@Database Federation.guide @Author Ralf Schwate @$VER: Federation.guide 2.0 (02/11/96) @Index "STCCG:stccg.guide/INDEX" @Node Main "Federation.guide" @{b}@{u}Federation.guide@{ub}@{uu} @{" Federation Personnel " link FEDPERS} @{" Federation Ships " link FEDSHIP} @{" Main " link "STCCG:STCCG.guide/CONTENT"} back to Main Node of STCCG @endnode @Node FEDPERS "STCCG.guide/Universe/Card List/Personnel/Federation" @prev WORF @{b}@{u}Federation Personnel@{ub}@{uu} @{i}Rarity Name Aff. Icons Attributes Skills and Notes Set Classification I C S@{ui} R OS @{"Albert Einstein" link EINSTEIN} F Science Hu 9 11 2 Physics x2, Astrophysics U OS @{"Alexander Rozhenko" link ROZHENKO} F Civilian 6 4 2 Honor, Youth R OS @{"Alyanna Nechayev" link NECHAYEV} F Officer + 7 8 3 Diplomacy, Leadership U OS @{"Alyssa Ogawa" link OGAWA} F Medical - 7 6 4 Biology U OS @{"Benjamin Maxwell" link MAXWELL} F Officer + 9 7 5 Leadership R OS @{"Beverly Crusher" link BEVCRUSHER} F Medicalx2 + 8 8 5 Biology, Exobiology R AU @{"Beverly Picard" link BEVPICARD} F Nedicalx2 +A 8 8 4 Leadership, Biology C OS @{"Calloway" link CALLOWAY} F Medical u 7 5 3 Youth C OS @{"Christopher Hobson" link HOBSON} F Officer +u 6 7 6 Computer Skill C OS @{"Darian Wallace" link WALLACE} F Security u 7 5 6 Anthropology R OS @{"Data" link DATA} F Officer + 8 12 12 Engineer, Computer Skill x2, Music, Astrophysics, Exobiology R OS @{"Deanna Troi" link TROI} F Officer + 8 7 4 Empathy, Diplomacy R OS @{"Dr. La Forge" link DRFORGE} F Science - 7 7 4 Exobiology R OS @{"Dr. Leah Brahms" link DRBRAHMS} F Engineerx2 Hu 7 9 2 U OS @{"Dr. Selar" link DRSELAR} F Officer - 7 8 7 Computer Skill, Mindmeld U OS @{"Eric Pressman" link PRESSMAN} F Officer + 5 6 5 Engineer, Treachery U OS @{"Exocomp" link EXOCOMP} F Engineer u 9 8 1 Repairs ship in two turns U OS @{"Fleet Admiral Shanti" link SHANTI} F Officer + 9 6 4 Leadership, Diplomacy R OS @{"Geordi La Forge" link GEORDI} F Engineerx2 + 8 8 6 Navigation, Physics, Computer Skill C QC @{"Gibson" link GIBSON} F Officer u- 6 6 5 Navigation x2 C OS @{"Giusti" link GIUSTI} F Officer H- 7 6 4 Youth U OS @{"Hannah Bates" link BATES} F Science 6 8 2 Physics R AU @{"Ian Andrew Troi" link IANTROI} F Officer +A 8 8 6 Diplomacy, Leadership, Music, Computer Skill R AU @{"Jack Crusher" link JACKCRUSHER} F Officer +A 8 8 7 Honor, Archaeology, Music, Leadership, Computer Skill R OS @{"Jean-Luc Picard" link JEANLUC} F Officer + 9 8 6 Diplomacy x2, Leadership, Honor, Music, Archeology, Navigation U OS @{"Jeanna D'Sora" link DSORA} F Security - 7 6 5 Stellar Cartography, Music R QC @{"Juliana Tainer" link TAINER} F Science - 6 7+x4+x Geology, Computer Skill, Cybernetics, Music, After first use as an Android x=4, but stopped R OS @{"K'Ehleyr" link KEHLEYR} F V.I.P. - 8 7 7 Diplomacy, Honor U OS @{"Kareel Odan" link ODAN} F V.I.P. 9 7 4 Diplomacy, Computer Skill R QC @{"Katherine Pulaski" link PULASKI} F Medicalx2 - 7 7 4 Science, nullifies Doppelganger, May only beam once per turn R QC @{"Keiko O'Brien" link KEIKO} F Science - 7 7 3 Exobiology, Biology, Attributes+2 if with Miles O'Brien R QC @{"Lal" link LAL} F Civilian - 8 8 10 Computer Skill, Youth, when reporting select any two skills present R OS @{"Leah Brahms" link BRAHMS} F Engineerx2 - 8 9 3 C OS @{"Linda Larson" link LARSON} F Engineer u- 7 5 4 Youth U AU @{"Lt. (j.g.) Picard" link LTPICARD} F Science -A 8 6 6 Astrophysics, Navigation R OS @{"Lwaxana Troi" link LWAXANNA} F V.I.P. 7 8 3 Empathy x2 R AU @{"Major Rakal" link RAKAL} F/R V.I.P. +A 8 7 4 Empathy, Diplomacy C OS @{"McKnight" link MCKNIGHT} F Officer u- 5 6 3 Navigation, Youth, Music C OS @{"Mendon" link MENDON} F Science u- 7 5 2 Physics U QC @{"Mirasta Yale" link YALE} F Science - 7 5 3 Physics, Astrophysics, worth 5 points, must seed at Malcor III C WP/AU @{"Montgomery Scott" link SCOTTY} F Engineerx2 + 7 8 3 Astrophysics, Honor, Miracle Worker U QC @{"Mordock" link MORDOCK} F Science - 7 7 4 Missions are +5 points unless you battle, Computer Skill, Physics R OS @{"Morgan Bateson" link BATESON} F Officer + 8 4 5 Leadership, Stellar Cartography U OS @{"Mot the Barber" link MOT} F Civilian 6 4 5 Barbering R QC @{"Mr. Homn" link HOMN} F Civilian 9 3 9 Empaths may report for duty where present, may nullify Empathic Echo R OS @{"Neela Daren" link DAREN} F Science - 8 8 5 Astrophysics, Stellar Cartography, Music U OS @{"Nikolai Rozhenko" link NROZHENKO} F Civilian - 3 7 4 Anthropology, Computer Skill, Treachery U OS @{"Norah Satie" link SATIE} F V.I.P. + 9 6 2 Leadership U AU @{"Paul Rice" link RICE} F Officer Hu+ 7 7 6 Leadership, Computer Skill, Nullifies one Echo Papa 607 where present R AU @{"Rachel Garrett" link GARRETT} F Officer +A 9 7 5 Honor, Engineer, Leadership, Diplomacy, Astrophysics U QC @{"Rager" link RAGER} F Officer - 7 6 6 Navigation, Stellar Cartography, Youth, Scores 5pts if solves Explore Dyson Sphere R OS @{"Reginald Barclay" link BARCLAY} F Engineer - 7 7 5 Computer Skill U AU @{"Richard Castillo" link CASTILLO} F Officer +A 8 7 7 Leadership, Navigation R OS @{"Richard Galen" link GALEN} F Science - 7 9 2 Archeology x2, Biology, Exobiology U OS @{"Riva" link RIVA} F V.I.P. 6 8 3 Diplomacy x2 R OS @{"Ro Laren" link LAREN} F Officer - 4 7 5 Computer Skill, Navigation, Treachery U QC @{"Robin Lefler" link LEFLER} F Engineer - 6 7 4 nullifies Ktarian Game/Wesley CUNNING+2, Youth, Transporter Skill U QC @{"Sakkath" link SAKKATH} F V.I.P. 8 8 7 Mindmeld, Diplomacy, Youth, Supends Bendii Syndrome where present R OS @{"Sarek" link SAREK} F V.I.P. + 9 10 3 Diplomacy x3, Mindmeld R OS @{"Satelk" link SATELK} F Officer + 8 9 7 Leadership, Mindmeld, Diplomacy R OS @{"Shelby" link SHELBY} F Officer + 6 7 4 Leadership, Exobiology C OS @{"Simon Tarses" link TARSES} F Medical u 6 5 5 Youth R OS @{"Sir Isaac Newton" link NEWTON} F Science Hu 7 11 3 Physics x2 U OS @{"Sirna Kolrami" link KOLRAMI} F V.I.P. + 7 9 2 Leadership C OS @{"Sito Jaxa" link JAXA} F Security u- 8 6 6 Navigation, Youth U QC @{"Sonya Gomez" link GOMEZ} F Engineer - 7 6 3 Physics, Youth, Suspend Anti-Matter Pod U OS @{"Soren" link SOREN} F Science - 6 6 3 Astrophysics R AU @{"Stefan DeSeve" link "STCCG:romulan.guide/DESEVE"} F/R Civilian -A 4 8 5 Officer, Treachery U OS @{"T'Pan" link TPAN} F Sciencex2 - 8 9 4 Mindmeld U QC @{"T'Shanik" link TSHANIK} F Science - 7 7 5 Mindmeld, Computer Skill, Youth C OS @{"Taitt" link TAITT} F Science u- 6 7 4 Stellar Cartography, Geology R OS @{"Tam Elbrun" link ELBRUN} F V.I.P. 5 7 3 Empathy x3, Honor R OS @{"Tasha Yar" link TASHA} F Security - 8 7 8 Honor, Leadership R AU @{"Tasha Yar - Alternate" link ATASHA} F Security -A 8 7 8 Honor, Leadership, Armed with Starfleet Type II Phaser C OS @{"Taurik" link TAURIK} F Engineer u- 7 7 8 Mindmeld R OS @{"Thomas Riker" link TRIKER} F Officer + 8 7 6 Leadership, Navigation, Geology, Music U OS @{"Toby Russel" link RUSSEL} F Officer - 6 7 4 Physics R OS @{"Vash" link VASH} F Civilian 3 8 4 Archeology x2, Treachery, Anthropology R OS @{"Wesley Crusher" link WESLEY} F Officer - 6 8 5 Youth, Engineer, Computer Skill, Navigation, Astrophysics R OS @{"William T. Riker" link WRIKER} F Officer + 8 7 7 Diplomacy, Leadership, Navigation, Honor, Music R OS @{"Worf" link WORF} F Security + 8 6 10 Honor x2, Navigation, Diplomacy For a description of terms used see @{"Legend" link LEGEND}. @EndNode @Node EINSTEIN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Albert Einstein" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Albert Einstein@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Science Federation Universal, Holographic icon Integrity=9 Cunning=11 Strength=2 Physics x2, Astrophysics @{i}"Re-creation of the famous 20th century human. Author of the Theory of Relativity."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:OSjpgs/alberteinstein.