___ Gegs version 1.0 Evaluator __________________________ Gegs takes a common word or phrase and scrambles the letters...hardly a new idea. But Gegs has plenty of new angles: - Look: Calculator metaphor puts everything at your mouse tip. - Games: Six puzzle categories and over 3,800 individual word/ phrase puzzles. - Options: De-vowel, Wild Card, and Hangman game modifiers make for even more addictive aggravation. - Scoring: Gegs tracks your starts, wins, and scores. A detailed stats report is always available. - Online Help: Illustrated WinHelp system with screen shots and full instructions to get you up and running quickly and easily. Gegs requires VGA or higher resolution and prefers a mouse or other pointing device to run. ___ Installation ____________________________________________ Here's how to install King's Casino Solitaire from the archive: 1) Un-Zip KCSol2.zip. You've already performed this step to be reading this file. 2) Copy all files into your favourite games directory or create a new directory for it. 3) Drag gegs.exe from File Manager into the Windows group of your choice in Program Manager (or your other favourite Windows Shell). (Alternatively, you could run Gegs by selecting File/Run from the menu in Program Manager or File Manager and typing in the path to gegs.exe and its name.) Gegs does not modify your Win.ini, your System.ini, your AutoExec.bat or your Config.sys. Just delete the following few files and it's gone: ___ Files Supplied __________________________________________ - Files installed in the directory you specified - - gegs.exe the Gegs program file - gegs.dat encrypted data file needed by Gegs to run - gegs.hlp Windows help file - gegs.ini configuration file updated by program - gegsread.txt this file (not necessary to run program) - gegorder.txt order form (not necessary to run program) - file_id.diz description for BBS and on-line systems (not necessary to run program) ___ Getting Started ___________________________________________ If you start up the game and click a few buttons. I think you'll be an old pro in a very short time. However, all features are fully documented from Help/Contents or by pressing F1. To get started: 1) Make sure the word Standard appears in the second upper left black window 2) Click on the [5 Letter] button 3) Click on the single letter buttons which appear on the first row in the correct order to unscramble the scrambled five letter word. ___ Accessibility ____________________________________________ This program uses Windows and may be inaccessible to anyone with visual impairment. You will find a speech-friendly version of Gegs and much more in the archive VIP611.zip available in the Disabilities forum on CompuServe, BlinkLink, PC-Ohio, CRS and many other fine BBSs. I have no experience in programming for motor disabilities. I believe everything in this program is accessible via single mouse clicks and very occasional mouse drags. Don't forget that you can - Click on the [Got It!] button (green check mark) instead of the individual letter buttons to enter your solution. - use Escape to clear a wrong entry. - use the right mouse button to pop up the Games menu or Pile Info. If you can think of any changes to improve this program's accessi- bility, please let me know. Anyone with a disability and limited financial resources may acquire the fully functional version of Gegs for the reduced price of $3.50 by including a photocopy of any legal document confirming the disability. ___ About Gegs.dat _______________________________________ The words and phrases used as puzzles by Gegs are stored in Gegs.dat. This file is encrypted, not to protect any great programmer's secrets, but to help you resist peeking. It contains about 600 words or phrases in each of the puzzle categories: 5 Letter, 6 Letter, etc. I had compiled about 200 in each category with great and painful labour. Fortunately for you and me, Kelley Schroedl of North Carolina took mercy on us and whipped off another 400 or so in each category. ___ About Gegs.exe _______________________________________ Gegs has gone through three iterations so far: a DOS version done in C with a speech-accessible interface, an Windows version in C, and finally this version for Windows, totally re-written in Delphi Pascal. Yes Gegs.exe is fat, but it has some awesome error-handling under the hood (not to mention OOP hand-holding to make errors less likely). Delphi even traps GPFs! Happy computing and thanks for trying Gegs, Dale Cotton CompuServe 73632,703 (Internet 73632.703@Compuserve.com)