmiDoom, but for the commercial WAD. Sure, ID software gave the source away, but they still want money :-)) Its only about 9.99 UKP, so go and buy it... maybe it'll encourage ID to give us the source to more games :-) When you add a custom.wad via -file, it replaces one or more of the levels. The level and episode should be given in the .txt file that belongs to the WAD. E2L3 would mean that the wad replaces Level 3 on episode 2. Therefore, to play that new level, you need to play the game until you get to level 3, after selecting episode 2. (The second one on the list....) OR you can jump to that section by typing in IDCLEV23. To jump to E1L3 it would be IDCLEV13, etc. Sometimes you might see E3M3, but it means the same thing, they just used the word mission, instead of level I guess :-) Alternatively, you can warp straight to the level, by using the command line, = adoom -file whatever.wad -devparm -warp 2 5 -skill Where is in the range 1 to 5. [...] Questions Then (the FAQ bit) ---------------------------- Q. "Error: R_TextureNumForName: SW1BLUE not found" What does this mean ? A. You have named the shareware WAD as doom.wad, it should be named as doom1.wad. I'm using doom1.wad, which is 4196020 bytes. If yours is that size, call it doom1.wad, remove all the other wads, and off you go :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas Szedlak writes: 1. The WAD-files of Doom 1 Shareware and Doom 2 work fine, but not the WAD-file of Doom 1 Registered. Nearly the end of the startup, there are following messages: HU_Init: Setting up heads up display. ST_Init: Init status bar. Error: W_GetNumForName: STBAR not found! I_ShutdownSound() I_ShutdownMusic() ADoom failed returncode 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ J.Urbanek@t-online.de (Juergen Urbanek) writes: PS: Here my Config and my test WAD files (if you interestet for) A4000/MKII '060/CV64/CGFX2/74MB [these work, Peter McGavin] Doom.wad 12408292 bytes Doom2.wad 14612688 bytes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ mcbalch@eskimo.com (Mike Balch) writes: Ultimate Doom works just fine as the wad file for ADoom. People that are using the Ultimate Doom wad file with ADoom should remane their wad file to doomu.wad. This allows them access to the special fourth Episode that was provided as part of Ultimate Doom. This is suggested in the changelog file that was part of the doom source archive from Id Software. I tried it and it works. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arto Huusko writes: You asked in Adoom.readme wheter Ultimate DOOM WAD works. Well it does just well. All episodes work fine and nice. The name for the file must be doomu.wad though to get the Thy Flesh Consumed episode available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ krash@pcug.org.au (Kresimir Rogic) writes: Great to see Doom On the Amiga. I have used Regisstered Doom, Doom II and Final Doom (Both "The Plutonium Experiment" and "Evilution") and they all work quite well (although Final Doom seems a wee bit slowish compared to the rest). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Anders Dalshov" writes: You wonder if the doom2.wad and the ultimate doom wad file works? Oh yeah! No problem what so ever. I'm using the doom2.wad and the ultimate doom wad. v1.9 I believe. Both wads runs _very_ nice in fullscreen on 060 + CGFX. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ J.Urbanek@t-online.de (Juergen Urbanek) writes: In "DOOM 2: Hello on earth v1.10" in Level 7:Dead simple - I can't end the level because the wall comes up not down ?! Whith an cheat I can play level 8 and so on.... [...] >It looks like you're the first person other than me to find the problem >with "Dead Simple" in DOOM 2 v1.10. I haven't got a clue what the problem >is yet. I suspect the original Linux version has the same bug. I don't think so. The Other Doom-Port works... The Wall moves to much up, and the Spiders-Doors have to open after the two big Monsters are dead... Could this help you ?! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chris Morris writes: [...] I have just gone and bought the commercial versions of DOOM I and II to try. They both worked sucessfully, although DOOM I seemed to have a problem with a missing HELP2 - persumably this is named differently in the WAD file than it is expecting in the source file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Adam Atkinson" writes: >I think -file is for third-party WADs, like axe8.wad, satan666.wad, etc. >It doesn't work for selecting between standard WADs. Also, -file doesn't >work at all unless there is a standard *registered* WAD also in the same >directory. yep, I have one copy of adoom with the registered doom1 wad and another with the registered doom2 wad I've been trying to use WADs from web pages and the third CD in the doom box. No apparent luck so far. [...] >I think -file is for third-party WADs, like axe8.wad, satan666.wad, etc. >It doesn't work for selecting between standard WADs. Also, -file doesn't >work at all unless there is a standard *registered* WAD also in the same >directory. Ok, I've worked it out. I didn't realise WADs replaced individual levels. turned out the wads I was trying to play DIDN'T replace level 1, so of course I was seeing the normal level 1. Hmm... if I -file a wad that replaces level 1, all is well. except that it's very hard :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moses Leslie writes: [...] many custom wads don't work for me if I run with a normal startup-sequence, etc, but they do from a minimal one. I haven't tracked down the culprit, but it's not any of the normal things like mcx. My minimal startup included picasso96 drivers and cpu060, so those things are fine :) I'm not too concerned about it, but if I track it down I'll let you know. [...] Ok, I figured out what the problem was, and I have no idea why it would do this, but it's "prepareemul" from shapeshifter that's causing the problem with the custom wads for me. It could be because of my 060, it could have some other root cause, but getting rid of it makes custom wads work, and putting it back in makes it crash on "ST_Init: Init status bar". Probably not a particulary useful bug report, but something to put in a faq or something, maybe ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jake Frederick writes: First let me conragulate you on an excellent job porting Doom. Version 0.1 worked fine on my machine, but since 0.2 I get this error; "R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - Error: W_GetNumForName: PNAMES not found!" Any idea what could be causing it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adam Carrano writes: I use ADoom with WADs from a Mac version without any problem Shareware version:Doom1.WAD 4.1Mo Ultimade Doom: Doom.WAD12Mo I renamed it to DoomU.WAD Doom II:Doom2.WAD14Mo Addictive DeathMatch:addictiv.wad1.5Mo needs doom2.wad ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kees Veling writes: I have copied my registered mac doom2 wad to my amiga and it works! It even plays WADs i made myself with hellmaker(a mac wadbuilder util)! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steven Jeffery writes: BTW I am using Ultimate Doom WAD and it works fine except you don't get to choose the 4th episode. Could this be fixed at all? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ zrx.oms@sci.fi Wed Jan 7 21:16:19 1998 writes: I've been playing with the Doom1.WAD from MACs shareware version and it works fine... And I've also managed to get my hands on to one of the additional parts in Doom II "The Plutonia Experiment", Plutonia.WAD, and after 18 levels out of 35 it's still working fine (Altought the Plutonia version runs a bit slow 'coz it does have a bit larger levels than Doom I)... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sCRAM writes: Big Greets from Russia! This is a report about working WAD's for ya ADoom v0.2 & 0.3 Ok,here we go... Ultimate Doom Regged - works fine Doom2 Regged - ok FinalDoom1 ( TNT.WAD 18mb ) - ok FinalDoom2 (PLUTONIA.WAD 18mb ) - ok Note: all files taken from PC cd's ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BMartin@tnet.cz (Bren Martin) writes: I try WAD HEXEN.WAD and I only see: Error: R_TextureNumForName: SW1BRCOM not found ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Garry McCandless writes: I have a copy of Doom2's WAD file (Got a friend with a PC). When I run Adoom using the shareware WAD file then save the game. Then change to the Doom2 WAD file and load the same saved game Adoom quit's with the following error. Error:P_UnarchiveSpecails: Unknown tclass 16 in savegame. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DELPY Jean-Jacques writes: please, help me/... [...] adoom -forcedemo DOOM Registered Startup v1.10 = [...] Error: W_GetNumForName: STBAR not found! I_ShutdownSound() I_ShutdownMusic() ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matteo Rocco writes: I have just downloaded the original DOOM II WAD to play a Pwad made by a friend... Using ADOOM 0.4 the DOOM2.WAD runs perfectly on my 030 50Mhz but I have to have 2000 buffers in my device...when I try to play my Pwad there occurs an error... it perfectly loads refresh,then I chose NEW GAME,then one of the violence mode,bit after a while it says: ERROR: W_CacheLumpNum:2558669 >= numlumps AARRGHH!! WHY?? do you need the WAD file?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jan Christiansen writes: I have tried two WADS with ADoom at this time, both from the shareware Doom DOS-PC version. The WAD from version 1.2 doesn't work. The game loads, but when the episode and difficulty level have been selected, the game stops and returns to the OS. The WAD from version 1.666 does work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joseph Fenton writes: IWADs are the main WAD files; PWADs are patch wad files. If you check the head of a wad file you will see 'IWAD' or 'PWAD'. It's how DOOM tells whether or not a patch wad file is really a patch wad file. You assume the IWAD is in the same directory as ADoom unless you specify a patch wad with the -file switch; if you specify -file, you assume the IWAD is in the same directory as the patch wad. You need the ability to set where the IWAD is and where the PWAD(s) are independent of each other or ADoom. Mike thinks you should keep a path for EACH patch wad, but at least have the ability to do seperate paths for the IWAD, the PWAD(s), and ADoom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sasha Coubrough writes: Just tested Doom Attack which is definitely faster (A bit more coding optimization I suppose) but very buggy. Low Res full screen works fast but is a bit crap since hi res works fine on ADOOM and at quite a good speed. Havn't had any trouble getting any of the conversions to Run but ADOOM seems the best. However MORE OPTIMIZATION for the AMIGA please!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Gary Bryant" writes: [...] after episode 1 of Doom. You get the text screen to try the next episodes. The ESC key, fire or space keys don't work. Pressing return crashes the game. Both these crashes occured under 0.4 as well. In the log file generated by the game, the error message is: Error: W_GetNumForName: HELP2 not found. Both crashes chuck me back to workbench. I'm using the DOOM.WAD file from the latest registered version of Doom. (Ultimate Doom) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ fabsced@techplus.com (F. Shaun C Edwards)writes: The -file command even works on ALL external WAD files I have for Doom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Sintonen writes: I've tested some wad files with ADoom (not with others, but I think all the ports use same code for wads...). Anyways, I've succesfully played Final Doom WADs (plutonia.wad and tnt.wad). I also tried doom.wad of MAC doom 1 demo and that wad does NOT work (at least with ADoom, and btw it's not the same file as in doom1wad.lha). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DELPY Jean-Jacques writes: [...] the previous problem was in fact that i had a latest too recent version of doom2 commercial, and this one was not supported by doom linux or adoom. i tested adoom (at least ) with a casual doom.wad and it worked well... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ StAn writes: Strange, all the wads I tested except doom2 reg and the one at www.pluk.com do not work: -msdos doom 1 v1.666 shareware -msdos doom 1 v1.9 shareware -msdos doom 1 v1.95 complete msdos doom2 v1.666 wad work ok, except of course the "Dead Simple" level. Need to use the IDCLIP trick to get to the exit... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jonas =?iso-8859-1?Q?=D6sterberg?= Doom 1 registered wad doesn't seem to work with ADoom 0.5, and ADoom seems to lack the "jump" function required in some DoomII levels. DoomII registered wad otherwise runs just fine though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "John Herzfeld" writes: Adoom rocks. I really like it. I like it so much I bought a registered version of Doom. Ultimate doom That wad works fine, but there is one thing weird about it. On my WIN95 machine I get a choice of 4 episodes, while on the Amiga I only get 3. (I am missing "Thy Flesh Consumed"). All 3 episodes work, so that's cool. [...] >Try renaming the Ultimate DOOM WAD to doomu.wad . Several people said >that make the 4th episode visible. That did it. Thanks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ jean-philippe.humbert@ramses.fdn.org (Jean-Philippe Humbert) writes: I must finished the ultimate Doom :-) Great job, it works well with my A4000/040 and AGA chipset. Maybe you could ask money to ID Software or Phase 5 because i bought Doom I & II and think to buy a Picasso IV. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nick Tamm writes: I am using the DOOM2/Ultimate Doom Wads, and they work fine, along with nearly every other extra wad I come across. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stephen Webber writes: I tried the WAD file from Ultimate Doom, renaming it has Doom1.WAD, and I still got the message telling me that Doom was shareware, and that was about all as it wouldn't initialise any further. I'll try renaming it to Doomu.WAD to see if this makes a difference. Otherwise, I can't seem to find a copy of the original Doom anywhere over here, with Ultimate Doom being the oldest version still around. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexander Niven-Jenkins writes: [...] how do you get the registered doom 1 wad working with ADoom, um, I have version 1.2 do I need a newer version? Because I can get the menu up but I can not actually play any level? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== TIPS TO SPEED UP DISK LOADING ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alvaro Thompson writes: Also, I noticed how loooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg it took for the game to load the Doom II WAD file. It was also pretty slow when loading each level etc. I imagine this is because of the massive file size. Maybe you could overcome this? Perhaps you could make some small utility that will somehow split one massive WAD file into several small ones, therefore taking less time to load in the game. I noticed that every time a new gfx appears, it has to be loaded from the HD, eg an explosion, a new kind of enemy, etc, which produces a very nasty jerking. Is there anyway that you could pre-load all of these gfx into the game, before the game is going? This would be excellent! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arto Huusko writes: Commenting mail from Peter McGavin (P.McGavin@irl.cri.nz): > >Startup from the prompt to the title screen takes about six minutes. > >Same with the AmiDoom too, though. This might however result from > >using the "real" WADs whose size is 12-14 Mb I realised. > Blimey, it takes about 10 seconds here, even with the big WADs. How > fast is your hard disk? > I do "AddBuffers MYDISK: 500". Maybe that makes the difference. Yeah, that fixed it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henrik Mattsson writes: btw, a diskbuffer of 330 speeds up the loading a great deal, without sacrificing too much memory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ savel@kaunas.omnitel.net (Levas) writes: I reccommend DynamiCache , by Christopher A. Wolf. It was included in my Blizzard1230 SCSI kit install disk. (Hardware 68030&68882 @50MHz, 16MB Fast RAM, old SCSI HD, software: ixemul FP version) Time to load demo wad from www.pluk.com: without cache: 73 sec. Free mem 7.8M with cache: 11 sec. Free mem 6.7M (max cache mem used 6144K) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dhomas trenn writes: I re-read your docs after I sent the message and tried it with buffers of 1000... what a difference. It started in about 10 seconds, compared to 10 minutes. Amazing difference! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== KEYBOARD AND JOYPAD BUTTON REMAPPING ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jason Frecknall writes: Any chance of you changing the fire key (CTRL)? I edited the .doomrc file and changed fire to right alt (Ascii=184), so it's the same as on the PC, and sidestep to the ctrl key (just to move it out of the way for now) and strangely both Right Alt and Right Amiga fire your weapon. Do you plan to change the keys to a more Amiga friendly arrangement? There might be a problem with Alt and Amiga being used together if you can get them working independantly since this combination is for keyboard control of the mouse pointer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jason Frecknall writes: The key CTRl maps to varies. Mine is Insert and a friends is caps lock or num lock. As mentioned in my previous mail Right Alt and Amiga both map to the same ascii value, but I have since noticed that with Trance's port this doesn't happen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Rorland writes: Joypad support works great, It makes a huge difference in playability it's very easy to dodge enemy fire now. The sidestep/strafe function works good and is very approprietly placed on the upper cd 32 button's, Thanks. I can also use the cd 32 pause/play button to get to the options menu and use the blue button for opening doors(red for fire). The green and yellow buttons doesn't seem to do anything so i guess you haven't put any function's there yet (or have I missed something?). It's brilliant with joypadsupport, if youre thinking of putting any function's on the remaining two buttons consider putting the automap function on one of them since that would be very useful as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adam Carrano writes: A very easy solution to change the keys: Just edit the ".doomrc" file. Try mine it is attached at this email, you can open the doors with right-amiga key or right-alt key on a Qwerty keyboardStrafe with , and / Fire with . on a Azerty keyboard Strafe with ; and = Fire with : mouse_sensitivity 5 sfx_volume 8 music_volume 0 show_messages 1 key_right 174 key_left 172 key_up 173 key_down 175 key_strafeleft 44 key_straferight 47 key_fire 46 key_use 184 key_strafe 184 key_speed 182 use_mouse 1 mouseb_fire 0 mouseb_strafe 1 mouseb_forward 2 use_joystick 1 joyb_fire 0 joyb_strafe 1 joyb_use 3 joyb_speed 2 screenblocks 10 detaillevel 0 snd_channels 4 usegamma 3 chatmacro0 "Non" chatmacro1 "Meme pas mal !" chatmacro2 "Je suis pret" chatmacro3 "T'es dans un sale etat !" chatmacro4 "Salaud" chatmacro5 "Tapette" chatmacro6 "La prochaine fois peut-etre..." chatmacro7 "Viens ici !" chatmacro8 "Prend garde a toi" chatmacro9 "Oui" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jonas Thorell writes: I'm just writing to thank you for a great port of this game, and to verify that the added support for a CD32-joypad does indeed seem to work. Granted, not an official Commodore one but it does work. The directions work as expected, fire as well and the forward button brings up the menu. That's all. The other buttons don't do a thing (if they aren't meant to, why not add support for strafing and switching weopon with the pad as well?). [...] >Check Gabry's comments near the end of src/amiga_video.c . Thanks, all buttons actually did something. >Sorry I can't test from here. Other people said strafe works with the >rectangular buttons on the front, from memory. Well, sort of. It does strafe but have a tendency to get stuck in strafe-mode after that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alvaro Thompson writes: I see that in the configuration file, you actually have settings for the keys of the game (In ASCII Raw Code right?). Perhaps you could make an external editor which lets you edit the keys of the game? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Andrew Deacon writes: Your controls are:- Red=Fire Blue=open Yellow=Run? (re my previous email about 060 speed probs - it's a liitle difficult to tell). Green=last message I suggest the following Red=Run Blue=Cycle between weapons (if possible) Green=fire Yellow=open This would make it simarlar to AB3d which a lot of us are used to. In the long run perhaps you could let people set their own prefs. ggreco@iol.it (Gabriele Greco) replies: You can do it very simpy editing your .doomrc file, it's by default: joyb_fire 0 joyb_strafe 1 joyb_use 3 joyb_speed 2 To archive your configuration your simply have to swap the use/speed/fire buttons. Do not touch joyb_strafe since it's used in a tricky way. You can't perfectly reach your desired configuration since I actually use green to see last message as I've no time to look in the code for a way to swap weapons (it's not as immediate as the rest of the control since such a function doesn't exist in doom...) AD> In the long run perhaps you could let people set their own prefs. Actually you can partially do it :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Peter Thiessen writes: While networking with another mode and using the talk option the keymap for characters are messed up in particular: : is M . is : q is a z is w w is z These are just a few I have found there may be another character that I haven't used yet that has problems! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joseph Fenton writes: So how soon until SEGA controller support? :^} I did send you info on that as well; I've got the CD32 controller on my A1200 and the SG ProPad on my A4000. I can switch them easy enough, but it would be nice to start seeing programs support the SEGA pads as they are easier and cheaper to buy. [soory Joe, still haven't got to that one, Peter McGavin] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Martin Johansson writes: I also read that there had been complaints about some keys (likte Ctrl for fire). Isn't the values in ".doomrc" simply the ASCII values for the keys, like "key_fire 157". In that case it is easy to change the keys the way you prefer it, assumed you know the ASCII values. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jan Christiansen writes: Having the option of customizing the keyboard, would be nice. Consider the possibily of steering with the numeric keys, instead of the arrow keys. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Allan Versaevel writes: I was wondering if it is possible (easy) to have the Green CD32 Joypad button cycle through the available weapons ? As if the user pressed 1,2,3,4, or so on. If it can be done, there would be almost no need to go to the keyboard while using the joypad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Martin_Dirk@t-online.de (Dirk Martin) writes: I tested v0.4. That was a delightful surprise! 1)The joypad control is 100% O.K. (I kill the monsters very confortable) 2)I thing it works a bit faster.(but You know, never fast enough) The game becoms more and more an professionell character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stephen Webber writes: [...] Being in possession of a CD32 joypad, I can tell you that the code you are using seems to work okay; the two "shoulder" buttons are strafe left and right, and the two bottom buttons in the group of four are fire and use. If one of the other two buttons is configured for run, then I couldn't get it to run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guillaume Ubbelohde <950947@mercure.umh.ac.be> writes: I just tried ADoom v0.5, The joypad option works fine, and seems to fix the 'turning bug'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Richard Davies writes: I'm not sure if you are aware that the "<" and ">" keys in the original Doom and in your port of Doom move the player to the left and right. A small problem I am having with playing ADoom is that the fire button is nowhere near the sidestep keys. Both myself and a number of my friends play doom (and its clones) with theright hand on the cursor keys and the left hand performing sidestepping and firing. The Amiga keyboard of course does not have the "ctrl" key at the bottom right of the keyboard unlike PC's. Here's the thing, could you cause the right amiga key to fire as well as the "ctrl" key in your next release of ADoom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Simo Naukkarinen writes: I must be the millionth to ask this question but does ADoom respect .doomrc ? I'm fed up with the quite impossible key layout (at least after 4 years of PC/Linux Doom:)) and I thought that would it be possible to remap the strafe/fire/run keys by setting them up correctly in .doomrc ? If the keyboard fields in .doomrc are respected, what are the correct codes for Amiga environment ? The same as keycodes for IDCMP_RAWKEY messages ? Inputevent definitions ? Something else ? (I need keycodes for r-amiga, r-alt and r-shift) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== DOUBLE-BUFFERING AND C2P ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^_^ (Tm2) writes: Just thought you'd like to know how things are going on this end. First, the double-buffering under AGA has madee the game *much* better looking and indeed more professional looking. Now it really looks like a "commercial" quality game. Also, the 020+ optimized C2P is noticably faster on 030. It may be only 10% or something like that but it's noticable and every bit of speed helps. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nick writes: Erm.. actually smthing went wrong with this c2p! Version 0.4 is now much slower than 0.3 on my 030/50!!! I think it's due to double buffering, or some wrong timings. Dunno exactly why, but it's ~30% or even more slower, since you can really feel big difference in speed! I hope you can solve this :)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jesper Svennevid writes: And PLEASE, add an option for forcing adoom into using the 040 c2p and skipping the doublebuffering, as it goes rather slow actually, with double- buffering(At least, it feels so). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^_^ (Tm2) writes: It's definitely *not* slower on my 030-50MHz. Even a PC friend of mine said he could notice a definite speed increase. However, perhaps you could add a switch to select 040 or 020/030 C2P? Then maybe everyone will be happy. :) It's even notably faster in my hacked DBLNTSC 320x200 31.45kHz/74Hz mode (I had to adjust the pots in my VGA monitor to get it full screen). Everyone around here (including friends of mine which own Pentium PC's) have essentially gained a new-found respect for the Amiga in general thanks to your port. Kind of a "hey that's pretty neat" and a smile. And in turn, I haven't felt the need to put down their PC's or "defend" my Amiga. Strange, isn't it? But *very* welcome! Seems like this year is going to be a good one for the Ami! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lawrence Harrell writes: Thanks for a great game. On my hardware 0.4 is significantly slower than 0.3 (and 0.2) and sometimes the demo at the beginning will not stop even when I select new game. The sound does, however, seem to be improved in 0.4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lawrence Harrell writes: Since 0.3 it's just got much slower on my system :( So I'm sticking with 0.3 for the moment. Thanks anyway for a great game. 0.5 runs OK, apart from the speed, but my system crashed shortly after I exited and the music seems to be struggling to play. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ tristan.fletcher@severed.overflow.com (Tristan Fletcher) writes: I have to run 1/2 screen to get anywhere near a decent frame rate, yet I see A1200 owners with only 030-50Mhz saying they are getting very good framerates, and they are only using AGA. I guess it's a quirk of my system as I have an A3000T, 040/40Mhz and a picasso II card. The only thing I can think of is I don't have any RAM on my 040 board, it's all on the 3000T's motherboard (although it is all 60Ns stuff) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matthew Gregan writes: I don't know if you've released a newer version yet (Aminet recent doesn't come up until about 3pm our time), but I grabbed ADoom 0.4 the other day, and it's running roughly half the speed of ADoom 0.3... I would have expected it to run faster because of the dedicated 020/030 routines... Is there a problem causing it to slow down? Incidentally, if I run MCP before I play ADoom, it doubles the C2P time according to the timer... It doesn't seem quite 1/2 the speed, but it's definately slower. Not sure why, but you might want to put something about that in the docs so the other users can experiment and see if it's slowing them down or whatever too. [...] I've got version 0.5 now... It's no faster than 0.4 but the big slowdown with MCP isn't happening anymore, which is a bonus. It seems MCP isn't affecting it much now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== NETWORKING ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dhomas trenn writes: Just a quick note to let you know that the -net option is broken in version 0.2 of ADoom. It worked in 0.1, but locks up my AmiTCP network under 0.2. This happens once it gets to the 'waiting' or 'sending' connection part (before the game starts). [It worked for me, Peter McGavin] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moses Leslie writes: First of all, networking is not broken in .3, it worked fine for me and many others. One caveat, however, is that it seems to require miami 2.92+, 2.1p versions don't seem to work, they hang on the "opening custom screen" line or whatever it is. I have no idea why that would happen, but it's something to suggest to people who complain about problems :) [...] The networking is actually decent, too, if I hook up with someone else on a decent ISP and we aren't too many hops away :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Matthew O'Neill" writes: I have also tried the TCP net work and it works perfectly. This is using AmiTCP over a line (demon) although it was really slow :((( ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steffen Flick writes: You are asking if there is TCP/IP driver for DOOM - Yes and No - There is a sort of emulating a serial line over TCP/IP (on Amiga this means something like telser.device) for DOS DOOM. In my opinon this is not networking - the same for the nullmodem options with some Amigagames. But I downloaded Win95DOOM and noticed that TCP/IP is supported (via Winsock). But I didn`t told me the Port that it used, so that I can simply try it out - But I will try to sniff this out) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ggreco@iol.it (Gabriele Greco) writes: I use this code (in another project) to set the socket in non blocking mode: void NetNonblockingIO(struct Session *s,int onoff) { struct Library *SockBase=s->SockBase; #ifdef AMI_TCP IoctlSocket(s->net, FIONBIO, (char *)&onoff); IoctlSocket(s->net, FIOASYNC, (char *)&onoff); #else s_ioctl(s->net, FIONBIO, (char *)&onoff); s_ioctl(s->net, FIOASYNC, (char *)&onoff); #endif } I see you use only FIONBIO! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jesper Svennevid writes: I thought I just let you know that playing over the net DOES work. I've been playing adoom over internet for several days now, without any problems. I'm using Miami 2.92 as TCP/IP-stack, and I have even played ADoom against the other ports of Doom. [...] I've been playing with version 0.2... [...] It was against both linux-doom and against the amiga-port 'AmigaDoom'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHRISTOS COUCOULIDES writes: All idea is I see my PC friend has a small program which start doom and call through a simple modem his other friend which start the same program in answer mode and they link and play doom. ( Gloom has an option like this) As understand this won't happen here because the doom is a Linux Version ?? and need AmiTcp for network. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adam Carrano writes: I tested Adoom v0.4 on two A4060 with ariadne ethernet cards and AmiTCP and it works very well and fast. I also tested via the Internet with two Amiga and Miami and it works but if you want best performances the players must have the same provider and use these arguments to limit the transfert data: for fast networks and deathmatch mode: -NOMONSTERS -ALTDEATH -DEATHMATCH yes, Adoom supports these arguments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Andreas Kuester writes: Congratulation for your ADoom, we play it for many hours with much fun! When we play over network (Ariadne ethernet with AmiTCP v4.3) and finished the first level, both machines leave doom and switch to workbench. Do you have any idea? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Peter Thiessen writes: My System: Amiga 2000 030/40 w 8 megs 32 bit ram & 6 megs 16 bit ram! OS v3.1 1 Meg ECS Agnus Running: Miami and MUI ADoom so far works ok right now with networking, although it's a bit slow on my system when networking! The only time I had it crash was when me and a friend played it for 4 hours straight against the monsters, then miami airport crashed! Keep up the good work! :) [...] I just thought I'd make a comment since you reported in your readme file that certain users couldn't network with 0.3 and noted that you hadn't tested it! Well was tested for four hours with a netfriend with monsters before it crashed...in fact we were at the end and couldn't finish it because of the crash! :+) You know it'd be nice if one could reconnect to your netfriend without us both having to restart the program. Note my IP address is dynamic! Perhaps there's some way for the program to detect new players and add them instead of us having to reload the program to play! Things like that would be most welcomed! :+) [...] Command used is: adoom -net 1 adoom -net 2 While playing the Doom Shareware mod which is about 4.8 Megs or so in normal team mode, the following problem occurs after we complete the first level thus not allowing us to continue: Screen Mode $00011084 is NATIVE-PLANAR EXTRAHALFBRITE Error: W_GetNumForName: WIOBJ not found! I_ShutdownSound() I_ShutdownMusic() Total number of frames = 1639 Total blit wait time = 2982859 us (1819 us/frame) Total safe wait time = 3415577 us (2083 us/frame) Total C2P time = 97871046 us (59713 us/frame) Total WPA8 time = 0 us (0 us/frame) End of game at this point! We can play fine in modes deathmatch and nomonsters and complete the entire wad file! BTW Are there any othe modes for selecting different levels to start from? Note: -deathmatch and -nomonsters modes work fine so far! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Paul Webb" writes: [...] I use Miami to get on to the Internet and I I've found a problem with it and your port of Doom, and probably the other one as well. Miami sets an envrionment variable called "Home" in the ENV: assign and it seems to be confusing ADoom. The game runs alright but any changes to the controls that I have made in .doomrc are lost as it can't find the file. There are two soloutions that I can see, change the code in ADoom and program out the problem or copy the .doomrc file into the directory that Miami has set for Home, in my case it's the TEMP: assign but I believe the default is SYS:. I read on your ADoom history that ADoom 0.2 and 0.3 hang on exit, I'm afraid to say that on my machine 0.4 hangs as well, but only when run from Workbench, I usualy run it with no startup to get the biggest chunk of ram I can. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dean Husby writes: [...], any change of rewriting the network code to be internet friendly? It sure would be nice to have a 4 player kill fest, I tried Adoom with one person but it was so slow and painful. (And crashed alot) [...] If you were to recreate the networking code to allow for 4 players at a good speed, people would love you all the more for it. I know I would. The Amiga has so very few Net games, none of which had any lasting ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Peter Mattsson writes: Is it possible to implement serial linking in your DOOMport? I've heard that this wasnt even implemented in the original MSDOS version of DOOM. In that case this would be difficult to program, or am I wrong? I think that serial linking would be more of use than network linking, as everyone has a serial port but not many have network-cards. The second reason is that games like DOOM, Duke3D and Quake tend to be quite boring unless you play against a friend :). The third reason is the thought is quite funny: Playing serial DOOM on two Amigas, and PC owners might notice the power of Amiga. :) >I believe ADoom already works over a NULL-modem cable with >(SLIP or PPP) and (Miama or AmiTCP). I've received contradictory >reports about how good the performance is. Okay I will shortly try that with a friend! But my senses tell me networking on a 030/50 together with DOOM isnt going to be fast, if you know what I mean. But I dont want to sound negative before Ive tried it myself.. [...] I have now tested networking with Miami on two A1200/030/50! It worked after some hours of struggling with Miami<->ADoom, but the result was below expected. Even at the smallest window, it was still unplayable. To make it faster, I think a 2x2 resolution or real serial linking would be the things to do. [...] Well, you can trust me on this one: it was unplayable, even at the smallest window. And we used two Amiga1200/030/50 with Miami v2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ fabsced@techplus.com (F. Shaun C Edwards) writes: I run an A1200 with 060-50 & AGA. I have 40 megs ram so I load the whole