@Database Klingon.guide @Author Ralf Schwate @$VER: Klingon.guide 2.0 (02/11/96) @Index "STCCG:stccg.guide/INDEX" @Node Main "Klingon.guide" @{b}@{u}Klingon.guide@{ub}@{uu} @{" Klingon Personnel " link KLINPERS} @{" Klingon Ships " link KLINSHIP} @{" Main " link "STCCG:STCCG.guide/CONTENT"} back to Main Node of STCCG @endnode @Node KLINPERS "STCCG.guide/Universe/Card List/Personnel/Klingon" @prev VEKMA @{b}@{u}Klingon Personnel@{ub}@{uu} @{i}Rarity Name Aff. Icons Attributes Skills and Notes Set Classification I C S@{ui} R OS @{"B'Etor" link BETOR} K V.I.P. + 2 8 7 Treachery, Leadership, Physics, Youth, Greed C OS @{"B'iJik" link BIJIK} K Officer u- 4 6 6 Navigation U OS @{"Ba'el" link BAEL} K Civilian 6 6 4 Anthropology, Youth C OS @{"Batrell" link BATRELL} K Officer u+ 7 3 7 Honor C OS @{"Divok" link DIVOK} K Medical u- 6 6 8 Biology, Youth C OS @{"Dukath" link DUKATH} K Science u- 5 6 7 Archaeology R OS @{"Duras" link DURAS} K V.I.P. + 4 6 8 Leadership, Computer Skill, Treachery, Greed U OS @{"Fek'lhr" link FEKL} K V.I.P. H 6 1 15 Honor, Treachery C OS @{"Gorath" link GORATH} K Security u- 6 4 7 Honor R AU @{"Governor Worf" link GWORF} K V.I.P. +A 8 7 8 Security, HonorX2, Navigation, Diplomacy, Leadership R OS @{"Gowron" link GOWRON} K V.I.P. + 8 7 9 LeadershipX2, Diplomacy, Honor C OS @{"J'Ddan" link JDAN} K Science u- 2 6 6 Exobiology, Treachery C QC @{"K'chiQ" link KCHIQ} K Civilian uA 6 4 7 Discard if two present or no male Klingon/select any one skill, may change each of your turns U OS @{"K'mpec" link KMPEC} K V.I.P. + 7 8 5 Leadership, Diplomacy R AU @{"K'mtar" link KMTAR} K V.I.P. +A 8 8 8 Diplomacy, Leadership, Honor, Attributes +5 if with Alexander Rozhenko U QC @{"K'nera" link KNERA} K Officer + 6 7 7 SECURITY, Transporter Skill, Honor, earn 5points if Konmel or Korris killed in battle U OS @{"K'Tal" link KTAL} K V.I.P. 7 5 5 Diplomacy C OS @{"K'Tesh" link KTESH} K Engineer uH 5 5 6 Stellar Cartography U OS @{"K'Vada" link KVADA} K Officer + 8 5 7 Leadership, Navigation R OS @{"Kahless" link KAHLESS} K V.I.P. + 10 6 8 HonorX2 U QC @{"Kahlest" link KAHLEST} K Civilian 7 6 4 MEDICAL, Honor, Music, Klingons with Honor are STRENGTH+2 where present R OS @{"Kargan" link KARGAN} K Officer + 7 5 9 Honor, Computer Skill U OS @{"Kell" link KELL} K V.I.P. 2 6 5 Treachery U QC @{"Kitrik" link KITRIK} K Medical - 6 7 6 Exobiology, SCIENCE, Cybernetics, Music C OS @{"Klag" link KLAG} K Officer u+ 6 5 7 Navigation C OS @{"Kle'eg" link KLEEG} K Security u- 6 4 7 Honor U OS @{"Konmel" link KONMEL} K Officer + 8 5 8 Navigation U OS @{"Koral" link KORAL} K Civilian + 3 4 10 Navigation, Archaeology U OS @{"Koroth" link KOROTH} K Science 8 6 6 Biology, Anthropology, Archaeology U OS @{"Korris" link KORRIS} K Officer + 8 6 8 Honor C OS @{"Kromm" link KROMM} K Engineer u+ 5 6 8 Physics R OS @{"Kurak" link KURAK} K Science - 6 7 6 Astrophysics, Computer Skill, Physics, Honor R OS @{"Kurn" link KURN} K Officer + 8 6 8 Honor, Diplomacy, Computer Skill, Navigation U OS @{"L'Kor" link LKOR} K Civilian + 7 6 7 Leadership, Music R OS @{"Lursa" link LURSA} K V.I.P. + 2 8 8 Treachery, Leadership, Geology, Greed U OS @{"Morag" link MORAG} K Officer + 7 4 8 Computer Skill, Greed U OS @{"Nu'Daq" link NUDAQ} K Officer + 8 5 8 Archaeology, Navigation, Exobiology C AU @{"Targ" link TARG} K Animal u 4 1 5 All non-Targ Klingons Strength+1 where present. Nullifies one just-played Rogue Borg where present. U OS @{"Toq" link TOQ} K Civilian 6 5 6 Leadership, Computer Skill, Youth U OS @{"Torak" link TORAK} K V.I.P. 5 4 7 Diplomacy, Geology U OS @{"Toral" link TORAL} K V.I.P. - 6 5 6 LeadershipX1/2, Youth C OS @{"Torin" link TORIN} K Science u 7 6 6 Astrophysics U OS @{"Vagh" link VAGH} K V.I.P. 7 5 6 Diplomacy, Anthropology C OS @{"Vekma" link VEKMA} K Medical u- 6 5 6 Honor For a description of terms used see @{"Legend" link LEGEND}. @EndNode @Node BETOR "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/B'Etor" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}B'Etor@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set V.I.P. Klingon Command Ability Integrity=2 Cunning=8 Strength=7 Treachery, Leadership, Physics, Youth, Greed @{i}"Plotted with Lursa to seize power from Gowron with the support of the Romulans. Younger of the two Duras sisters. The pretty one."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} View a @{"Sample Picture" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:OSjpgs/betor.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node BIJIK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/B'iJik" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}B'iJik@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Officer Klingon Universal, Staff Star Integrity=4 Cunning=6 Strength=6 Navigation @{i}"Klingon male trained as an officer for the Klingon Defense Force. Served as junior adjutant to the diplomatic delegation for Gowron."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node BAEL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Ba'el" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Ba'el@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Civilian Klingon Integrity=6 Cunning=6 Strength=4 Anthropology, Youth @{i}"1/2 Klingon, 1/2 Romulan. Romantically involved with Lieutenant Worf. Born in Romulan prison camp in Carraya system."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node BATRELL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Batrell" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Batrell@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Officer Klingon Universal, Command Ability Integrity=7 Cunning=3 Strength=7 Honor @{i}"Klingon trained as an officer for the Klingon Defense Force. Formerly in command of Narendra III outpost."