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node ROZHENKO "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Alexander Rozhenko" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Alexander Rozhenko@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Civilian Federation Integrity=6 Cunning=4 Strength=2 Honor, Youth @{i}"3/4 Klingon, 1/4 Human male. Born on the 43rd day of Maktag. Son of Lieutenant Worf and K'Ehleyr."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node NECHAYEV "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Alynna Nechayev" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Alynna Nechayev@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Officer Federation Command Ability Integrity=7 Cunning=8 Strength=3 Diplomacy, Leadership @{i}"Vice-Admiral Alynna Nechayev is an antagonistic superior of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Responsible for liaison with the Cardassians and the Maquis."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node OGAWA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Alyssa Ogawa" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Alyssa Ogawa@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Medical Federation Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=6 Strength=4 Biology @{i}"Nurse Alyssa Ogawa is a medical assistant and friend to Dr. Beverly Crusher."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node MAXWELL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Benjamin Maxwell" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Benjamin Maxwell@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Officer Federation Command Ability Integrity=9 Cunning=7 Strength=5 Leadership @{i}"Captain Benjamin Maxwell of the U.S.S. Phoenix is a bitter enemy of the Cardassians."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node BEVCRUSHER "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Beverly Crusher" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Beverly Crusher@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Medical Federation Command Ability Integrity=8 Cunning=8 Strength=5 Medical, Biology, Exobiology @{i}"Dr. Beverly Crusher is the chief medical officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Dancer and thespian. Widow of Jack Crusher. Mother of Ensign Wesley Crusher."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} What tells Wesley in his @{"COTD" link "STCCG:cotd.guide/COTD22"} us about the card? @EndNode @Node BEVPICARD "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Beverly Picard" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Beverly Picard@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} Officer Federation Command Ability, @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} icon Integrity=8 Cunning=8 Strength=4 MEDICAL x2, Leadership, Biology @{i}"Captain of medical ship U.S.S. Pasteur in 2395 in an alternate timeline. Although divorced from Jean-Luc Picard, she never could say no to him."@{ui} Picture taken from "All good things..." Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node CALLOWAY "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Calloway" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Calloway@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Medical Federation Universal Integrity=7 Cunning=5 Strength=3 Youth @{i}"Ensign Calloway is representative of Starfleet medical technicians. Served aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise in 2370."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node HOBSON "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Christopher Hobson" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Christopher Hobson@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Officer Federation Universal, Command Ability Integrity=6 Cunning=7 Strength=6 Computer Skill @{i}"Lt. commander Christopher Hobson is representative of staff officers in Starfleet. Served aboard the U.S.S. Sutherland in 2368."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node WALLACE "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Darian Wallace" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Darian Wallace@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Security Federation Universal Integrity=7 Cunning=5 Strength=6 Anthropology @{i}"Ensign Darian Wallace is representative of Starfleet security officers. Held numerous positions aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node DATA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Data" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Data@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Officer Federation Command Ability Integrity=8 Cunning=12 Strength=12 Engineer, Computer Skill x2, Music, Astrophysics, Exobiology @{i}"Lt. Commander Data is a sentient android created by Dr. Noonien Soong. Has positronic brain. Desires to be human. Once left his head in San Francisco."@{ui} Picture taken from "The Offspring". Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} What tells Habib in his @{"COTD" link "STCCG:cotd.guide/COTD7"} us about the card? @EndNode @Node TROI "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Deanna Troi" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Deanna Troi@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Officer Federation Command Ability Integrity=8 Cunning=7 Strength=4 Empathy, Diplomacy @{i}"Lt. Commander Deanna Troi is a 1/2 Betazoid, 1/2 Human empath. Counselor for U.S.S. Enterprise. Imzadi to William T. Riker. Loves chocolote."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} What tells Wesley in his @{"COTD" link "STCCG:cotd.guide/COTD39"} us about the card? @EndNode @Node DRFORGE "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Dr. La Forge" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Dr. La Forge@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Science Federation Staff star Integrity=7 Cunning=7 Strength=4 Exobiology @{i}"Dr. LaForge is a Starfleet specialist in xenology and exobiology. Father of Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge. Husband of Captain Silva La Forge."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:OSjpgs/drlaforge.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node DRBRAHMS "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Dr. Leah Brahms" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Dr. Leah Brahms@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Engineer Federation Hologram, Universal Integrity=7 Cunning=9 Strength=2 Engineer @{i}"Re-creation who said, "I'm with you every day, Geordi. Every time you look at this engine, you're looking at me. Every time you touch it, it's me."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node DRSELAR "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Dr. Selar" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Dr. Selar@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Medical Federation Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=8 Strength=7 Computer Skill, Mindmeld @{i}"Dr. Selar is a female Vulcan medical doctor. Served aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise for many years."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node PRESSMAN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Eric Pressman" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Eric Pressman@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Officer Federation Command Ability Integrity=5 Cunning=6 Strength=5 Engineer, Treachery @{i}"Captain Eric Pressman commanded the U.S.S. Pegasus before it waslost in space following a failed experiment."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node EXOCOMP "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Exocomp" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Exocomp@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Engineer Federation Universal Integrity=9 Cunning=8 Strength=1 If aboard ship, can repair damage in two of your full turns, without returning to outpost. @{i}"Sentient artificial life-form incorporating an advanced microreplication system. Specializes in repair tasks. Servomechanism designe by Dr. Farallon."