@Database Event.guide @Author Ralf Schwate @$VER: Event.guide 2.0 (02/11/96) @Index "STCCG:stccg.guide/INDEX" @Node Main "Event.guide" @{b}@{u}Event.guide@{ub}@{uu} @{"Main" link "STCCG:stccg.guide/CONTENT"} @{"Events" link EVENTS} @{"Q Events" link QEVENT} @endnode @Node EVENTS "STCCG.guide/Universe/Card List/Events" @next ALPROBE @prev ZASTCA @{b}@{u}Events@{ub}@{uu} @{i}Rarity Name Affects Icon Set Description@{ui} U OS @{"Alien Probe" link ALPROBE} Both Players Both players continue game with hands exposed R OS @{"Anti-Time Anomaly" link ATANOMALY} All personnel Kills all personnel on table at end of third full turn C OS @{"Athmospheric Ionization" link ATMIO} Planet Location Max. 3 personnel can beam up or down per turn at location U QC @{"Barber Pole" link BARPOLE} - Plays on table C AU @{"Baryon Buildup" link BARYBUI} Ship Range reduced by 2 (cumulative), remove by returning to outpost and evacuating ship R QC @{"Brainwash" link BRAINWASH} Captured Personnel Use captured personnel as your own regardless affiliation R OS @{"Bynars Weapon Enhancement" link BWE} Your Ships WEAPONS+2 on all your ships R QC @{"Calamarain" link CALAMARAIN} Location/Ship Place at location, moves like a ship (Range=6), may damage one ship or nullify Mortal Q U AU @{"Captain's Log" link CAPLOG} Your Ships If personnel aboard a ship he/she commanded SHIELDS+3,WEAPONS+3 (not cumulative) U QC @{"Discommendation" link DISCOM} Klingon after battle Play on Klingon surviving loosing battle, Klingon is now non-aligned, no Honor and -5points U OS @{"Distortion Field" link DISFLD} Planet Location Prevents beam down every other turn R QC @{"Doppelganger" link DOPPEL} Unique Personal A Plays on table. If unique personnel moves to location of other unique personnel, that personnel is discarded R QC @{"Drag Net" link DRAGNET} Q-Net Plays on table. End of your turn, you may move one Q-Net one location. C QC @{"Drought Tree" link DROTRE} completed mission A Score 7 points if seeding this event on completed planet mission. Nullified by unopposed away team U AU @{"Engage Shuttle Operations" link ESO} Your Ships If Tractor Beams and ENGINEER present, ship may carry and launch Shuttles C OS @{"Espionage: Federation on Klingon" link ESPFK} Klingon Mission Allows Federation Personnel to attempt Klingon missions C OS @{"Espionage: Klingon on Federation" link ESPKF} Federation Mission Allows Klingon Personnel to attempt Federation missions C OS @{"Espionage: Romulan on Federation" link ESPRF} Federation Mission Allows Romulan Personnel to attempt Federation missions C OS @{"Espionage: Romulan on Klingon" link ESPRK} Klingon Mission Allows Romulan Personnel to attempt Klingon missions U OS @{"Gaps in Normal Space" link GINS} Between Mission Cards Creates gap with span of 4. Stopping in gap kills one personnel U OS @{"Genetronic Replicator" link GENREPL} Away Team Members Keep from being killed if 2 MEDICAL present R OS @{"Goddess of Empathy" link GODEMP} All Players Cannot play interrupt cards until end of your next turn U QC @{"Heisenberg Compensators" link HEICOM} Alien Probe/Heis.Com. Plays on Table. Nullifies Alien Probe, all draw decks are faced up OR Nullify other Heisenberg Compensator U OS @{"Holo-Projectors" link HOLOPR} Your Ships Allows Holographic Creations to beam down to planet R QC @{"I am not a Merry Man!" link IANAMM} Klingon Play on Klingon. Klingon may nullify one Q-icon dilemma/event/interrupt U QC @{"Immortal again" link IMMAGA} Mortal Q/Calamrain/Q2 Nullifies Mortal Q and Calamarain (Q-Continuum active again, immune to Kevin) OR exchange for Q2 or Amanda R AU @{"Interrogations" link INTRG} One captured personnel If opponent says "Five" score 10 points, return personnel to outpost, otherwise score 1 point U AU @{"Intruder Force Field" link INTRFF} TAK/Rogue Borg While in play, reverses Telepathic Alien Kidnappers and Rogue Borg must be 3 or mor to be effective U OS @{"Kivas Fajo - Collector" link KFC} Any Player Draw 3 cards U AU @{"Klim Dokachin" link KLIM} Opponent's Play If opponent reports unique personnel for duty, draws no cards at end of his turn R QC @{"Klingon Civil War" link KLICIVWAR} Klingon Battle Winner scores WEAPON+SHIELD points from looser R OS @{"Lore Returns" link LORERET} Borg-infested Ship Allows Borg to take control of ship R OS @{"Lore's Fingernail" link LOREFIN} Soong-type Androids All Soong-type Androids (incl Data) become Non-Aligned U AU @{"Lower Decks" link LOWDECK} Your Personnel All your non-holographic, universal personnel each CUNNING+2, INTEGRITY+2, STRENGTH+2 U OS @{"Masaka Transformations" link MASTRANS} Any Player Makes player place cards at bottom of deck and re-draw U OS @{"Methaphasic Shields" link METASHLD} Your Ships SHIELDS+2 for each SCIENCE aboard U AU @{"Mot's Advice" link MOTAD} Any Personnel While in play, personnel gains skill of barbering U OS @{"Neural Servo Device" link NSD} Non-aligned Ship Use ship and crew as your own unless 2 SECURITY aboard U OS @{"Nutational Shields" link NUTSHLD} Your Ships SHIELDS+2 for each ENGINEER aboard C AU @{"Particle Scattering Field" link PSF} Ship No beaming toor from planet allowed, where ship with Particle Scattering Device C OS @{"Pattern Enhancers" link PATENH} Your Personnel Negates effects of Atmospheric Ionization or Distortion Field C OS @{"Plasma Fire" link PLASFIRE} Any Ship (exc. Borg) Damage ship at end of next turn. SECURITY puts it out C OS @{"Q-Net" link QNET} Between Locations No ship may pass unless 2 Diplomacy aboard U OS @{"Raise the Stakes" link RAISESTAKE} Opponent Opponent forfeits game or winner of game gets one random card from loser's deck C OS @{"Red Alert!" link REDAL} You Play ships, personnel and equipment as desired each turn C OS @{"Res-Q" link