I-View Version 2.0
What is I-View
[This is a brief introduction to product and its benefits from the customer's perspective.]
What is new in I-View version 2.0
I-View version 2.0 now supports following cutting edge browser features:
- Gif89a animation
- CSS1 style sheet
- Netscape "Spacer"
- Background sound and Mosaic sound tag
- Frame
Supported HTML tags in I-View version 2.0:
I-View version 2.0 supports following HTML3.2 and Netscape tags:
- <!-- .... -->
- <a> </a>
- <address> </address>
- <b> </b>
- <base>
- <basefont>
- <bgsound>
- <big> </big>
- <blockquote> </blockquote>
- <body>
- <br>
- <center> </center>
- <cite> </cite>
- <code> </code>
- <dd>
- <dfn> </dfn>
- <dir>
- <div> </div>
- <dl> </dl>
- <dt>
- <em> </em>
- <font> </font>
- <form> </form>
- <frame> </frame>
- <frameset> </frameset>
- <h1> </h1> <h2> </h2> ... <h6> </h6>
- <head> </head>
- <hr> </hr>
- <html> </html>
- <i> </i>
- <img>
- src
- align
- border
- height
- width
- hspace
- vspace
- usemap
- ismap
- <input>
- name
- type
- value
- checked
- size
- maxlength
- <isindex>
- <kbd> </kbd>
- <li>
- <map>
- <menu> </menu>
- <nobr> </nobr>
- <noframes> </noframes>
- <nowrap> <nowrap>
- <ol> </ol>
- <option>
- <p> </p>
- <plaintext>
- <pre> </pre>
- <s> </s>
- <samp> </samp>
- <select>
- <small> </small>
- <sound> </sound>
- <strike> </strike>
- <strong> </strong>
- <sub> </sub>
- <sup> </sup>
- <table> </table>
- <td> </td>
- <tr> </tr>
- <textarea> </textarea>
- <th> </th>
- <title> </title>
- <tt> </tt>
- <u> </u>
- <ul> </ul>
- <var> </var>
- <wbr> </wbr>
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Information in this document is subject to change without notice.