{6}END OF THE ROAD...{4}THE GOLEM FALLS {7}With a final, powerful blow, the Stone {7}Golem shattered into rubble, its final {7}haunting moan echoing throughout the {7}depths of the cavern. Elandra spoke, {7}throwing Endrick a worried glance. "So, {7}my brother... have you any ideas for {7}escaping this pit?" {4}A FRIEND IN THE DARK {7}"Perhaps I may be of assistance," came a {7}voice from the shadows. A lone goblin slid {7}from behind a stalagmite into the cavern. {7}"My name is Gramuk. Fear me not, for I {7}have not yet succumbed to the madness {7}which afflicts my brethen." {6}END OF THE ROAD...{4}GRAMUK'S STORY {7}"You see, I have been apart from the {7}other Goblins for several months. I had {7}undertaken a quest to map the farthest {7}reaches of our Realm, that I might prove {7}my worthiness to wed my beloved. During {7}my quest, I discovered an exit from the {7}caverns leading to the uncivilized lands {7}north of the mountain range. From the {7}mouth of the cave, I could see a great {7}volcano in the distance. Its smoking {7}cone is the source of the shadow that {7}engulfs Mysteria! I quickly made my way {7}home, but in my absence, my people had {7}lost their minds to this evil plague. {7}So I hid here, and I waited." {6}END OF THE ROAD... {4}THE PUZZLE GROWS {7}Said Endrick to the goblin, "Friend {7}Gramuk, you should know that the {7}Human and Mryaal Realms are also {7}beleaguered by mysterious evils. My {7}sister and I are seeking answers, but {7}we have only found more questions." {4}ANOTHER JOURNEY {7}"Gramuk," said Elandra, "if you {7}could lead us to that cave, we might {7}be able to track the shadow to its {7}source. Perhaps there we can find {7}the answers we seek." {6}END OF THE ROAD...{4}DESCENT INTO DARKNESS {7}Gramuk bowed humbly. "I would be {7}pleased to assist you." And so he {7}led them for two weeks through a {7}trackless underground wilderness. {7}At last, the trio reached the cave {7}entrance of which the Goblin had {7}spoken. {4}THE QUEST CONTINUES... {7}The heroes bid their goblin friend {7}farewell, and began the long trek {7}toward the distant volcano. There, {7}they knew not, their destiny awaited {7}them. It hid in the shadows, and it {7}had long since prepared for their {7}arrival...