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node DIVOK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Divok" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Divok@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Medical Klingon Universal, Staff Star Integrity=6 Cunning=6 Strength=8 Biology, Youth @{i}"Male trained in Klingon anatomy and medicine. Studied the effects of Tribbles on the Klingon nervous system."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node DUKATH "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Dukath" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Dukath@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Science Klingon Universal, Staff Star Integrity=5 Cunning=6 Strength=7 Archaeology @{i}"Klingon trained in the field of science. Studied the effects of Berthold rays on plant life. Served aboard the @{"I.K.C. Pagh" link PAGH}."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node DURAS "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Duras" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Duras@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set V.I.P. Klingon Command Ability Integrity=4 Cunning=6 Strength=8 Leadership, Computer Skill, Treachery, Greed @{i}"Son of Jarod. Contender for leadership of the Klingon High Council. Member of a powerful political family."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node FEKL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Fek'lhr" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Fek'lhr@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set V.I.P. Klingon Universal, Hologram Integrity=6 Cunning=1 Strength=15 Honor, Treachery @{i}"Re-creation of mythical Klingon beast. Guardian of Gre'thor, where the dishonored go to die."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node GORATH "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Gorath" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Gorath@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Security Klingon Universal, Staff Star Integrity=6 Cunning=4 Strength=7 Honor @{i}"Klingon trained in the field of security. Guarded the Klingon High Council chamber in the year of Maktag. Served as security chief for the Hegh'bat division."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node GWORF "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Governor Worf" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Governor Worf@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} V.I.P. Klingon Command Ability, @{"AU" link @{"STCCG:au.guide/AU"} icon Integrity=8 Cunning=7 Strength=8 SECURITY, Honor x2, Navigation, Diplomacy, Leadership @{i}"Former member of the Klingon High Council in an alternate timeline in which, by 2395, the Klingons had taken over the Romulan Empire."@{ui} Picture taken from "All Good Things..." Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node GOWRON "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Gowron" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Gowron@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set V.I.P. Klingon Command Ability Integrity=8 Cunning=7 Strength=9 Leadership x2, Diplomacy, Honor @{i}"Son of M'Rel. Leader of the Klingon High Council after defeating the Duras forces in the Klingon Civil War of 2367-68."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node JDAN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/J'Ddan" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}J'Ddan@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Science Klingon Universal, Staff Star Integrity=2 Cunning=6 Strength=6 Exobiology, Treachery @{i}"Klingon trained in the field of science. Smuggled Federation secrets to the Romulans in the form of amino acid codes."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KCHIQ "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/K'chiQ" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}K'chiQ@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Civilian Klingon AU icon, universal Integrity=6 Cunning=4 Strength=7 Discard if another K'chiQ or no male Klingon present. When reporting for duty, select any one skill. May change that skill at the start of each of your turns. @{i}"William Riker, vested with the powers of Q, created an "ideal mate" for Lieutenant Worf."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/kchiq.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node KMPEC "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/K'mpec" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}K'mpec@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set V.I.P. Klingon Command Ability Integrity=7 Cunning=8 Strength=5 Leadership, Diplomacy @{i}"Klingon High Council Leader prior to @{"Gowron" link GOWRON}. Appointed @{"Captain Jean-Luc Picard" link "STCCG:federation.guide/JEANLUC"} as Arbiter of Succession in 2367."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KMTAR "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/K'mtar" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}K'mtar@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} V.I.P. Klingon Command Ability, @{"AU" link @{"STCCG:au.guide/AU"} icon Integrity=8 Cunning=8 Strength=8 Diplomacy, Leadership, Honor, Attributes all +5 if with Alexander Rozhenko @{i}"Worf's son Alexander returned from 40 years in the future to influence his younger self to embrace the way of the warrior and avoid life as a peacemaker."