RESQ} Discard Pile Exchange Res-Q for discarded card R AU @{"Revolving Door" link REVDOOR} Doorway/Ic.Ga./Rev.Door Close Doorway or Iconian Gateway OR nullify antoher Revolving Door C AU @{"Rishon Uxbridge" link RISHON} Event A Protects Event from Kevin Uxbridge C OS @{"Spacedock" link SPDOCK} Outpost Instantly repairs damaged ships C OS @{"Static Warp Bubble" link STWPBB} Opponent Opponent must discard one card before ending turn C OS @{"Subspace Warp Rift" link SSWR} Any Location Ship must stop at location or be damaged R OS @{"Supernova" link NOVA} Any Location All cards at location are destroyed U OS @{"Telepathic Alien Kidnappers" link TAK} Opponent Guess card type and point, opponent discard if correct C OS @{"Tetryon Field" link TETFLD} Any Location All ships must stop at location unless Navigation aboard U AU @{"The Charybdis" link TCHBD} Completed Missions Artifacts may only be acquired if Archaeology present C AU @{"The Mask of Korgano" link TMOK} Your Personnel Changes personnel from normal to AU icon or vice versa U OS @{"The Traveller: Transcendence" link TRAVTRANS} Any Player Draw extra card at end of turn, nullifies Static Warp Bubble U AU @{"Thermal Deflectors" link THERDEFL} Specific Cards Nullifies Firestorm, Thought Fire, Plasma Fire, Fire Sculptor and Phaser Burns U QC @{"Transfiguration" link TRANSFIG} John Doe After John doe has prevented death, he may nullify each turn an event card where present C OS @{"Treaty: Federation/Klingon" link TRFK} You Federation and Klingon ships/personnel can cooperate C OS @{"Treaty: Federation/Romulan" link TRFR} You Federation and Romulan ships/personnel can cooperate C OS @{"Treaty: Romulan/Klingon" link TRRK} You Romulan and Klingon ships/personnel can cooperate R OS +@{"Warp Core Breach" link WCB} Any Ship Ship explodes unless ENGINEER aboard R AU @{"Wartime Conditions" link WARCND} Federation A If ship is/was attacked, Federation may attack other affiliation at will C OS @{"Where No One Has Gone Before" link WNOHGB} Your Ships Ships can leave one end of spaceline and enter at other end C WP/AU @{"Yellow Alert" link YAL} Red Alert/Your Pers. Cancels/Prevents Red Alert AND all your personnel CUNNING+1 R QC @{"Zalkonian Storage Capsule" link ZASTCA} Hand Card Play on table. Store hand card, return to hand any time. Destroyed shuffle cards and place on/under draw deck For a description of terms used see @{"Legend" link LEGEND}. @EndNode @Node ALPROBE "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Alien Probe" @font diamond.font 12 @prev EVENT @{b}@{u}Alien Probe@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon Original Set @{i}"Space Probes of unknown origin are frequently encountered by starships. Often such probes seek information or contact."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. Both players continue the game with their hands (cards) exposed, face up on the table.@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node ATANOMALY "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Anti-Time Anomaly" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Anti-Time Anomaly@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare Original Set @{i}"Q-created phenomena. Rift caused by anti-time particles in the future. Anomaly grows backward in time endagering all life in the past."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. Kills literally ALL personnel on table (both players' cards) at the end of your third full turn, unless anti-time anomaly destroyed first.@{ub} Picture taken from "All good things..." Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node ATMIO "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Atmospheric Ionization" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Atmospheric Ionization@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Charged particles in the atmosphere of planets which can disrupt transporter beams."@{ui} @{b}Plays crosswise on any planet location. Maximum of three personnel per turn can be beamed up or down at this location.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node BARPOL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Barber Pole" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Barber Pole@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"The U.S.S. Enterprise features a fully equipped barber shop, including the traditional helical pole."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table.@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/barberpole.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node BARYBUI "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Baryon Buildup" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Baryon Buildup@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"Baryon particles build up on a ship's hull after prologned warp travel. Particles must be periodically removed with a baryon sweep, which requires evacuation of the ship."@{ui} @{b}Plays on ship. RANGE is reduced by 2. (Cumulative.) Remove by returning to outpost and evacuating ship until beginning of following turn.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node BRAINWASH "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Brainwash" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Brainwash@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"Geordi La Forge was mentally reprogrammed to do the Romulans' bidding by a machine that accessed his mind through his VISOR's direct neural implants."@{ui} @{b}Plays on one personnel you've captured. Captive reports to your outpost, is under your control and may mix with your personnel regardless of affiliation.