r5JW[o#59F_p{ )?aw & J o            ; a x 3 V # 8 O h  E p  ;c1Mz'AZl}(4Jt6Ym8O^{7j 6V|1BW| Yv)Jo;]iv)Y~BXnMxQ Ne8a 7 c !3!T!y!!!!!""("E"g"s"""""""#*#5#L#l#####)$O$l$$$$$%"%=%`%|%%%%%%&@&Z&o&z&&&&&&&''!'E'a'n''''(((((5(W((((()C)W))))'*f****+!+;+d+x++++,8,],{,},,,,,,,,,,, -%-?-T-_-v------..3.M.]......./3/V/h///////050X0t00000181R1g1r111111 2&232:2H2[2h2222222223313F3i33333334=4`444444505R5|55556<6F6^6666667A7d7777778888<<44>g>>>>>?2?::::;#;<;a;;;;;858a88I?U?i?q?y?????????-@@@>AAApBBCCC3DDDKEEF|FF9GTGeGGGGGGGH2HLHdHHHHHIHIIIII!JHJVJhJyJJJJJ KK9KPKkKKKKKKKLL-LMLfLLLLLLM3M\MMMMMMN$NFNRNrNNNNNNO(ODO`O|OOOOOPP6PMPdPxPPPPPPPPQ*QEQ`QmQzQQQQQQQQRR0RJRdR~RRRRR S,SLSlSSSSSSST&THTI have His NobsThat's fortunate. His NobsHis Nobs! I got lucky.His NobsLooks like I won by %s point%s.I won that one by %s point%s.Good enough. I guess I won that, didn't I? By %s point%s.I won by %s point%s.That's a Go!GO!You got a Go there.I don't have anything that'll play. You can Go.That was the last card.I get a point for last card.And the last card gives me a point.Okay, I had the last card.It's %s to you.That makes it %s.%s.Now it's %s.That's %s for %s points.%s and I get %s.%s for %s.%s for %s.I'm empty!I don't have a darn thing!How do you like that? Not a single point.Nothing!%s for %s.%s for %s.%s for %s.%s for %s.%s. And that's a pair for %s.%s and a pair for %s.%s plus the pair gives me for %s.%s and a pair for %s.%s plus a three of a kind for %s.%s. The three of a kind gives me %s.%s. I get %s for the three of a kind.%s and a three of a kind for %s.%s plus a four of a kind for %s.%s. The four of a kind gives me %s.%s. I get %s for the four of a kind.%s and a four of a kind for %s.%s plus a run for %s.%s. The run gives me %s.%s. I also get %s for the run.%s and a run for %s. This hand the knock value is %s.This hand we can knock on %s or less.The Knock value is %s.%s is the Knock value this hand.GIN!I have gin.That gives me Gin!Good enough! GIN!Good enough. I won with %s point%s!Looks like I won with %s.That's good. I won that game with %s.I won that game! I had %s point%s.I'm afraid I tied you on that hand, my friend.Don't get too hasty with the points. I tied you.Sorry, you didn't quite make it. I just tied you!I think it's me that gets the points. You see, I tied you.Looks like I get %s.Good enough. I get %s.That's %s point%s to me.I'm getting %s point%s.I'm going to knock on %s.I'm knocking on %s.I get to knock on %s.Alright if I knock on %s?Looks like I underKnocked you by %s.Hold on there! I just underKnocked you by %s so I get %s point%s.I'm afraid you've been underKnocked by %s.Sorry, you got underKnocked by %s so I'll get %s point%s.I have %s.I have %s against me.You caught me with %s.I still have %s bad in my hand.That and the gin gives me %s.Altogether, that makes %s.Good enough. That will make %s point%s.Looks like I get %s point%s altogether.I have a total of %s.My count is %s.I've got %s.I have %s.Good enough! 31!Alright! I got me 31.Watch out, people. I have 31.31! I win.I'm going to knock now.I think I'm going to knock.I figure I have a good enough hand to knock.Why not! I'm knocking!I'll take a chance and 'first-hand' with %s.I think I'll 'first-hand'. I have %s.I'm 'first-handing'. I got %s.I'll risk it. 'First-hand' with %s.Nope, I beat you with %s.I got that beat with %s.My %s beats that.My %s is higher.That's better than my %s.Can't beat that. I've just got %s.Ouch! That beats my %s.My %s doesn't make it.At least I tied you.Look! We've tied.I have the same as you.We're tied.Everybody here loses.Everyone but me has to hand over a token.You all lose a token.I got you all! Everyone fork over a token.Well, darn. I've got the lowest hand.Looks like it's me that has the lowest hand.I'm the one with the lowest hand. I lose one.That means it's me that loses one.Good enough! I won!Looks like I won that game.Not bad, huh? I won!I won! Good game, everyone.I was supposed to beat everyone but I didn't, so I lose 2 tokens.Looks like I'm out 2 for trying.Didn't make it! I'm