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node SHANTI "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Fleet Admiral Shanti" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Fleet Admiral Shanti@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Officer Federation Command Ability Integrity=9 Cunning=6 Strength=4 Leadership, Diplomacy @{i}"Fleet Admiral Shanti authorized the blockade of Romulan forces covertly supporting the Klingon Civil War in 2368."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node GEORDI "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Geordi La Forge" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Geordi La Forge@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Engineer Federation Command Ability Integrity=8 Cunning=8 Strength=6 Engineer, Navigation, Physics, Computer Skill @{i}"L.t Commander Geordi La Forge is chief engineer abord the U.S.S. Enterprise. Great sense of humor. Fortuitous holodeck programmer."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node GIBSON "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Gibson" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Gibson@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Officer Federation Staff Star Integrity=6 Cunning=6 Strength=5 Navigation x2 @{i}"Ensign Gibson served aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise as helm specialist during the 2364 diplomatic mission to Daled IV."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"}. View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/gibson.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node GIUSTI "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Giusti" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Giusti@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Officer Federation Universal, Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=6 Strength=4 Youth @{i}"Ensign Giusti is representative of staff officers in Starfleet. Served at the Ops consol aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise in 2370."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node BATES "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Hannah Bates" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Hannah Bates@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Science Federation Integrity=6 Cunning=8 Strength=2 Physics @{i}"Genetically engineered scientist from Moab IV. Granted asylum aboard U.S.S. Enterprise in 2368."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node IANTROI "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Ian Andrew Troi" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Ian Andrew Troi@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} Officer Federation Command Ability, @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} icon Integrity=8 Cunning=8 Strength=6 Diplomacy, Leadership, Music, Computer Skill @{i}"Human husband of Lwaxanna, Father of Deanna. Seen in Lwaxanna's surreall vision of home at Lake El'nar, Betazed. Friend of Steven Miller and Reittan Grax."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node JACKCRUSHER "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Jack Crusher" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Jack Crusher@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} Officer Federation Command Ability, @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} icon Integrity=8 Cunning=8 Strength=7 Honor, Archaeology, Music, Leadership, Computer Skill @{i}"Lt. Commander aboard U.S.S. Stargazer under best friend Jean-Luc Picard. Husband of Beverly Crusher. Advised their son Wesley to seek his own way."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node JEANLUC "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Jean-Luc Picard" @font startrek.font 8 @{b}@{u}Jean-Luc Picard@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Officer Federation Command Ability Integrity=9 Cunning=8 Strength=6 Diplomacy x2, Leadership, Honor, Archaeology, Navigation, Music @{i}"Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Born in LaBarre, France. Has an artificial heart. Reads Shakespeare. Something of a Renaissance man."@{ui} Picture taken from "Best of Both Worlds" Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} What tells Habib in his @{"COTD" link "STCCG:cotd.guide/COTD1"} us about the card? Wesley has a new review in his @{"COTD" link "STCCG:cotd.guide/COTD238"}! @EndNode @Node DSORA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Jeanna D'Sora" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Jeanna D'Sora@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Security Federation Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=6 Strength=5 Stellar Cartography, Music @{i}"Lieutenant Jeanna D'Sora had a brief, unsuccessful romantic relationship with Lt. Commander Data. Wooed by crystallia flowers from Telemarius III."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node TAINER "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Juliana Tainer" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Juliana Tainer@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Science Federation Staff Star Integrity=6 Cunning=7+X Strength=4+X Geology, Computer Skill, Cybernetics, Music After first use as an Android, X=4 but "stopped". @{i}"Dr. Juliana O'Donnell Soong Tainer. Data's Co-creator and "mother". Unaware that Dr. Soong stored her mind in a Soong-type android to prolong her life."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"}. View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/julianatainer.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node KEHLEYR "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/K'Ehleyr" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}K'Ehleyr@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set V.I.P. Federation Staff Star Integrity=8 Cunning=7 Strength=7 Diplomacy, Honor @{i}"1/2 Klingon, 1/2 Human female. Federation Ambassador to the K'mpec government. Mate of Lieutenant Worf. Mother of Alexander."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node ODAN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Kareel Odan" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Kareel Odan@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set V.I.P. Federation Integrity=9 Cunning=7 Strength=4 Diplomacy, Computer Skill @{i}"Famous Trill Ambassador Kareel Odan. Romantically involved with Dr. Beverly Crusher. Symbiont transplant from male to female host in 2367."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node PULASKI "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Katherine Pulaski" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Katherine Pulaski@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Medical Federation Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=7 Strength=4 May only beam once per turn. Medical, Science, Suspends effect of Doppelganger where present. @{i}"Chief Medical Officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise in 2365. Dislikes transporters and turbolifts."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"}. View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/katherinepulaski.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node KEIKO "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Keiko O'Brien" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Keiko O'Brien@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Science Federation Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=7 Strength=3 Biology, Exobiology Attributes all +2 if with Miles O'Brien. @{i}"Botanist. Vegetarian. Keiko Ishikawa married Miles O'Brien aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise in 2367. Lt. Commander Data served as father of the bride."