Click on the open brow ser button. A dialog box will open asking you to locate your web bro wser. WINDOWS USERS: Find file 'Netscape.exe' ( Netsc ape Navi gato r ) or file 'Iexplore.exe' ( Micr osoft Internet Explorer ) [ Usually in the foll owing dir ectory: NETSCAPE= Pr ogram F iles/ Netsca pe/ Navi gator/Progr am/ netscape.exe INTERNET EXP LORER= Program Files/ Plus!/Micro soft Internet/ Iexplore.exe]. Highlight it in the dia log window and s elect 'Open'. MACINTOSH USE RS: Find appli cation file 'Netscape' ( Netsc ape Navigator ) or file 'Internet Explo rer' ( Micros oft Internet Explorer ) [ Usually in your applica g wind ow and select 'Open'.


My! thats a big one.