out 2.Down 2 for blowing it!I got you all.Everyone! Hand over a token.You all lose one. I did it.Not bad, huh? You each lose one.I won that one %s point%s.I won this game. I had %s point%s.Good enough! I won with %s.Look at that! I won with %s point%s.It's my trick. Luckily, there's nothing bad there.If I have to take one, I like it when there's nothing bad in 'em.I don't mind taking these kinds of tricks.I'll take it!I've got the deuce so it's my start.The deuce is right here. I'll start it off.I lead with the deuce of clubs.Here's the deuce to get things going.It's my turn to start.I'm going to start this one.Looks like it's my turn to start.I'll start.It's %s to you, %s.Looks like it's %s to you, %s.%s, %s.Alright. %s to you, %s.That does me in.Ah! You guys got me.That's about as far as it goes, huh?I think I gotta fold.Good enough! I won!Looks like I won that game.Not bad, huh? I won!I won! Good game, everyone.Well, it looks like I'm fresh out of tokens.That's all she wrote for this guy. I haven't any tokens.I out of this game, I guess.That does me completely in. I'm out of tokens.I won that one with %s point%s.I won this game. I had %s point%s.Good enough! I won with %s.Look at that! I won with %s point%s.We won that one with %s point%s.We won this game. We had %s point%s.Good enough! We won with %s.Look at that! We won with %s point%s.I believe that's my trick.Alright! That's my trick.I get another trick.It's mine.It's my turn to start.I'm going to start this one.Looks like it's my turn to start.I'll start.I'll bid %s.I think I'll take %s.I figure I'll be able to manage %s.Put me down for %s.Well, how do you like that? I'm set by %s.I got carried away! Now I'm set by %s and out %s point%s.I didn't quite do it, did I? Now I'm set by %s.Well, darn. I tried. Hah! Set by %s.Well, how do you like that? We're set by %s.We got carried away! Now we're set by %s and out %s point%s.We didn't quite do it, did we? Now we're set by %s.Well, darn. We tried. Hah! Set by %s.I got my %s trick%s. I have my %s trick%s.All of mine are here.I did it. Got my %s trick%s.We got our %s book%s. That gives us %s point%s.We have our %s trick%s.All of our %s are here.We did it. Got ours.I got my %s book%s and %s more. That makes %s point%s.Hey, not only mine but more, too. Not bad.Looks like I got my %s trick%s and %s extra. That's %s point%s.I'll take this! Not too shabby, huh?We got our %s trick%s and %s more. That makes it %s point%s.Hey, not only our %s book%s but %s more, too. Not bad.Looks like we got our %s trick%s and %s extra. That's %s point%s.We'll take this, won't we?! Not too shabby, huh?I said none and I took none.I didn't take any.Nary a one, like I said.One big zip!Like I said, I didn't take any. Bonus time for me.No tricks and a bonus!I love it when you get a bunch for getting nothing.Zero. That's how many tricks I got.Well, I took some when I wasn't supposed to.Not quite a Nil, huh? Looks like I goofed.I wasn't going to take any but....I think I messed up. Wouldn't you agree?Like we said, we didn't take any. Bonus time for us.No tricks and a bonus!I love it when you get a bunch for getting nothing.Zero. That's how many tricks we got.Well, we took some when we weren't supposed to.Not quite a Nil, huh? Looks like we goofed.We weren't going to take any but....I think we messed up. Wouldn't you agree?I won that one with %s points.I won this game. I had %s points.Good enough! I won with %s.Look at that! I won with %s points.We won that one with %s point%s.We won this game. We had %s point%s.Good enough! We won with %s.Look at that! We won with %s point%s.I believe that's my trick.Alright! That's my trick.I get another trick.It's mine.It's my turn to start.I'm going to start this one.Looks like it's my turn to start.I'll start.I'll bid %s.I think I'll take %s.I figure I'll be able to manage %s.Put me down for %s.I got %s point%s.Let's see, I have %s point%s.Well, it looks like I have %s.I've got %s.We got %s.Let's see, we have %s.Well, it looks like we have %s.We've got %s trick%s for %s point%s.I didn't get enough tricks, so .....Not enough! Guess no points.That doesn't quite do it, huh?Looks like I blew it. Don't get any points doing that.We didn't get enough tricks, so .....Not enough! Guess no points.That doesn't quite do it, huh?Looks like we blew it. Don't get any points doing that.The %s are trump.Okay, the trump this hand'll be %s.