Changes from 1.0 to 1.2a Additions - new HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL stack direction Spreads all its card on its surface instead of stacking them one on another - Stack can now Overlap (like in pyramid) - Icons can now represent the game it is connected to - Automatic indentation in editor window Bugs - Bug in card dragging verticaly corrected - Bug in initial Games List Box path - Bug with iconic Help Box - Bug with stack Direction := left and deltas calculation - Bug with Turn instruction and the log - Bug with garbage left between cards when CardWidth last deltas - Bug with break in a with inside a predicate/function - Bug in Games List Box and current directory - Drawing problems when dragging cards over flashing ones Quirks - Now Catches division by zero Problems Spotted but not corrected - Erasing problems in fireworks when menu opens - Some Synchronicity problems between directory in file requester and in Icons List Box