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"}. View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/keikoobrien.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node LAL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Lal" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Lal@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Civilian Federation Staff Star Integrity=8 Cunning=8 Strength=10 Computer Skill, Youth, When reporting, select any two skills present. @{i}"Soong-type android "daughter" of Lt. Commander Data, created by replication of his own positronic pathways. Lal is the Hindi word for "imzadi.""@{ui} Picture taken from "The Offspring". Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"}. View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/lal.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node BRAHMS "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Leah Brahms" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Leah Brahms@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Engineer Federation Staff Star Integrity=8 Cunning=9 Strength=3 Engineer @{i}"Dr. Leah Brahms was responsible for much of the warp engine design for Galaxy-class starships."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:OSjpgs/leahbrahms.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node LARSON "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Linda Larson" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Linda Larson@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Engineer Federation Universal, Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=5 Strength=4 Youth @{i}"Lieutenant Linda Larson is representative of staff engineers serving in Starfleet."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node LTPICARD "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Lt. (j.g.) Picard" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Lt. (j.g.) Picard@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} Science Federation Staff Star, @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} icon Integrity=8 Cunning=6 Strength=6 Astrophysics, Navigation @{i}"Jean-Luc Picard regretted his reckless youth until Q's alternate timeline antics revealed that he would have been a mere assistant astrophysics officer."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node LWAXANNA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Lwaxana Troi" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Lwaxana Troi@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set V.I.P. Federation Integrity=7 Cunning=8 Strength=3 Empathy x2 @{i}"Betazoid mother of Deanna Troi. Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed."@{ui} The black border and the alpha edition of this card have a spelling error: "Lwaxanna Troi". Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node RAKAL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Major Rakal" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Major Rakal@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} V.I.P. Federation/Romulan Command Ability, @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} icon Integrity=8/4 Cunning=7/8 Strength=4 Empathy, Diplomacy (Fed only), Tal Shiar (Rom only), Treachery (Rom only) @{i}"Physically altered, Deanna Trois was coerced to completely assume the identity of a Tal Shiar major in the 2369 M'ret defection plot."@{ui} @{b}Note:@{ub} This is a dual-affilation personnel, the first attribute belongs to Major Rakal used as Federation personnel, the second attribute when used as Romulan personnel (switchable between turns). Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ366"} What tells Wesley in his @{"COTD" link "STCCG:cotd.guide/COTD147"} us about the card? @EndNode @Node MCKNIGHT "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/McKnight" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}McKnight@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Officer Federation Universal, Staff Star Integrity=5 Cunning=6 Strength=3 Navigation, Youth, Music @{i}"Ensign McKnight is one of many helm officers serving aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise. Distant relative of a famous 20th century game designer."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node MENDON "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Mendon" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Mendon@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Science Federation Universal, Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=5 Strength=2 Physics @{i}"Ensign Mendon is a Benzite male representative of science specialist within Starfleet. Served aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise in 2365. Looks like Mordock."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node YALE "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Mirasta Yale" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Mirasta Yale@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Science Federation Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=5 Strength=3 Must seed at Malcor III like a dilemma. Physics, Astrophysics Worth bonus point to you while in play. 5 points @{i}"Malcorian scientist befriended by Jean-Luc Picard. Departed Malcor III aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"}. View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/mirastayale.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node SCOTTY "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Montgomery Scott" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Montgomery Scott@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common @{"Warp Pack" link "STCCG:warp.guide/WARP"}/@{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} Engineer Federation Command Ability Integrity=7 Cunning=8 Strength=3 Engineer, Astrophysics, Honor, Miracle Worker @{i}"Chief Engineer of original U.S.S. Enterprise. Rescued in 2369 after spending 75 years in a transporte pattern buffer aboard the crashed U.S.S. Jenolen."@{ui} Picture taken from "Relics" Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:WPjpgs/montgomeryscott.jpg"} from the @{"Warp Pack" link "STCCG:wp.guide/WARP"}? @EndNode @Node MORDOCK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Mordock" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Mordock@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Science Federation Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=7 Strength=4 Missions you solve are +5 points. Bonus points lost if you ever battle in this game. Computer Skill, Physics @{i}"Developer of the "Mordock Strategy." Became first Benzite in Starfleet, outscoring Wesley Crusher for appointement to the Academy. Looks like Mendon."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"}. View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/mordock.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node BATESON "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Morgan Bateson" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Morgan Bateson@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Officer Federation Command Ability Integrity=8 Cunning=4 Strength=5 Leadership, Stellar Cartography @{i}"Captain Morgan Bateson was in command of the U.S.S. Bozeman when it was caught in a temporal causality loop from 2278 to 2368."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node MOT "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Mot the Barber" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Mot the Barber@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Civilian Federation Integrity=6 Cunning=4 Strength=5 Barbering @{i}"Bolian male. Convivial barber aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise. Snappy conversationalist."