doom setup that I wish to run into ram, then start it. [...] when playing Adoom on Inet, I get about 10-15 fps, so the net support is doing great. If there was a way to reduce packet output during play, that could speed up the game a bit. :) [...] For some reason, whenever I run a net game with someone (started last night), either me or the opponent will get "Error: consistency failure (24805 should be 24806)" after about 10 sec of playing. then ADoom will shut down on that end which messed up. Can you fix it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ acdc_hacker@hotmail.com (MAX HEADROOM) writes: My friend & I have also enjoyed it via TCP/IP. [...] COMPUTER: A2000+040/MMU/FPU/28Mhz - Kickstart 40/Workbench 3.1 17MB RAM.Picasso2+CGX(24bit)/Exabyte 8200 DAT/2.2 Gigs HD Space ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Isak Schmidt writes: -I played tcp/ip network game with a friend today (using Miami and null-modem) and it was S-L-O-W!! It was not even playable in the smallest window available. I was wondering if there is any way to include a null-modem option for playing deathmatch etc. It would be really nice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ flo@sci.fi (flow/da passive!^panik.) writes: I was wondering if I want to play with my pc friend ADoom, and we have null modem cable, but how should we configure to get everything work? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Adam Atkinson" writes: I've been trying to play via the net and I get stuff like: Error: consistency failure (10914 should be 10896) and : Error: consistency failure (-4405 should be -4401) after, say, a few seconds to a few minutes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Robert L. Wise" writes: Great program!! But it fails over the internet after a short time of play. [...] Error: consistency failure (1153 should be 1154) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Troels Walsted Hansen" writes: I tried ADoom 0.5 a couple of days ago in multiplay with a friend over ethernet. We both use A4000/060 with CV64 cards, and Miami for software. ADoom froze when one of use died and pressed space to resurrect. The game froze just before the green flash disappered. I think it went into a 100% cpu loop. The other client stayed alive, but slowed down to a complete crawl (1 frame every 2 minutes). We reproduced this 3 times with various startup options. We used the WAD from www.pluk.com. The problem didn't happen with ADoom 0.4. Thanks for a very nice Doom port. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nick Tamm writes: My brother and I have two computers connected via a null-modem serial cable, and running AmiTCP with SLIP on both of them, we are able to play DOOM as though it were over a network. So, thank you for a great port. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Roy Krister Ellingsen writes: [...] I was just wondering if you could implement something in "ADoom"? I were thinking of a link-option so you could link on "Doom" with Pc-Users. Now I see that the link-option on the Pc is done in the setup-file, so therefore there aren't any chance for the Amiga-users to link on it (yet), but therefore I hoped that you could do a setup-file for "ADoom" so more options became available for the Amiga-users too (eg. link, keyboard-configuration and mouse-control). [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adam Carrano writes: When I play in local network, one of the players (sometimes the 1st and sometimes the 2nd player) automaticaly leave the game after a few seconds. And I don't do anything for that !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== MUSIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joseph Fenton (author of the MUS-play code) writes: The MUS player only uses two of the audio channels (0 and 1, although the channel numbers can be changed). That leaves 2 channels free for the SFX. By having music on two and SFX on the other two, the master volume is still controllable using the channel volume in Paula. You'll notice that I combine up to 16 voices and use an arithmetic shift for fast volume scaling. The bfffo (log2(x)) gives the shift so that the volume remains linear. If you combine SFX, you use more processing power, but can then use the sepeartion as the voice volume when adding into the left or right buffer just as I use the instrument channel volume to combine the instument voices in the MUS player. I don't use the panning in the MUS file because I never saw a MUS score that used it, but it could be used to do seperate left and right output. If you don't combine SFX, you only have two instead of four channels. Not much of a tradeoff as many folks use lower counts on the real DOOM for a speed up. Plus, if the music is turned off, you could go back to four channels again. [...] [about MIDI_Instruments] They are the standard MIDI instruments and percussions by the way; we'll also be trying to do a new file ourselves sometime. One hint, do most normal or high pitched instruments at 72 and low pitched instruments (bass) at 60; they sound better that way because the 11K sample rate limits how good you can get one end or the other. Sampling at an octave closer to where it wil NORMALLY be played makes the instrument play back better. [...] If you look at the MIDI_Instruments.s file, it is a table of offsets to the instruments; the instruments are: LONG Sample Rate in MIDI_Instruments, replaced by ptr to wave in player FIXED Loop Start (if non-zero) of instrument FIXED Length and Loop End of instrument BYTE Flags, 0 in MIDI_Instruments BYTE Note Base of sampled instrument, 60 = sampled at middle C, 72 = sampled at 1 octave above middle C. ARRAY OF BYTES Instrument wave data in Amiga raw format (8bit signed) The sample rate should always be about 11050; if the instruments are significantly off from that number, the note sampling table should be altered to correct the deviation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RUiNa writes: Hey I just wanted to say thanks for making a great port of Doom, and I'd like to request that you put in real MIDI support.. not too many games for the amiga use MIDI for sound, and since the original DOOM used MIDI, it would seem to make sense.. There's a lot of amiga users with midi equipment and it could add alot to the port.. Once again, thanks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Thomas Danielsson" writes: Is that possible to use a extern sound module or a synth, to play the music instead internal?. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ StAn writes: the music sounds very strange, like if the pitch was changed 1 or 1.5 second after the beginning of each instrument. (hmm I say "pitch" but I'm not sure) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "John Herzfeld" writes: [...] I am probably one of only a few Amigans with a midi device attached to my machine. A yamaha synth in my case. It should be easy to port the Doom music to us, right? It would be great if you could do that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Andy Gardner" writes: There is one thing I would like to ask and it concerns the main new feature in Version 0.5 - the music. In the main archive you included a file called "MIDI_Instruments" so the music could now be played. I know there are a lot of people out there who, like myself, have GMPlay (General Midi Player) installed on their Amigas. And more importantly have high-quality 16-bit samples which are used in the play back of Midi files. Is there anyway of accessing these samples (either by accessing the GM: directories directly or by including a program so we can compile our own "MIDI_Instrument" files using samples from GMPlay)? It would alow us to have better and clearer samples without having to rely on you to provided a HUGE great Instrument file. In my case I have 25Megs of samples in my GMPlay directory and I don't think you'd want to ship a copy of ADoom with a 25Meg music file in it would you? ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vesa Halttunen writes: Stereo sounds would be cool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^_^ (Tm2) writes: * The music plays some sour notes. I'm assuming that the MUS player or the MIDIFiles file needs some work? * The music is not in stereo. All of the Doom music takes advantage of stereo effects. Some ideas?: * MIDIFiles sampled at 28kHz? That would sound a lot better. ;) * Music frequency playback at 28kHz? 11kHz is pretty noisy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dirk Neubauer writes: Thanks for new version. Works great, with Doom2 too. But the music now is ugly. But may be my slow processor is the reason for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guillaume Ubbelohde <950947@mercure.umh.ac.be> writes: The music option works too, but is of pretty poor quality. Can't this be better? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexander Niven-Jenkins writes: But can I also say that with music it's got that little bit more, well done. Keep up the good work! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jonas =?iso-8859-1?Q?=D6sterberg?= writes: Could you please add a -nosound option (or similar), so that ADoom doesn't try to allocate audio channels or play audio at all. I noticed that I couldn't play Doom and listen to some mp3 instead of Doom SoundFX/Midi Music, since ADoom initializations shut down completely if it couldn't allocate audio channels (Playing Quake and listening to mp3 works fine, since Quake doesn't use audio). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Benji writes: The MIDI music player was quite a suprise - shame the music in the game is so poor on the "real" PC version! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "R.J.Lundie" writes: would it be possible to add an option to output the MIDI music to the serial port? That way, the game will run much faster (and sound much better) for those (including.. ahem.. me) who have GM sound modules. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Thomas Danielsson" writes: I have one quick question about the file MIDI_Instruments. 1. Is that possible to make a own MIDI_Instruments file, and how it's done?. I asking because i own a Korg X3 synth, and i was thinking to take samples from it. But it depens how difficult it is, to make a such file as MIDI_Instr- uments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== 68060 PROBLEMS AND TIPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Shaun F." writes: I've found the following quirk when playing ADoom: I have a blizzard 1260 68060 accelerator, and when using ADoom withOUT having a fastexec patch (to place exec.library in FASTRAM, as the 1260 does not do this by itself), ADoom runs very very slow indeed. Upon using FastExec or BlizzMagic's Fastexec feature, sysinfo reports exec.library in fastram, and Adoom runs very fast and smooth. What's the cause of this? Is ADoom VERY exec intense or something? I was jsut thinking, many people with 1260's installed, with no fastexec patch might find it unplayably slow. [...] I just read your docs in ADoom 0.5, and it says for 060 users, FastExec dramatically increases the speed. It actually seems to be FastExec's "SSP to FastMem option" which affects the speed of ADoom. FastExec is quite annoying, because it reboots the machine on every cold startup. A much better solution is to use a program such as MCP which has a SSP to FastMem option in it's processor prefs section, and doesn't require rebooting on cold startups. I'm sure there's other programs around which are simple commands that you can add in your User-Startup or whatever that move the SuperVisor Stack to FastMemory. You can easily check if your SSP is in fastmem with a program like SYSspeed, in it's System Configuration window. Look at the memory address of SSP:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Martin Knott writes: My Proble: I think, it is not working well with my A1200 with 060 CPU. Only 1-2 Frames per Second. I think, it is much faster on an Amiga 4000 / 040, but why...? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Peter Pettersson writes: Hey Peter,u have done a great work with Doom,it works for everyone ti run`s fine with my friends 1230,when i run it it`s slower than 020,and i got 060. Have u test it on 060?..it doesn`t work when i turn the 060 rutines off and run it as a 040 either. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Andrew Deacon writes: ADoom 0.5 has solved my 060 speed probs. I've gone from 4.5fps on a small screen to 17.99 on a full size screen with the control panel. I haven't got FastExec (patches exec.library to fastmem amongst other things) working yet, so maybe it'll be even faster then. An Apollo user said FE made a huge difference on his machine. SUPERB SUPERB SUPERB [...] perhaps it's FastExec responsible for the speed increase after all as Amidoom now runs faster as well. Strange that Adoom 0.4 didn't get faster when I first installed Fast Exec though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Shaun F." writes: I have an A1200, with a 50Mhz 68060 Blizzard 1260 card, and 16 MB EDO FastRAM. When running ADoom withOUT MCP's "SSP to FASTRAM" option, it's very very slow, unplayably slow. However, if the Supervisor Stack is put into FASTRAM, ADoom is very very smooth, the way it's meant to be. BlizzMagic and FastExec have options to place SSP in fastram as well. I never thought the SSP to fastram thing made such a huge difference, but it certainly does with ADoom. What's the reason for this? People with 1260's not running any SSP to fastram patches must find ADoom unplayably slow! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexander Niven-Jenkins writes: My main reason for this mail is about the fastexec thing, this is not needed what so ever. I do not run it or any patch that puts the exec.library into fastram and ADoom runs perfectly fine, even with various things going on in the background. If you need to run fastexec or similar program it is because you are running a bad hack or program. That is slowing something down! And I'm sorry to say the odds are it is MCP. Even though this program might work wonders for some people there are so many options in it that you might have ticked one that really you shouldn't have. [...] it's not necesarrily MCP, I don't want to start another argument about it. But MCP does have alot of options and some of them do cause problems on some machines and not on others. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Martin writes: I'am using OxyPatcher by OXYRON... with this Patch AmiDoom runs about 3 or 4 times faster than without... on my 060 board it works fine, but on a 040 board OxyPatcher doesn't help ;(... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fabio writes: I have AMIGA 1200/60 AGA and previous version was very slow with 68060, but now it's VERY FASTER !!! PETER, YUO ARE MAGIC :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marco Marczykowski writes: AmiDOOM works very nice on 060/50 with the OxyPatcher!!! try it :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== MISCELLANEOUS TIPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ tom@ai.inka.de (Thomas Boerkel) writes: About your comment about BlitzBlank in your Aminet readme of your Doom port: You can always turn off Joystick checking in BlitzBlank with an ARexx command or with the preferences program. Unfortunately, AmigaOS doesn't let programs share the gameport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nicholas Piper writes: Command Line Options -------------------- Not sure about all these yet, seems there are loads. These are the ones I know of though, and what I *think* they do :-) Also, I've not checked they all work... -devparm Allows you to use "special" command line options. This is normally needed... also, in MS-DOS Doom at least, this will let you press F1 to get a 256 screen capture in pcx format. Dunno if it works here though, I'll test it later :-~) -warp # $ Warp to episode #, level $ -skill # Start with skill level # (between 1-5) -respawn Baddies just keep on coming :-) 8 seconds after you kill them, they regenerate.... -record [file] Records the action into [file] -maxdemo # Sets maximum size (in k) of the recorded demo -playdemo [f] Plays back the action from [f] -loadgame # Loads # saved game (number, between 0-5) -deathmatch Deathmatch mode. Otherwise, uses Cooperative mode -episode # Starts episode # (1-3). Default is Episode One, = Knee-Deep in the Dead. -nomonsters Guess :-) -fast Fast monsters, like in Nightmare mode -turbo Makes your bloke run faster :-) between 1-255 -avg Ends game in 20 minutes -nojoy Turns off joystick -nosfx Turns off sound fx -nosound Turns off sound. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zer0-X writes: And what's also neat is that the cheats in original PC-DOOM works still: IDCLEV## (Episode & Level) - woun't work with the Plutonia version. IDDQD - God mode. IDDT - 2 times in the map reveals everything. IDKFA - All the guns and stuff. IDBEHOLD - following by first letters of the words in the top left corner= of screen. IDCLIP - Walk through walls. and some other codes, if you didn't know them already... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADOOM WEB SITES ======================================================================== "Mathias Roslund" writes: I wrote to you a few days ago, asking about an ADoom homepage. You then said it was ok, if I made one. I've now made a first atempt. It's location is: http://hem2.passagen.se/sids/adoom/ I would really apreciate if you checked it out. I'm not very good at HTML or graphics, but I've done my best. It only covers version 0.4 right now, but that is since I uploaded it yesterday! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ bartlett@which.net (bartlett@which.net) writes: I maintain an Amiga Doom Web site (the second most popular, IIRC;)), and I just wanted to let you know about it. The URL is http://homepages.which.net/~bartlett/, but it's quicker to use http://amidoom.home.ml.org. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ridwan Hughes writes: ADoom 0.5, it's now on http://www.pluk.com/ and it's mirror at http://amiga.tc3net.com/doom/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== TELEPORT BUG ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Stefan Blomen" writes: [...] When you [...] go into the "transporter", version 0.5 hangs while it worked with 0.4. HW: A4000, CS MK1 060, PiccoSD64, cgx3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stephen Kroh writes: When I installed version 0.5 on my machine, going through a teleport would lock up the game. This happened in any episode, with commercial or shareware WADs. When I went back to 0.4, the problem disappeared. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ J.Urbanek@t-online.de (Juergen Urbanek) writes: I fount a new bug in V0.5. When I use a Teleporter in Doom 1 than Doome hangs. In V0.4 it works. Also the Demo-Problem comes much later in V0.4 ?! And there are sometimes enforcerhits... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dhomas trenn writes: There appears to be a bug in the handling of teleports. The game crashes when exiting them. That is, enter teleport, you teleport, a smear of blue debris (???) appears and the game locks up. I've noticed this at the teleport at the end of the DOOM1 demo wad, and also early on in the doom2.wad (which I just got today :). I don't think it did this in earlier versions, but it might just be these particular teleports. [...] I'm not sure, but it might have to do with how you use the teleport. I played around with it last night and here's what I think. If you are moving when you arrive at the receiving end of the teleport, it won't crash. If you arrive in the teleport and are standing still, it crashes. In others words, holding down a cursor key while teleporting is okay. This may or may not be the problem... when I tried it though it was okay... might have been coincidence though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAS/C PROFILE OUTPUT ON 68040 WARPENGINE + GVP-SPECTRUM ======================================================================== SAS AMIGA 68000 Profile Analyzer V6.50 Copyright © 1992-1993 SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved. Profile Statistics for adoom 10362 run + 458 ready + 506 wait = 11326 91.488% run, 4.044% ready, 4.468% wait 26.424% samples (2738) out of profile range counted = 7021, RUN - NonTable 2738 Routine % Total % Offset Hits Label 34.0692% 34.0692% 6b9a8 2392 @R_DrawColumn [lines 87-213 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/amiga_draw.s] Most hits - 9.9559% (699) on line 191 10.2264% 44.2956% 1f09c 718 @R_RenderSegLoop [lines 207-366 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/r_segs.c] Most hits - 1.3530% (95) on line 277 6.2385% 50.5341% 212b4 438 @W_CheckNumForName [lines 370-408 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/w_wad.c] Most hits - 3.0908% (217) on line 405 4.5578% 55.0919% 20284 320 @R_DrawMaskedColumn [lines 352-389 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/r_things.c] Most hits - 0.9828% (69) on line 367 3.9881% 59.0799% 1ebca 280 @R_MakeSpans [lines 337-360 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/r_plane.c] Most hits - 1.5382% (108) on line 337 3.1762% 62.2561% 1ec7c 223 @R_DrawPlanes [lines 368-454 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/r_plane.c] Most hits - 1.7803% (125) on line 446 2.22110% 64.4779% 18150 156 @P_DivlineSide [lines 59-99 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/p_sight.c] Most hits - 0.6409% (45) on line 95 2.1222% 66.6002% 6ba9e 149 @R_DrawSpan [lines 274-394 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/amiga_draw.s] Most hits - 1.4101% (99) on line 427 2.1079% 68.7081% 1e86e 148 @R_MapPlane [lines 125-179 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/r_plane.c] Most hits - 0.2707% (19) on line 159 2.0652% 70.7733% 20a12 145 @R_DrawSprite [lines 843-951 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/r_things.c] Most hits - 0.2991% (21) on line 864 2.0368% 72.8101% 1cce2 143 @R_GetColumn [lines 392-407 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/r_data.c] Most hits - 0.6552% (46) on line 402 1.9797% 74.78910% 1f416 139 @R_StoreWallRange [lines 379-748 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/r_segs.c] Most hits - 0.17010% (12) on line 410 1.9085% 76.6985% 23aee 134 @V_DrawPatch [lines 209-264 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/v_video.c] Most hits - 0.5983% (42) on line 259 1.7519% 78.4503% 21426 123 @W_CacheLumpNum [lines 497-518 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/w_wad.c] Most hits - 0.7263% (51) on line 515 1.1109% 79.5614% 18298 78 @P_CrossSubsector [lines 136-248 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/p_sight.c] Most hits - 0.1994% (14) on line 175 1.0398% 80.6010% 18436 73 @P_CrossBSPNode [lines 258-290 in Work7:Programs/ADoom/p_sight.c] Most hits - 0.3560% (25) on line 283 [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================