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KNERA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/K'nera" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}K'nera@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Officer Klingon Command Star Integrity=6 Cunning=7 Strength=7 SECURITY, Transporter Skill, Honor Scores 5 points when Korris or Konmel killed in battle @{i}"Pursued the criminals Korris and Konmel in 2364 until their deaths on the U.S.S. Enterprise. Offered Worf a position in the Klingon Defense Force."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/knera.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node KTAL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/K'Tal" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}K'Tal@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set V.I.P. Klingon Integrity=7 Cunning=5 Strength=5 Diplomacy @{i}"Senior member of the Klingon High Council. Presided over installation of Gowron as head of the council in 2367."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KTESH "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/K'Tesh" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}K'Tesh@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Engineer Klingon Universal, Hologram Integrity=5 Cunning=5 Strength=6 Stellar Cartography @{i}"Re-creation who assisted in the Age of Ascension ritual. Perfected current pain-stick design for ritual use."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KVADA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/K'Vada" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}K'Vada@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Officer Klingon Command Ability Integrity=8 Cunning=5 Strength=7 Leadership, Navigation @{i}"Captain K'Vada transported Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Lt. Commander Data on an undercover mission to Romulus."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KAHLESS "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Kahless" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Kahless@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set V.I.P. Klingon Command Ability Integrity=10 Cunning=6 Strength=8 Honor x2 @{i}"Cloned reincarnation of Klingon spiritual leader Kahless the unforgettable. Installed as ceremonial Emperor in 2369."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KAHLEST "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Kahlest" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Kahlest@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Civilian Klingon Integrity=7 Cunning=6 Strength=4 MEDICAL, Honor, Music Klingons with Honor are STRENGTH +2 where present @{i}"Female ghojmok to young Worf in the employ of the House of Mogh prior to the Khitomer Massacre. Spurned K'mpec because "he was too fat.""@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/kahlest.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node KARGAN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Kargan" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Kargan@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Officer Klingon Command Ability Integrity=7 Cunning=5 Strength=9 Honor, Computer Skill @{i}"Captain of the @{"I.K.C. Pagh" link PAGH} when Commander William T. Riker served as an exchange officer."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KELL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Kell" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Kell@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set V.I.P. Klingon Integrity=2 Cunning=6 Strength=5 Treachery @{i}"Male High Council emissary. Covert Romulan agent. Attempted to use Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge to assasinate Klingon Governor Vagh."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KITRIK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Kitrik" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Kitrik@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Medical Klingon Staff Star Integrity=6 Cunning=7 Strength=6 Exobiology, SCIENCE, Cybernetics, Music @{i}"A Klingon physician. Has a research laboratory and clinic at the Klingon outpost on Maranga IV. Plays the part of "Molor" in the annual Kot'Baval Festival."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/kitrik.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node KLAG "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Klag" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Klag@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Officer Klingon Universal, Command Ability Integrity=6 Cunning=5 Strength=7 Navigation @{i}"Second Officer Klag, of the I.K.C. Pagh, is representative of Klingon warriors throughout the Klingon Empire."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KLEEG "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Kle'eg" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Kle'eg@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Security Klingon Universal, Staff Star Integrity=6 Cunning=4 Strength=7 Honor @{i}"Klingon trained in the specific field of security. Guarded the House of K'mpec when K'mpec was poisoned in 2367."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KONMEL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Konmel" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Konmel@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Officer Klingon Staff Star Integrity=8 Cunning=5 Strength=8 Navigation @{i}"Klingon warrior who destroyed the cruiser T'Acog and hijacked the Talarian ship, Batris, with Korris."