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node HOMN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Mr. Homn" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Mr. Homn@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Civilian Federation Integrity=9 Cunning=3 Strength=9 Empaths may report for duty where present. May nullify Empathic Echo where present. @{i}"Silent, imbibing, lurching, uttaberry-eating, faithful servant of Lwaxana Troi. The only words he was known to speak were "Thank you for the drinks.""@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"}. View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/mrhomn.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node Daren "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Neela Daren" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Neela Daren@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Science Federation Staff Star Integrity=8 Cunning=8 Strength=5 Astrophysics, Stellar Cartography, Music @{i}"Lt. Commander Neela Daren is a specialist in stellar cartography. Accomplished pianist. Romantically involved with Captain Jean-Luc Picard."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node NROZHENKO "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Nikolai Rozhenko" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Nikolai Rozhenko@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Civilian Federation Staff Star Integrity=3 Cunning=7 Strength=4 Anthropology, Computer Skill, Treachery @{i}"Lieutenant Worf's human foster brother. Son of Sergey and Helena Rozhenko."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node RAGER "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Rager" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Rager@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Officer Federation Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=6 Strength=6 Navigation, Stellar Cartography, Youth, Scores 5 points if helps solve Explore Dyson Sphere. @{i}"Ensign Rager is an experienced conn officer. Served on the U.S.S. Enterprise from 2367 to 2369. Piloted the ship inside a Dyson Sphere found near Norpin V."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"}. View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/rager.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node SATIE "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Norah Satie" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Norah Satie@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set V.I.P. Federation Command Ability Integrity=9 Cunning=6 Strength=2 Leadership @{i}"Admiral Norah Satie assigned Captain Jean-Luc Picard to the U.S.S. Enterprise. Zealous investigator who exposed the alien conspiracy of 2364."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node RICE "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Paul Rice" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Paul Rice@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} Officer Federation Hologram, Universal, Command Ability Integrity=7 Cunning=7 Strength=6 Leadership, Computer Skill, Nullifies one Echo Papa 607 where present. @{i}"A highly regarded risk-taker. Captained the U.S.S. Drake, lost at Minos in 2364. Former classmate of William T. Riker. Re-created by the Arsenal of Freedom."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node GARRETT "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Rachel Garrett" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Rachel Garrett@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} Officer Federation Command Ability, @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} icon Integrity=9 Cunning=7 Strength=5 Honor, ENGINEER, Leadership, Diplomacy, Astrophysics @{i}"Captain of U.S.S. Enterprise-C when it entered a temporal rift during the Battle of Narendra III in 2344. Ordered a return to the historic battle from 2366."@{ui} Picture taken from "Yesterday's Enterprise" Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node BARCLAY "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Reginald Barclay" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Reginald Barclay@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Engineer Federation Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=7 Strength=5 Computer Skill @{i}"Lieutenant Reginald Barclay is a talented but socially shy systems diagnostic engineer. Former victim of holodiction. Has phobia of travelling by transporter."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node CASTILLO "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Richard Castillo" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Richard Castillo@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} Officer Federation Command Ability, @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} icon Integrity=8 Cunning=7 Strength=7 Leadership, Navigation @{i}"Lieutenant and helm officer aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise-C. In 2366, served as liaison with U.S.S. Enterprise-D. Romantically involved with Tasha Yar."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node GALEN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Richard Galen" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Richard Galen@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Science Federation Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=9 Strength=2 Archaeology x2, Biology, Exobiology @{i}"Professor Richard Galen was a mentor to Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Greatest archaeologist of the 24th century. Discoverer of the DNA program."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node RIVA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Riva" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Riva@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set V.I.P. Federation Integrity=6 Cunning=8 Strength=3 Diplomacy x2 @{i}"Famed deaf mute mediator from Romatis III. Spoke with a chorus of three telepaths."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node LAREN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Ro Laren" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Ro Laren@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Officer Federation Staff Star Integrity=4 Cunning=7 Strength=5 Computer Skill, Navigation, Treachery @{i}"Ensign Ro Laren is a Bajoran female. Protege of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Sympathetic to the Maquis. A bit of a renegade."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node LEFLER "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Robin Lefler" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Robin Lefler@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Engineer Federation Staff Star Integrity=6 Cunning=7 Strength=4 Where present, nullifies Ktarian Game and Wesley Crusher is CUNNING +2. Youth, Transporter Skill @{i}"Ensign transporter specialist. Romantically involved with Wesley Crusher. Lefler's Laws include "You gotta go with what works" and "Life isn't always fair.""@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"}. View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/robinlefler.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node SAKKATH "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Sakkath" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Sakkath@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} V.I.P. Federation Integrity=8 Cunning=8 Strength=7 Mindmeld, Diplomacy, Youth, Suspends Bendii Syndrome where present. @{i}"Vulcan male assistant of Sarek. Attempted to use his telepathic skills to repress Sarek's Bendii Syndrome during the crucial Legaran conference of 2366."