%s are the trump this time.%s're trump.I won that one %s point%s.I won this game. I had %s point%s.Good enough! I won with %s.Look at that! I won with %s point%s.We won that one %s point%s.We won this game. We had %s point%s.Good enough! We won with %s.Look at that! We won with %s point%s.I believe that's my trick.Alright! That's my trick.I get another trick.It's mine.It's my turn to start.I'm going to start this one.Looks like it's my turn to start.I'll start.%s.I make it %s.Let's make the bid %s.%s. Okay?The %s are trump.Okay, the trump this hand'll be %s.%s are the trump this time.%s're trump.I've gotta start bidding at %s.Okay, I don't have a choice but to start bidding at %s.%s. That's the bid.I gotta start the bid. Okay, it's %s.By me.Nope, I pass.I think I'll pass.I'm passing.We didn't do it. We're set by %s.Almost, but not quite. We're down %s point%s.I thought we'd do it but nope. We're set by %s.We're set %s point%s.I didn't do it. I'm set by %s.Almost, but not quite. I'm down %s point%s.I thought I'd do it but nope. I'm set by %s.I'm set %s point%s.I don't have either a marriage or a nine so I guess I'm set.Nope, not a marriage nor a nine in my hand.Don't have a king-and-queen. don't have a nine.I need either a marriage or a nine and I have neither.As my son's soccer coach would say, I've had it dropped on me.Now what do I do? I got the bid and I didn't necessarily want it.Well, like it or not, I've got the bid.Thanks for the bid, people!That was the last trick.I get the last trick bonus.The last trick goes here.As an added bonus, I get the last trick.No tricks, no meld.I needed a trick but didn't get it. I lose my meld.Without a meld, my meld is forfeit.Oh well, there goes my meld.No tricks, no meld.We needed a trick but didn't get it. We lose our meld.Without a meld, our meld is forfeit.Oh well, there goes our meld. I won that one %s point%s.I won this game. I had %s point%s.Good enough! I won with %s.Look at that! I won with %s point%s.I believe that's my trick.Alright! That's my trick.I get another trick.It's mine.It's my turn to start.I'm going to start this one.Looks like it's my turn to start.I'll start.I'll bid %s.I think I'll take %s.I figure I'll be able to manage %s.Put me down for %s.Yipes! I got too many.I got more than I wanted.I did TOO good.I shouldn't have taken that many.Not quite enough, huh?I didn't quite make it.Missed it, didn't I?Not enough. Not enough.I got what I said I would.I did like I said I would.Took just what I figured I would.It worked out just like I thought.The %s are trump.Okay, the trump this hand'll be %s.%s are the trump this time.%s're trump.This is it! There's no trump.This hand is a no-trump one.No trump!This last hand is a no-trumper.I won that one %s point%s.I won this game. I had %s point%s.Good enough! I won with %s.Look at that! I won with %s point%s.We won that one %s point%s.We won this game. We had %s point%s.Good enough! We won with %s.Look at that! We won with %s point%s.I believe that's my trick.Alright! That's my trick.I get another trick.It's mine.It's my turn to start.I'm going to start this one.Looks like it's my turn to start.I'll start.The %s are trump.Okay, the trump this hand'll be %s.%s are the trump this time.