opera group registration
If you would like us to start looking for work on your behalf, please complete the form below and click "Register".

If there are any specific vacancies which are of interest to you in our jobs database please include the references in the "positions of interest" box below.

We will then contact you, ideally by telephone, or if not by post, if we are able to help you.

We will need an up to date version of your CV which you may copy and paste into the CV box provided below or preferably email to us. Alternatively post or fax it to us. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

If you do not yet have a CV, enter a few details about your main area of expertise in the CV box to give us some indication of the sort of work you will be looking for.

You may like to look at our CV Doctor page for advice on composing a CV.

Employment Registration
Type of Work Permanent Contract Both
First name
Title Mr Mrs Miss Ms
Date of birth
Your current position
Your current salary/Rate

Position Sought
Position Type
General Details
Positions of interest

Curriculum Vitae
Please copy and paste your CV into the box, or indicate below if you have forwarded your CV by separate email or by post.
CV by email CV by post

Please contact me by:
Email Telephone Fax Post

You can now
your details or
the form