@{ui} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/sakkath.jpg"}? View the @{"preview Picture" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/sakkath_preview.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node SAREK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Sarek" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Sarek@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set V.I.P. Federation Integrity=9 Cunning=10 Strength=3 Diplomacy x3, Mindmeld @{i}"Illustrious Vulcan Federation ambassador. Over 200 years old. Married at least three times: to a Vulcan princess, to Amanda and to Perrin. Father of Spock."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node SATELK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Satelk" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Satelk@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Officer Federation Command Ability Integrity=8 Cunning=9 Strength=7 Leadership, Mindmeld, Diplomacy @{i}"Captain Satelk is the Vulcan Starfleet officer who presided over the inquiry into cadet Joshua Albert's death at the Academy Flight Range in 2368."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node SHELBY "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Shelby" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Shelby@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Officer Federation Command Ability Integrity=6 Cunning=7 Strength=4 Leadership, Exobiology @{i}"Lt. Commander Shelby is an ambitious Starfleet officer. Assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise as a specialist on the Borg."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node TARSES "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Simon Tarses" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Simon Tarses@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Medical Federation Universal Integrity=6 Cunning=5 Strength=5 Youth @{i}"Crewman First Class Simon Tarses is representative of Starfleet medical technicians. He is 1/4 Romulan, 3/4 Human."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node NEWTON "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Sir Isaac Newton" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Sir Isaac Newton@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Science Federation Hologram, Universal Integrity=7 Cunning=11 Strength=3 Physics x2 @{i}"Re-creation of the famous 18th century human. Originator of calculus and the classis laws of physics."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node KOLRAMI "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Sirna Kolrami" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Sirna Kolrami@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set V.I.P. Federation Command Ability Integrity=7 Cunning=9 Strength=2 Leadership @{i}"Famed Federation strategist. Grandmaster of the game Stratagema."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node JAXA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Sito Jaxa" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Sito Jaxa@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Security Federation Universal, Staff Star Integrity=8 Cunning=6 Strength=6 Navigation, Youth @{i}"Ensign Sito Jaxa, a Bajoran, is one of a number of navigation officers aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node GOMEZ "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Sonya Gomez" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Sonya Gomez@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Engineer Federation Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=6 Strength=3 Physics, Youth, Suspends Anti-Matter Pod where present. @{i}"Ensign Sonya Gomez is an anti-matter specialist. Snappy conversationalist. Once spilled hot chocolate on Captain Picard. Has total recall."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"}. View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/sonyagomez.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node SOREN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Soren" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Soren@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} Science Federation Staff Star Integrity=6 Cunning=6 Strength=3 Astrophysics @{i}"Androgynous J'Naii- Illegally had female feelings. Once romantically involved with Commander William T. Riker. Underwent therapy for this perversity."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node TPAN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/T'Pan" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}T'Pan@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon Original Set Science Federation Command Ability Integrity=8 Cunning=9 Strength=4 Science, Mindmeld @{i}"Vulcan female. Dr. T'Pan served as director of the prestigious Vulcan Science Academy. Preeminent expert in subspace morphology."@{ui} @{b}Note:@{ub} The first prints (Copyright from 1994) were printed without the Skill of Mindmeld. But since all Vulcans possess this skill, all later prints (Copyright later than 1995) contain this skill. This skill should always be used, regardless which print used. Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node TSHANIK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/T'Shanik" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}T'Shanik@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Science Federation Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=7 Strength=5 Mindmeld, Computer Skill, Youth @{i}"Vulcan female from Vulcana Regar. Competed against Wesley Crusher, Mordock and Oliana Mirren for acceptance to Starfleet Academy."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"}. View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/tshanik.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node TAITT "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Taitt" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Taitt@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Science Federation Universal, Staff Star Integrity=6 Cunning=7 Strength=4 Stellar Cartography, Geology @{i}"Ensign Taitt is representative of science specialists from Starfleet Academy. Helped the U.S.S. Enterprise destroy a Borg Ship in 2370."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node ELBRUN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Tam Elbrun" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Tam Elbrun@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set V.I.P. Federation Integrity=5 Cunning=7 Strength=3 Empathy x2, Honor @{i}"Betazoid male with exceptional empathic abilities. Participated in the notorious Ghorusda disaster. Specialist in first contact with new life-forms."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node TASHA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Tasha Yar" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Tasha Yar@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Security Federation Staff Star Integrity=8 Cunning=7 Strength=8 Honor, Leadership @{i}"Lieutenant Natasha Yar served as chief of security on the U.S.S. Enterprise. Courageous orphan of Turkana IV. Proved Lt. Commander Data fully functional."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node ATASHA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Tasha Yar - Alternate" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Tasha Yar - Alternate@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} Security Federation Staff Star, @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} icon Integrity=8 Cunning=7 Strength=8 Honor, Leadership, Armed with Starfleet Type II Phaser @{i}"Traveled to 2344 and helped prevent a disastrous war. Survivor of the Battle of Narendra III. Consort of Romulan General. Mother of Sela."