%s're trump.By me.Nope, I pass.I think I'll pass.I'm passing.That's alright with me.It's fine.Let's go with it.That's fine with me.That's alright with me.It's fine.Let's go with it.That's fine with me.That's alright with me.It's fine.Let's go with it.That's fine with me.No, I don't think I want that one.I don't want it, sorry.That's not what I want.Nope! It's no good.I think %s would be good.Let's go with %s as trump.I want the trump to be %s.Oh, I think %s, okay?Well, it looks like we were just euchred.That sure was a euchre, wasn't it?I'm afraid we just had a euchre pulled on us.Yeah, I know a euchre when I see one.We did it!Just like we planned it.We did it as pretty as you please.We made it clear and easy.Yeah! We got all of them.Climbed all over them, didn't we?It sure is pretty when you take them all.I love this game! We got 'em all!Well, it looks like I was just euchred.That sure was a euchre, wasn't it?I'm afraid I just had a euchre pulled on me.Yeah, I know a euchre when I see one.I did it!Just like I planned it.I did it as pretty as you please.I made it clear and easy.Yeah! I got all of them.Climbed all over them, didn't I?It sure is pretty when you take them all.I love this game! I got 'em all!I think I'll play the left bower.This is the left bower, isn't it?.I'll just lay this old left bower right here.Left bower.I've got the right bower.Time to lay down the right bower.Right bower.Why not? Let's bring on the right bower.I think I'll try this one by myself.I'll take a chance and play this one alone.Sit tight, partner. I'm going alone on this.Oh boy! I'll chance this one without you, partner.It's my deal.I deal this time.I'll deal, okay?I've got the deal.I won that one with %s point%s.I won this game. I had %s point%s.Good enough! I won with %s.Look at that! I won with %s point%s.I'll meld these.I think I'll meld these now.I got some I can meld.I'm gonna do some melding.I have something here that'll spec.I'll spec right here.I spec this.I'll spec.I have some more for here.I can add these.I'll just add these here.I'm adding some.I think I'll go out now.That's all for me. I'm going out.I think I'll end it now.That's it, guys. I'm going out.I think I'll take from here.I'll pick up right here.This is a good spot to pick up from.I'll get 'em from right here.I'll stick with the stock.I'll take from the deck.I think the stock is still the best bet.Can't make my move yet so I'll go with the stock.%s, you get %s.%s, I'll give you %s.Let's see ... %s gets %s.%s gets %s, alright?And I get %s.And I'll give myself %s.I get %s.I'm gonna have %s.Alright, we have %s wild.We'll play this one with %s wild.%s are the wild cards this hand.%s are wild.Well, I lost %s.How do you like that? I lost %s.All that and I still lose %s.I'm down %s.Not great but I did break even.I came out even there.No gain, no loss.Can't make a profit that way. I broke even.Looks like I picked up %s.I made %s.That puts me up %s more.I made myself %s.Let's see what I have here...Looks like I have %s.Well, I've got %s down here.I managed to meld. %s.I've got at least %s in meld.Ouch! I got stuck with %s left in my hand.Too bad! I still had %s in my hand.How much did I get hit?....Looks like %s.I've got %s left here.Well, geez.That's interesting.Oooooh!Uh huh.Goooooood!Baaaaaad!Well, bless it all!Geez.Why, you....Yeeeesssss.Oh, nooooo.Hmmmmm.Why don't I order up some burritos from my Taco Depot while we're waiting. I'm starved.I think I could have played a round of golf while I've been sitting here waiting.You know, in golf the really NICE players let you play through when they're taking as long as you.I swear my junior year in college went by faster. Are you going to play or just sit there?I don't mean to be pushy but the next shift is coming on soon at work and I'd like to check on 'em.You know, I've never gotten a hole-in-one but I did get one to within inches. It was great!Waiting for you is like waiting for the next play in football. You know it's coming but you just don't know when.If you are tired, we can always play again some other time.Did I tell you my son in really into soccer? He plays striker and is really a hustler. I'm mighty proud of him.Boy! You are really good at not doing anything for a long time. Are you sure you don't work at my Taco Depot?I wish I know what you're problem was. You just seem to be taking forever, an awful lot!Man, I thought playing against Ralph