Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILESs LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo AddFontResource GDI32 AddFontResourceA CreateScalableFontResource KERNEL WritePrivateProfileString GetActiveWindow GetForegroundWindow SetActiveWindow SetForegroundWindow dsetup DirectXSetupA dksetup GetFileData dksetup2 GetFileData32 dksetup InstallFont dksetup2 InstallFont32 dksetup ProgramRunning dksetup2 ProgramRunning32 dksetup ReadFontName dksetup2 ReadFontName32 mmxcpuid IsMMX TITLE.BMPR> TITLE.BMP_ The following non release switches are set in the [Install] section of the Setup.INI Debug = 1 Developer = 1 MungeMaxCacheSize = $ NoMungeFile = 1 UsePages = 1 NON RELEASE VERSIONb> Generala Presentsa %C Presents %PA Errora OpSys32a Warning: This product has not been tested and is unsupported on this operating system, although it may work correctly. The supported operating system is Microsoft Windows 95.A Errora OpSys16a Warning: This product has not been tested and is unsupported on this operating system, although it may work correctly. Supported operating systems are: Microsoft Windows 3.1x and Windows 95.A License.txt Generala ProgramFilesa Program FilesA Generala DataFilesa Data FilesA QuickTimea QuickTimea QuickTimeA DirectXa DirectXa DirectXA Samplera Patha SamplerA Generala ProgramFilesa Program FilesA Generala DataFilesa Data FilesA QuickTimea QuickTimea QuickTimeA DirectXa DirectXa DirectXA Samplera Patha SamplerA Generala ProgramFilesa Program FilesA Generala DataFilesa Data FilesA QuickTimea QuickTimea QuickTimeA DirectXa DirectXa DirectXA Samplera Patha SamplerA Generala ProgramFilesa Program FilesA Generala DataFilesa Data FilesA QuickTimea QuickTimea QuickTimeA DirectXa DirectXa DirectXA Errora NoProgFilesa_ You have not selected to install the program files. These are required to execute the product.A Generala ProgramFilesa Program FilesA QuickTimea Installaj %P requires QuickTime for Windows version %s. If QuickTime is not installed then %P may not run correctly.A QuickTimea 16bita (16-bit)A DirectXa InstallaP %P requires DirectX. If DirectX is not installed then %P may not run correctly.A Generala ProgramFilesa Program FilesA Generala DataFilesa Data FilesA Samplera Patha SamplerA Generala DataFilesa Data FilesA Generala ProgramFilesa Program FilesA Generala ListTaba Generala Installinga Installing:-A Generala ProgramFilesa Program FilesA Generala DataFilesa Data FilesA QuickTimea QuickTimea QuickTimeA DirectXa DirectXa DirectXA Generala InstallLocationa Install Location:-A Generala InstallIconsa Install Icons In:-A qtinstal.exe qt32inst.exe DKSetup2.dll Apple Q! Apple Q! DKSetup2.dll DKSetup.dll Apple Q! Apple Q! DKSetup.dll Result.qtw dsetup.dll dsetup.dll .EXEF Generala Completea Setup Complete.A Result.qtwR+ Result.inix Result.qtwa Result.ini! Result.ini' QTW Install 16a Complete2^ Result.ini' QTW Install 32a Complete2^ QuickTimea InstallFaileda{ QuickTime has failed to install correctly. If you experience problems running sound or video, please re-install QuickTime.A Result.inia Result.qtw! Generala Finish1a\ Setup has finished installing %P on to your computer. Setup can launch the Read Me file now.A Generala Finish2a View the Read Me file now.A DEBUGa+ [%s], %s doesn't match internal version DEBUGa+ [%s], %s doesn't match internal version DEBUGa [%s], %s not found in DKRES.INIb \SOFTWAREb4 Path( WIN.INI& MMAPPa ShortPathR C:\MMAPP\ WIN.INI% MMAPPa ShortPathb SETUP.INI .INI% Setupb \SOFTWAREb4 .ini% \SOFTWAREb4 .ini% Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Foldersa Fonts2 Fonts Fonts (TrueType) Fonts SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION\FONTSb SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\FONTSb WIN.INI% Fontsb WIN.INI% Fontsb dksetup2.dll dksetup2.dll dksetup.dll dksetup.dll DKRes.ini setup.ini Startupa CodePatha DKCode" Startupa CodePath32b! Languagea Requiresa 32BitOSA Requiresa AudioA Requiresa DirectXA Requiresa Indeo4A Requiresa QuickTimeA Requiresa Text2SpeechA Requiresa VideoA Requiresa Win32sA Requiresa WinGA Requiresa MinColoursA Requiresa MinProcessorA Requiresa MinScreenHeightA Requiresa MinScreenWidthA Installa AllowNetworkA Installa DebugA Installa DeveloperA Installa DirectorA Installa LanguageDLLA Installa LicenceA Installa MapBinA Installa MungeA Installa OrderInfoA Installa ParentA Installa SamplerA Installa MungeMaxCacheSizeA Installa NoMungeFileA Installa UsePagesA Installa UseRegistryA Autoruna CustomMenuA SYSTEM\NoReg\ SYSTEM\Reg\ DKRESb dksetup2.dll dksetup2.dll dksetup.dll dksetup.dll DEBUGa Could not find language DLL %sb Startupa EXENameb7 Startupa EXEName32b7 dksetup2.dll dksetup2.dll dksetup.dll dksetup.dll DEBUGa, Title EXE name could not be found or deduced Startupa CompanyNameR> Startupa TitleNameR> Startupa VersionR> DEBUGa4 Company name for the registry key could not be found DEBUGa2 Title name for the registry key could not be found DEBUGa' Title version number could not be found Generala CompanyNameb2 Generala TitleNameb3 components% Generala ProgramFilesa Program FilesA MapBin% Generala DataFilesa Data FilesA QuickTimea QuickTimea QuickTimeA DirectXa DirectXa DirectXA Generala TargetDira Program Files\%C\%PA Generala ShortTargetDira DKMM\%PA qtinstal.exe qt32inst.exe dksetup2.dll dksetup2.dll qtinstal.exe dksetup.dll dksetup.dll QTim.dll QTim32.dll dksetup2.dll dksetup2.dll QTim.dll dksetup.dll dksetup.dll Errora Coloura To improve video quality in this product we recomend that you set your display to use more than 256 colors. Please refer to the README file for further advice.A Errora ScreenSize1a This product contains features that will look better if it is displayed at a screen resolution of %s pixels or more. The product will, however, run fine at the current resolution of %s pixels. A Errora ScreenSize2ao For more information please refer to the product README file or the documentation that came with your computer.A mmxcpuid.dll mmxcpuid.dll Errora Processor1ak %P requires a more powerful processor than your machine has in order to run. Installation will terminate. Errora Processor2ao For more information please refer to the product README file or the documentation that came with your computer.A You are trying to install this product accross a network. DK products cannot be executed in this way.* ReadMeFile Generala CopyingTexta Copying Text files...A ReadMeFileb@ Generala ReadMeFilea Readme.wriA Generala OrderFilea Order.wriA ReadMeFilea ReadMeFile" ProgramFiles ProgramFilesb@ Generala CopyingProga Copying Program Files...A *.*Bi ProgramFilesa ProgramFiles" DKSetup\Sampler SamplerFiles ProgramFilesb@ Samplera CopyingSampa Copying Sampler Files...A *.*Bj SamplerFilesa SamplerFiles MapBin MapBinFiles% MapBin Generala CopyingDataa Copying Data Files...A MapBinFiles Parents ParentsFiles% Parents ProgramFilesb@ *.*Bj ParentsFilesa ParentsFiles SYSTEM\ SystemFiles Generala CopyingSysa Copying System Files...A WINSYS\*.*Bi WINSYS\ctl3d.dllBi *.*Bi Sys32\Wing32.dllBi windows\*.*Bi *.*Bi *.*Bi windows\*.*Bi System32 ir41_32.axBk ir41.dllBi LHSP\ Common\*.*Bj NOREG\ SystemFilesb> *.*Bi SystemFilesb> *.