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node TAURIK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Taurik" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Taurik@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} common Original Set Engineer Federation Universal, Staff Star Integrity=7 Cunning=7 Strength=8 Mindmeld @{i}"Lieutenant Taurik is a Vulcan male representative of engineering junior officers serving in Starfleet."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node TRIKER "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Thomas Riker" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Thomas Riker@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Officer Federation Command Ability Integrity=8 Cunning=7 Strength=6 Leadership, Navigation, Geology, Music @{i}"Lt. Commander Thomas Riker is William Riker's double. Created during a transporter accident in 2361."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} View a @{"Sample Picture" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:OSjpgs/t_riker.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node RUSSEL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Toby Russel" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Toby Russel@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} uncomman Original Set Medical Federation Staff Star Integrity=6 Cunning=7 Strength=4 Physics @{i}"Dr. Toby Russel is a controversial neurogeneticist. Creator of the genetronic replicator therapy for spinal injury that saved Lieutenant Worf."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node VASH "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Vash" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Vash@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Civilian Federation Integrity=3 Cunning=8 Strength=4 Archaeology x2, Treachery, Anthropology @{i}"Extraordinary archaeology treasure hunter. Traveled with Q. Romantically involved with Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Lovable character, not to be trusted."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node WESLEY "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Wesley Crusher" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Wesley Crusher@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Officer Federation Staff Star Integrity=6 Cunning=8 Strength=5 Youth, Computer Skill, Navigation, Engineer, Astrophysics @{i}"Ensign Wesley Crusher was a child prodigy. Protege' of The Traveler. Son of Dr. Beverly Crusher. Saved the U.S.S. Enterprise 3 1/2 times as a teenager."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node WRIKER "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/William T. Riker" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}William T. Riker@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Officer Federation Command Ability Integrity=8 Cunning=7 Strength=7 Diplomacy, Leadership, Navigation, Honor, Music @{i}"Commander William T. Riker is the executive officer of U.S.S. Enterprise. Imzadi to Deanna Troi. Gourmet cook. Jazz musician."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node WORF "STCCG.guide/Cards/Personnel/Worf" @font diamond.font 12 @next FEDPERS @{b}@{u}Worf@{ub}@{uu} @{"Personnel" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/PERS"} rare Original Set Security Federation Command Ability Integrity=8 Cunning=6 Strength=10 Honor x2, Navigation, Diplomacy @{i}"Lieutenant Worf is chief of security on the U.S.S. Enterprise. Klingon warrior and Starfleet officer. Son of Mogh. Raised on Earth by foster parents."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ361"} @EndNode @Node FEDSHIP "STCCG.guide/Universe/Card List/Ships/Federation Ships" @prev YAMATO @{b}@{u}Federation Ships@{ub}@{uu} @{i}Rarity Card Aff. Weapons Staffing Misc Set Range Shields Card Type@{ui} UR AU @{"Future Enterprise" link FUTENT} F 13 10 9 +AAA A Cloaking Device, Holodeck, Tractor Beam C OS @{"Runabout" link RUNABOUT} F 7 5 5 u C OS @{"Type VI Shuttlecraft" link FEDSHUTTLE} F 6 2 2 u R OS @{"U.S.S. Brittain" link BRITTAIN} F 6 5 6 - Tractor Beam R OS @{"U.S.S. Enterprise" link ENTERPRISE} F 9 8 9 +-- Holodeck, Tractor Beam R AU @{"U.S.S. Enterprise-C" link ENTERPRISEC} F 8 7 8 +-A A Tractor Beam, enters anywhere damaged C OS @{"U.S.S. Excelsior" link EXCELSIOR} F 6 6 7 -- u Tractor Beam C OS @{"U.S.S. Galaxy" link GALAXY} F 8 7 9 +-- u Holodeck, Tractor Beam R OS @{"U.S.S. Hood" link HOOD} F 7 6 7 -- Tractor Beam C OS @{"U.S.S. Miranda" link MIRANDA} F 6 5 5 - u Tractor Beam C OS @{"U.S.S. Nebula" link NEBULA} F 8 7 8 +- u Holodeck, Tractor Beam C OS @{"U.S.S. Oberth" link OBERTH} F 6 4 7 - u Tractor Beam R OS @{"U.S.S. Phoenix" link PHOENIX} F 7 7 8 +- u Holodeck, Tractor Beam R QC @{"U.S.S. Stargazer" link STARGAZER} F 8 7 8 +- Tractor Beam, Once each game may be taken from discard pile to hand U OS @{"U.S.S. Sutherland" link SUTHERLAND} F 7 7 7 +- Holodeck, Tractor Beam R OS @{"U.S.S. Yamato" link YAMATO} F 8 8 8 +-- Holodeck, Tractor Beam For a description of terms used see @{"Legend" link LEGEND}. @EndNode @Node FUTENT "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/Future Enterprise" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Future Enterprise@{ub}@{uu} Galaxy Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} ultrarare @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} Federation Range: 13 Weapons: 10 Shields: 9 Staffing requirement: 1xCommand 3xAU icon AU icon Cloaking Device, Holodeck, Tractor Beam @{i}"Commanded by Admiral Riker in an alternate future. U.S.S. Enterprise-D was fitted with a third warp engine nacelle, greatly enhancing its speed and power."@{ui} Picture taken from "All good things" Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} View the @{"Card Picture" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:AUjpgs/futureenterprise_old.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node RUNABOUT "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/Runabout" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Runabout@{ub}@{uu} Runabout Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} common Original Set Federation Range: 7 Weapons: 5 Shields: 5 Staffing requirement: none Universal @{i}"Resembles a large shuttle. Contains living accommodations. Modular design can be re-configured for different mission profiles."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} @EndNode @Node FEDSHUTTLE "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/Type VI Shuttlecraft" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Type VI Shuttlecraft@{ub}@{uu} Type VI Shuttlecraft @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} common Original Set Federation Range: 6 Weapons: 2 Shields: 2 Staffing requirement: none Universal @{i}"Modern Federation shuttle with warp capability. May be armed for special missions."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} @EndNode @Node BRITTAIN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/U.S.S. Brittain" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}U.S.S. Brittain@{ub}@{uu} Miranda Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} rare Original Set Federation Range: 6 Weapons: 5 Shields: 6 Staffing requirement: 1xStaff Tractor Beam @{i}"Starship found trapped in a Tyken's Rift in 2367. All but one of crew killed by REM sleep deprivation."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} @EndNode @Node ENTERPRISE "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/U.S.S. Enterprise" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}U.S.S. Enterprise@{ub}@{uu} Galaxy Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} rare Original Set Federation Range: 9 Weapons: 8 Shields: 9 Staffing requirement: 1xCommand 2xStaff Holodeck, Tractor Beam @{i}"The fifth Starfleet ship named Enterprise, launched in 2363. Built at the Utopia Planetia shipyards orbiting Mars."