was a slow proposition. You're even worse.I was a collegiate golf player, you know. We didn't manage to get the cup any year but we were close each time.I think I'd better call my son and tell him that I might be here for a lot longer.Don't you ever move? You've just SAT there, doing nothing! You're like a politician.Okay. I think I'll go for a little walk. I sure can't just sit around here waiting for you.Come on, please. Just play a card or quit or something. Maybe just breathe a bit to show you're still around.I wish you knew how boring this is. I could be doing something more interesting, like doing inventory.My lawyer warned me not to say anything defamatory anymore so I'll just say that you are an interesting opponent.(Yawn). No, I'm awake, really. I just kinda faded away there for a moment.That one looks good to me.That could help.Thank you! I can use that.Yeah, I want that one.There's nothing in the pile for me.You're not helping me!I can't use that!Nope, don't want it.I think I'll get rid of this one.Yeah, this is the one.Don't much care for this.Can't use this anymore.That trick's mine, isn't it?Looks like I get some there, huh?Do I really have to take that one?Ouch! Got hit with some there.I tried but I still ate the queen.I'm really going to need taco sauce to eat the queen with, huh?I'm just glad we don't serve the queen at Taco Depot. She's hard to eat!You hold her too long, you're bound to have to eat it!Thanks....thanks a whole lot!Now I know where she is!Had to slip it to me, didn't you?Now I know why they call her the b...hIt's my deal.I deal this time.I'll deal, okay?I've got the deal.I won that one %s point%s.I won this game. I had %s point%s.Good enough! I won with %s.Look at that! I won with %s point%s.I'll meld these.I think I'll meld these now.I got some I can meld.I'm gonna do some melding.I have something here that'll spec.I'll spec right here.I spec this.I'll spec.I have some more for here.I can add these.I'll just add these here.I'm adding some.I think I'll go out now.That's all for me. I going out.I think I'll end it now.That's it, guys. I'm going out.I think I'll take from here.I'll pick up right here.This is a good spot to pick up from.I'll get 'em from right here.I'll stick with the stock.I'll take from the deck.I think the stock is still the best bet.Can't make my move yet so I'll go with the stock.It's my turn to start.I'm going to start this one.Looks like it's my turn to start.I'll start.It's my turn to start.I'm going to start this one.Looks like it's my turn to start.I'll start.Let's see what this'll give me.I hope this'll help.Maybe this'll do it.Alright, here goes.Well, that maybe helped.I don't know if I did myself any good or not.Hmmm. Maybe I goofed.Not bad. Not bad at all.I must cover that Red Trey.I must cover that Red Trey.I must cover that Red Trey.I must cover that Red Trey.I'm laying down a red trey.I'm laying down a red trey.I'm laying down a red trey.I'm laying down a red trey.I have a canasta here.I have a canasta here.I have a canasta here.I have a canasta here.The deck is frozen.The deck is frozen.The deck is frozen.The deck is frozen.I'll play this.I'll play this.I'll play this.I'll play this.I name %s as the new suit.I name %s as the new suit.I name %s as the new suit.I name %s as the new suit.%s are wild.%s are wild.%s are wild.%s are wild.I have %s point%s.I have %s point%s.I have %s point%s.I have %s point%s.I must draw a card.I must draw a card.I must draw a card.I must draw a card.I must draw another card.I must draw another card.I must draw another card.I must draw another card.I still have to draw a card.I still have to draw a card.I still have to draw a card.I still have to draw a card.%s, you have to draw two cards.%s, you have to draw two cards.%s, you have to draw two cards.%s, you have to draw two cards.I must pass.I must pass.I must pass.I must pass.I have the least amount of cards.I have the least amount of cards.I have the least amount of cards.I have the least amount of cards.ards.