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KORAL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Koral" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Koral@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Civilian Klingon Command Ability Integrity=3 Cunning=4 Strength=10 Navigation, Archaeology @{i}"Tall Klingon male. Captain of shuttle who traded with mercenaries in 2370."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KOROTH "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Koroth" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Koroth@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Science Klingon Integrity=8 Cunning=6 Strength=6 Biology, Archaeology, Anthropology @{i}"Klingon high cleric at Boreth Monastery. Responsible for cloning Kahless the Unforgettable in 2369."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KORRIS "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Korris" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Korris@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Officer Klingon Command Ability Integrity=8 Cunning=6 Strength=8 Honor @{i}"Klingon warrior who destroyed the cruiser T'Acog and hijacked the Talarian ship, Batris, with Konmel."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KROMM "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Kromm" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Kromm@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Engineer Klingon Universal, Staff Star Integrity=5 Cunning=6 Strength=8 Physics @{i}"Klingon trained in the field of engineering. Reputed to have consumed fifteen rokeg blood pies at one sitting."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KURAK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Kurak" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Kurak@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Science Klingon Staff Star Integrity=6 Cunning=7 Strength=6 Astrophysics, Computer Skill, Physics, Honor @{i}"Fmaed female Klingon scientist and warp-field specialist who evaluated the metaphysic shield."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KURN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Kurn" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Kurn@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Officer Klingon Command Ability Integrity=8 Cunning=6 Strength=8 Honor, Computer Skill, Navigation, Diplomacy @{i}"Son of Mogh. Brother of Lieutenant Worf. Member of the Klingon High Council."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node LKOR "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/L'Kor" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}L'Kor@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Civilian Klingon Command Ability Integrity=7 Cunning=6 Strength=7 Leadership, Music @{i}"Klingon warrior. Believed killed at Khitomer massacre. Actually held prisoner by Romulans in Carraya system."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node LURSA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Lursa" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Lursa@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set V.I.P. Klingon Command Ability Integrity=2 Cunning=8 Strength=8 Treachery, Leadership, Geology, Greed @{i}"Elder of the two Duras sisters. Plotted with Romulan Sela to start the Klingon Civil War of 2367-68."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node MORAG "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Morag" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Morag@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Officer Klingon Command Ability Integrity=7 Cunning=4 Strength=8 Computer Skill, Greed @{i}"Klingon officer who stole Federation data from Relay Station 47."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node NUDAQ "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Nu'Daq" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Nu'Daq@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Officer Klingon Command Ability Integrity=8 Cunning=5 Strength=8 Archaeology, Navigation, Exobiology @{i}"Captain of the I.K.C. Maht-H'a. Pursued DNA program in 2369."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node TARG "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Targ" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Targ@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} Animal Klingon Universal Integrity=4 Cunning=1 Strength=5 All non-Targ Klingons STRENGTH +1 where present. Nullifies one just-played Rogue Borg where present. @{i}"Horned, furry, ferocious boar-like animal. A popular Klingon pet. Lieutenant Worf had one as a child. Heart of Targ is a Klingon delicacy. This one is male."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node TOQ "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Toq" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Toq@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Civilian Klingon Integrity=6 Cunning=5 Strength=6 Leadership, Computer Skill, Youth @{i}"Klingon male, born in Romulan prison camp in Carraya system. Protege of Lieutenant Worf."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node TORAK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Torak" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Torak@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set V.I.P. Klingon Integrity=5 Cunning=4 Strength=7 Diplomacy, Geology @{i}"Governor Torak served near the Federation border commanding Sector 2520 in 2369."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node TORAL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Toral" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Toral@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set V.I.P. Klingon Staff Star Integrity=6 Cunning=5 Strength=6 Leadership x1/2, Youth @{i}"Illegitimate son of Duras. Claimed leadership position on the High Council at bidding of Duras's sisters, Lursa and B'Etor."