opera group registration
If you would like us to assist you with your staffing needs now, or in the future, please fill in the form below. We have provided a vacancy details box where you may cut and paste any existing job description text you may have. Or you may prefer to key in a few brief details, or email us with your requirements.

Once we have your details one of our consultants will get in touch with you to make sure we understand your needs fully and to discuss any suitable candidates we may have at the point.

Please note: this service is FREE. Our consultants will be happy to discuss our charges which are made only when one of our candidates starts working for you.

Recruitment Requirements
Company name
Your first name
Your surname
Your job title
Title Mr Mrs Miss Ms
Company Address
Nature of business
Have you recruited through
the Opera Group before?
Yes No

Vacancy Details
Job Title(s)
Job Details
Other Comments

You can now
your details or
the form