*Bj SystemFilesa SystemFiles ReadMeFileA ProgramFilesA DKSetup\Sampler SamplerFilesA MapBin MapBinFilesA Error preforming the copying of the MapBin dataA Parents ParentsFilesA Error preforming the copying of the Parents DirectoryA DKSetup\System Wing.dll Wingde.dll Wingdib.drv Wingpal.wnd( Wing32.dll, Wing32.dll SystemFilesA Generala UpdatingINIa Updating Ini Settings...A Pathb$ MapBin MapBin Mappingsa Dir For Binary Filesb+ Directorya Countryb> Generala DataPatha Directorya Datab+ Samplera EXENamea Sampler.exeA Directorya Samplerb Samplera DataPatha SampA Installa SamplerUseRegistryA dksetup2.dll dksetup2.dll dksetup.dll dksetup.dll \SOFTWAREb4 DirectoryQ DataA Samplera INIFilea Sampler.iniA Samplera DataPatha SampA Directorya Datab? Directorya DeveloperA Directorya NetworkA Directorya ScrungeA Generala PagesPatha PagesA Directorya Pagesb@ Directorya MungeMaxCacheSizeB= Directorya UseMungeA Generala ExtraFilesa ExtraFilesA \SOFTWARE\L&H\TTS\System! TTS Manager$V5.00% LHSP\TTSMGR32.DLL TTS Core$V5.00% LHSP\TTSCORE.EXE \SOFTWARE\L&H\Common! UDCT Version 5.00Q User Dictionary Engine% LHSP\TTSDCT32.DLL system.ini% drivers32a VIDC.IV41a \System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\icm\vidc.IV41a DescriptionA Indeo video interactive R4.3 by IntelA \System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\icm\vidc.IV41a DriverA ir41_32.axA \System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\icm\vidc.IV41a FriendlyNameA Indeo video interactive R4.3 by IntelA \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\drivers.desca IR41_32.AXA Indeo video interactive R4.3 by IntelA \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32a vidc.iv41A ir41_32.axA system.ini ir41.dll& driversa VIDC.IV41R+ driversa VIDC.IV41b< driversa VIDC.IV41b+ system.ini Drivers32a MSACM.imaadpcma imaadp32.acm% system.ini Drivers32a MSACM.msadpcma msadp32.acm% system.ini Drivers32a MSACM.msgsm610a msgsm32.acm% system.ini Drivers32a MSACM.msg711a msg711.acm% system.ini Drivers32a MSACM.trspcha tssoft32.acm system.ini& Driversa WaveMapperR system.ini% Driversa WaveMappera MSACM.DRV MSACM.DRV( system.ini Driversa WaveMapperb MSACM.DRV system.ini& Driversa MSACM.msadpcmR system.ini% Driversa MSACM.msadpcma MSADPCM.ACM MSADPCM.ACM( system.ini Driversa MSACM.msadpcmb MSADPCM.ACM system.ini& Driversa MSACM.imaadpcmR system.ini% Driversa MSACM.imaadpcma IMAADPCM.ACM IMAADPCM.ACM( system.ini Driversa MSACM.imaadpcmb IMAADPCM.ACM msacm.ini Msacm.ini% Prioritya Priority1a" 1, MS-PCM, Microsoft PCM Converter% Msacm.ini% Prioritya Priority2a" 1, MS-ADPCM, Microsoft ADPCM CODEC% Msacm.ini% Prioritya Priority3a1 1, Microsoft IMA ADPCM, Microsoft IMA ADPCM Codec SYSTEM.INIa dva.386R SYSTEM.INIa 386Enha devicea dva.386, device( SYSTEM.INIB SYSTEM.INIa dva.386R SYSTEM.INIa 386Enha devicea dva.386 Win.ini% mci extensionsa AVIVideo% Win.ini% embeddinga Mplayera) Media Clip,Media Clip,mplayer.exe,picture% system.ini& AVIVideoR system.ini% AVIVideoa mciavi.drv mciavi.drv( system.ini AVIVideob mciavi.drv system.ini& driversa Vidc.iv31R system.ini% driversa Vidc.iv31a ir32.dll ir32.dll( system.ini driversa Vidc.iv31b ir32.dll system.ini& driversa Vidc.iv32R system.ini% driversa Vidc.iv32a ir32.dll ir32.dll( system.ini driversa Vidc.iv32b ir32.dll system.ini& driversa Vidc.mrleR system.ini% driversa Vidc.mrlea msrle.drv msrle.drv( system.ini driversa Vidc.mrleb msrle.drv regedit /s % mplayer.reg$ ProfDisp.exe regedit /s % ole2.reg$ regedit /s % cleanup.reg$ .ICO) CustomMenua EXENamea CustMenu.exeA Generala IconNamea Generala ReadMeFilea Readme.wriA Generala ReadMea %P Read MeA Generala OrderFilea Order.wriA Generala