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node TORIN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Torin" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Torin@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Science Klingon Universal Integrity=7 Cunning=6 Strength=6 Astrophysics @{i}"Klingon trained in the field of science. Studied the effects of warp propulsion on subspace."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node VAGH "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Vagh" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Vagh@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set V.I.P. Klingon Integrity=7 Cunning=5 Strength=6 Diplomacy, Anthropology @{i}"Klingon Governor of the Kriosian system. Target of an assasination attempt by Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge, acting under Romulan mind control."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node VEKMA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Vekma" @font diamond.font 12 @next KLINPERS @{b}@{u}Vekma@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Medical Klingon Universal, Staff Star Integrity=6 Cunning=5 Strength=6 Honor @{i}"Klingon female trained in Klingon anatomy and medicine. Propositioned Commander William T. Riker on the I.K.C. Pagh in 2365."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ362} @EndNode @Node KLINSHIP "STCCG.guide/Universe/Card List/Ships/Klingon Ships" @prev VORN @{b}@{u}Klingon Ships@{ub}@{uu} @{i}Rarity Card Aff. Weapons Staffing Misc Set Range Shields Card Type@{ui} R OS @{"I.K.C. Bortas" link BORTAS} K 9 9 7 +-- Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam R OS @{"I.K.C. Buruk" link BURUK} K 8 6 7 - Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam R AU @{"I.K.C. Fek'lhr" link FEKLHR} K 11 9 8 +-AA A Cloaking Device, Holodeck, Tractor Beam R OS @{"I.K.C. Hegh'ta" link HEGHTA} K 8 7 7 - Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam C AU @{"I.K.C. K'Ratak" link KRATAK} K 6 8 6 - Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam C OS @{"I.K.C. K'Vort" link KVORT} K 8 6 6 - u Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam R QC @{"I.K.C. Mah-T'a" link MAHTHA} K 8 9 8 +-- Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam R OS @{"I.K.C. Pagh" link PAGH} K 8 7 6 - Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam R OS @{"I.K.C. Qu'Vat" link QUVAT} K 9 8 8 +-- Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam U QC @{"I.K.C. T'ong" link TONG} K 5 6 6 + Cloaking Device, Reports at end of spaceline with up to 3 personnel C OS @{"I.K.C. Vor'Cha" link VORCHA} K 9 8 7 +-- u Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam U OS @{"I.K.C. Vorn" link VORN} K 8 7 6 - Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam For a description of terms used see @{"Legend" link LEGEND}. @EndNode @Node BORTAS "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/I.K.C. Bortas" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}I.K.C. Bortas@{ub}@{uu} Vor'cha Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} rare Original Set Klingon Range: 9 Weapons: 9 Shields: 7 Staffing requirement: 1xCommand 2xStaff Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam @{i}"Gowron's flagship during the Klingon Civil War of 2367-68. Lieutenant Worf briefly served aboard as a weapons officer."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ353} @EndNode @Node BURUK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/I.K.C. Buruk" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}I.K.C. Buruk@{ub}@{uu} K'Vort Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} rare Original Set Klingon Range: 8 Weapons: 6 Shields: 7 Staffing requirement: 1xStaff Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam @{i}"Klingon Bird-of-Prey used to transport Gowron to rendezvous with the U.S.S. Enterprise in 2367."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ353} @EndNode @Node FEKLHR "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/I.K.C. Fek'lhr" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}I.K.C. Fek'lhr@{ub}@{uu} Voodieh Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} rare @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} Klingon Range: 11 Weapons: 9 Shields: 8 Staffing requirement: 1xCommand 1xStaff 2xAU icon AU icon Cloaking Device, Holodeck, Tractor Beam @{i}"Destroyed U.S.S. Pasteur in an alternate future, only to be thwarted by the future Enterprise. Named for the ferocious Guardian of Gre'thor."@{ui} Picture taken from "All Good Things..." Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ353} @EndNode @Node HEGHTA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/I.K.C. Hegh'ta" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}I.K.C. Hegh'ta@{ub}@{uu} K'Vort Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} rare Original Set Klingon Range: 8 Weapons: 7 Shields: 7 Staffing requirement: 1xStaff Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam @{i}"Bird-of-Prey commanded by Kurn in support of Gowron during the Klingon Civial War of 2367-68."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ353} @EndNode @Node KRATAK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/I.K.C. K'Ratak" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}I.K.C. K'Ratak@{ub}@{uu} K'Vort Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} common @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} Klingon Range: 6 Weapons: 8 Shields: 6 Staffing requirement: 1xStaff Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam @{i}"Bird-of-Prey named in honor of the author of the classic work of Klingon literature, The Dream of the Fire."