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} @EndNode @Node ENTERPRISEC "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/U.S.S. Enterprise-C" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}U.S.S. Enterprise-C@{ub}@{uu} Ambassador Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} rare @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} Federation Range: 8 Weapons: 7 Shields: 8 Staffing requirement: 1xCommand 1xStaff 1xAU icon AU icon Tractor Beam, Enters play damaged at any location. @{i}"Preddecessor of @{"U.S.S. Enterprise-D" link ENTERPRISE}. Famous for heroic action in Battle of Narendra III, where it also entered a temporal rift. Commanded by Rachel Garret."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:AUjpgs/ussenterprise-c.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node EXCELSIOR "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/U.S.S. Excelsior" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}U.S.S. Excelsior@{ub}@{uu} Excelsior Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} common Original Set Federation Range: 6 Weapons: 6 Shields: 7 Staffing requirement: 2xStaff Tractor Beam @{i}"First launched in 2284 as a test for what proved to be the unsuccessful transwarp drive project. Now uses standard warp drive."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} @EndNode @Node GALAXY "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/U.S.S. Galaxy" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}U.S.S. Galaxy@{ub}@{uu} Galaxy Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} common Original Set Federation Range: 8 Weapons: 7 Shields: 9 Staffing requirement: 1xCommand 2xStaff Holodeck, Tractor Beam @{i}"Prototype in this elite class of ships was the U.S.S. Galaxy, after which the class was named."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} @EndNode @Node HOOD "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/U.S.S. Hood" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}U.S.S. Hood@{ub}@{uu} Excelsior Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} rare Original Set Federation Range: 7 Weapons: 6 Shields: 7 Staffing requirement: 2xStaff Tractor Beam @{i}"Registry number NCC-42296. named for the 20th century admiral, Sir Horace Hood. Commanded by Captain Robert DeSoto."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} @EndNode @Node MIRANDA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/U.S.S. Miranda" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}U.S.S. Miranda@{ub}@{uu} Miranda Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} common Original Set Federation Range: 6 Weapons: 5 Shields: 5 Staffing requirement: 1xStaff Universal Tractor Beam @{i}"Small ship class from the late 23rd century. Named for a character in Shakespeare's play, The Tempest."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} @EndNode @Node NEBULA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/U.S.S. Nebula" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}U.S.S. Nebula@{ub}@{uu} Nebula Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} common Original Set Federation Range: 8 Weapons: 7 Shields: 8 Staffing requirement: 1xCommand 1xStaff Universal Holodeck, Tractor Beam @{i}"Modern class of ship featuring large upper equipment modules customizable for specific mission uses."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} @EndNode @Node OBERTH "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/U.S.S. Oberth" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}U.S.S. Oberth@{ub}@{uu} Oberth Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} common Original Set Federation Range: 6 Weapons: 4 Shields: 7 Staffing requirement: 1xStaff Tractor Beam @{i}"Class of small ships often used for scientific missions. Named for 20th century rocket scientist Hermann Oberth."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} @EndNode @Node PHOENIX "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/U.S.S. Phoenix" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}U.S.S. Phoenix@{ub}@{uu} Nebula Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} rare Original Set Federation Range: 7 Weapons: 7 Shields: 8 Staffing requirement: 1xCommand 1xStaff Holodeck, Tractor Beam @{i}"Commanded by Captain Benjamin Maxwell. Last assigned to the Cardassian/Federation border."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} View a @{"Sample Picture" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:OSjpgs/phoenix.jpg"}? View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:OSjpgs/ussphoenix.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node STARGAZER "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/U.S.S. Stargazer" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}U.S.S. Stargazer@{ub}@{uu} Constellation Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} rare @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} Federation Range: 8 Weapons: 7 Shields: 8 Staffing requirement: 1xCommand 1xStaff Tractor Beam, Once each game may be taken from discard pile to hand @{i}"Captained by Jean-Luc Picard on a historic 22-year mission of exploration. Thought destroyed in 2355 at Zeta Maxia until returned by DaiMon Bok."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/ussstargazer.jpg"}? View the @{"preview Picture" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/ussstargazer_preview.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node SUTHERLAND "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/U.S.S. Sutherland" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}U.S.S. Sutherland@{ub}@{uu} Nebula Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} uncommon Original Set Federation Range: 7 Weapons: 7 Shields: 7 Staffing requirement: 1xCommand 1xStaff Holodeck, Tractor Beam @{i}"Named for Horatio Hornblower's fictional flagship. Briefly commanded by Lt. Commander Data during the Klingon Civil War blockade."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} @EndNode @Node YAMATO "STCCG.guide/Cards/Ships/U.S.S. Yamato" @font diamond.font 12 @next FEDSHIP @{b}@{u}U.S.S. Yamato@{ub}@{uu} Galaxy Class @{"Ship" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/SHIP"} rare Original Set Federation Range: 8 Weapons: 8 Shields: 8 Staffing requirement: 1xCommand 2xStaff Holodeck, Tractor Beam @{i}"Named for a Japanese WW II battleship. Sister ship of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Commanded by Captain Donald Varley."@{ui} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ352"} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:OSjpgs/ussyamato.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node LEGEND "STCCG.guide/Universe/Legend" @{b}@{u}Legend@{ub}@{uu} Here a short description of the different fields: Rarity: C common U uncommon R rare UR ultrarare P promotional OS Original Set AU @{"Alternate Universe Set" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"}, abbreviated to @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} QC @{"Q-Continuum Set" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"}, abbreviated to @{"QC" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} WP @{"Warp Pack" link @{"WARP" link "STCCG:warp.guide/WARP"} PR Promotional Affiliation F Federation K Klingon R Romulan U Un-Aligned Staff H Holographic + Command Ability - Staff Ability u Universal A @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} icon personnel, @{"Alternate Universe Door" link "STCCG:door.guide/AUDOOR"} must be open to bring into play Attributes I Integrity C Cunning S Strength A @{"Alternate Universe" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} card, @{"Alternate Universe Door" link "STCCG:door.guide/AUDOOR"} must be open Q @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} card, @{"Q-Flash" link "STCCG:door.guide/QFLASH"} must be open @EndNode