Ordera %C Ordering InformationA Samplera EXENamea Sampler.exeA Samplera Samplera %C SamplerA Samplera ReadMeFilea Samplera ReadMea %C Sampler Read MeA uninst.dll UnInstalla TitleNameb3 -r"$ " -n"$ " -f$ -oNT Generala UnInstalla %P UninstallA SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b3 UninstallStringA Generala IconNamea Generala ReadMea %P Read MeA Generala ReadMeFilea Readme.wriA Generala Ordera %C Ordering InformationA Generala OrderFilea Order.wriA Samplera Samplera %C SamplerA Samplera EXENamea Sampler.exeA Samplera ReadMea %C Sampler Read MeA Samplera ReadMeFilea uninst16.dll -n"$ " -f$ Generala UnInstalla %P UninstallA \.wri! \shell\open\command "%1"( win.ini& Extensionsa Generala ReadMeFilea Readme.wriA write Generala ProgramFilesa Program FilesA Generala DataFilesa Data FilesA QuickTimea QuickTimea QuickTimeA Parents% Errora DiskSpacea] There is not enough space to install %P. Please select another drive or free some disk space.A Errora RemovableDriveaQ You have selected to install to a removable device. Please select another drive.A Errora CDDriveaJ You have selected to install to your CD_ROM. Please select another drive.A .cfg$ qtw.inia QTWCompletea Successa qtw.inia QTWCompletea Successa qtw.inia QTWCompletea Success2 Video, Video 32 qtw.inib OptimizeR qtw.inib Optimizea Driver HardWare( qtw.inib Optimizea Driver Driver( qtw.inib Optimizea qtw.inib Optimizea qtw.inib Optimizea Unknown error, Unable to open input file, Unable to open output file, Unable to write file, Input file not compressed with InstallShield compressor, Memory allocation error, Header information of compressed file is incorrect, Cannot decompress more than one compressed library, Source and target directories conflict, Specified input file is a wildcard, Specified output file is a wildcard, Library compacting error, Internal pointer error, File size error, Linked list error, Output file not compressed with InstallShield compressor, File is compressed with an older compressor version, An error occurred in the has table, Directory information is incorrect, Incorrect switch options used, Incorrect data information, Unable to create directory, Query information error, Error occurred during defining a FileSet, File is split, Unable to launch an internal process, Internal error 33, Internal error 34, Private object error, File transfer process aborted, Not enough disk space on target drive, File cannot be found in packing list, Compressed library backup failure, Specified file is not a compressed library, File is not in the compressed library, Target file is read only, Internal memory error, Unknown error number b CompressGet faileda? Failed to decompress %s from library file %s to target %s. Unknown error, Unable to open input file, Unable to open output file, Unable to write file, Memory allocation error, Source and target directories conflict, File cannot be found in the packing list, Unable to create directory, Error occurred during defining a FileSet, Private object error, File transfer process aborted, Not enough disk space on target drive, Target file is read-only, Undefined error b XCopyFile faileda Failed to copy %s to %s. %s.b@ edit( SETUPSTR862R@ Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. ErrorbA _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit2! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A SdShowEdit2! szEdit1A szEdit2A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit3! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A SdShowEdit3! szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A _MRQz+ 3.00.077