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ353} @EndNode @Node KVORT "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/I.K.C. K'Vort" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}I.K.C. K'Vort@{ub}@{uu} K'Vort Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} common Original Set Klingon Range: 8 Weapons: 6 Shields: 6 Staffing requirement: 1xStaff Universal Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam @{i}"Class of ships in configuration to the classic B'rel class Klingon Bird-of-Prey, although much larger."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ353} @EndNode @Node MAHTHA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/I.K.C. Maht-H'a" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}I.K.C. Maht-H'a@{ub}@{uu} Vor'Cha Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} rare @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Klingon Range: 8 Weapons: 9 Shields: 8 Staffing requirement: 1xCommand 2xStaff Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam @{i}"Commanded by Nu'Daq during the chase for clues to a four-billion-year-old genetic message in 2369."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ353} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/ikcmahta.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node PAGH "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/I.K.C. Pagh" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}I.K.C. Pagh@{ub}@{uu} K'Vort Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} rare Original Set Klingon Range: 8 Weapons: 7 Shields: 6 Staffing requirement: 1xStaff Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam @{i}"Batlle cruiser under the command of Captain Kargon. Commander William T. Riker served aboard as an exchange officer in 2365."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ353} @EndNode @Node QUVAT "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/I.K.C. Qu'Vat" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}I.K.C. Qu'Vat@{ub}@{uu} Vor'Cha Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} rare Original Set Klingon Range: 9 Weapons: 8 Shields: 8 Staffing requirement: 1xCommand 2xStaff Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam @{i}"Attack cruiser that carried Governor Torak on an investigation into the death of a Starfleet officer at Relay Station 47."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ353} @EndNode @Node TONG "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/I.K.C. T'Ong" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}I.K.C. T'Ong@{ub}@{uu} K'T'Inga Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Klingon Range: 5 Weapons: 6 Shields: 6 Staffing requirement: 1xCommand Cloaking Device, Reports at end of the spaceline with up to 3 personnel @{i}"A Klingon sleepership from the 23rd century, an era when Klingons despised humans and attacked them on sight. Commanded by K'Temok."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ353} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/ikctong.jpg"}? View the @{"preview Picture" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/ikctong_preview.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node VORCHA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/I.K.C. Vor'Cha" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}I.K.C. Vor'Cha@{ub}@{uu} Vor'Cha Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} common Original Set Klingon Range: 9 Weapons: 8 Shields: 7 Staffing requirement: 1xCommand 2xStaff Universal Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam @{i}"Large attack cruiser. The modern mainstay of the Klingon Defense Force."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ353} @EndNode @Node VORN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/I.K.C. Vorn" @font diamond.font 12 @next KLINSHIP @{b}@{u}I.K.C. Vorn@{ub}@{uu} K'Vort Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} uncommon Original Set Klingon Range: 8 Weapons: 7 Shields: 6 Staffing requirement: 1xStaff Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam @{i}"Klingon Bird-of-Prey used to transport Duras to meet with the Klingon Arbiter of Succession in 2367."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link FAQ353} @EndNode @Node LEGEND "STCCG.guide/Universe/Legend" @{b}@{u}Legend@{ub}@{uu} Here a short description of the different fields: Rarity: C common U uncommon R rare UR ultrarare P promotional OS Original Set AU @{"Alternate Universe Set" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"}, abbreviated to @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} QC @{"Q-Continuum Set" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"}, abbreviated to @{"QC" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} WP @{"Warp Pack" link @{"WARP" link "STCCG:warp.guide/WARP"} PR Promotional Affiliation F Federation K Klingon R Romulan U Un-Aligned Staff H Holographic + Command Ability - Staff Ability u Universal A @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} icon personnel, @{"Alternate Universe Door" link "STCCG:door.guide/AUDOOR"} must be open to bring into play Attributes I Integrity C Cunning S Strength A @{"Alternate Universe" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} card, @{"Alternate Universe Door" link "STCCG:door.guide/AUDOOR"} must be open Q @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} card, @{"Q-Flash" link "STCCG:door.guide/QFLASH"} must be open @EndNode