@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/brainwash.jpg"}? View the @{"preview Picture" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/brainwash_preview.jpg"} of the preview? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node BWE "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Bynars Weapon Enhancement" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Bynars Weapon Enhancement@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare Original Set @{i}"Binary race closely integrated with computers. Always work in pairs. Bynars have the ability to enhance specific computerized systems."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. Bynars enhance each of your ship's WEAPONS +2. (Cumulative.)@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node CALAMARAIN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Calamarain" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Calamarain@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"An intelligent species that exists as ionized gas and can travel in space. Penetrated the shields of the U.S.S. Enterprise seeking revenge on Q in 2366."@{ui} @{b}Plays at location of opponent's choice. Moves like a ship (Range = 6). May damage (not destroy) one ship OR kill Mortal Q at same location (discard event). (Immune to Kevin Uxbridge.)@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/calamarain.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node CAPLOG "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Captain's Log" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Captain's Log@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"A commanding officer's journal of events. While on the surface of El-Adrel IV, Tamarian Captain Dathon made entries into his log by hand."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. Any of your personnel aboard a ship he or she @{i}commanded@{ui} or @{i}captained@{ui} (as referenced in ship lore) raises SHIELDS +3 and WEAPONS +3. (Not cumulative.)@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node DISCOM "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Discommendation" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Discommendation@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"naDHa'ghach. Klingon ritual of shame. A disgraced warrior (and his descendants for seven generations) are shunned and declared non-existant to the rest of Klingon society."@{ui} @{b}Plays on any Klingon who survived a losing -5 points battle. That Klingon is now Non-Aligned, has no honor and loses points.@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/discommendation.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node DISFLD "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Distortion Field" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Distortion Field@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon Original Set @{i}"Atmospheric phenomena that inhibits use of transporters, as on Nervala IV."@{ui} @{b}Plays crosswise face up on any planet location. On each of your turns, flip card over. While face up, prevents beam down/uphere unless pattern enhancers in play.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node DOPPEL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Doppelganger" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Doppelganger@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} AU icon @{i}"On stardate 42679.2, the U.S.S. Enterprise encountered a duplicate of Jean-Luc Picard from six hours in the future. He was eventually killed by Jean-Luc Picard."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. While in play, if a unique personnel moves to the same location as its duplicate, the duplicate is discarded unless Clone Machine in play.@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/doppelganger.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node DRAGNET "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Drag Net" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Drag Net@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"When the U.S.S. Enterprise attempted to evade Q's energy net, the net collapsed into a sphere and chased the vessel at high warp."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. At end of each of your turns you may move any one Q-Net in play one location in either direction.@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/dragnet.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node DROTREE "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Drought Tree" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Drought Tree@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} AU icon @{i}"This sapling is planted as an affirmation of life, in defiance of the drought, and with expectations on long life. Whatever comes, we will keep it alive as a symbol of our survival."@{ui} @{b}Plant on a planet mission you completed 7 points score bonus points. Points may be nullified by any unopposed Away Team.@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/droughttree.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node ESO "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Engage Shuttle Operations" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Engage Shuttle Operations@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"Most major starships are outfitted with shuttle hangars and equipment necessary to launch and recover shuttlecraft."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. Shuttlecraft may be carried and launched from your ships (if tractor beams and ENGINEER present) AND land on planets (requires their total RANGE).@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node ESPFK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Espionage: Federation on Klingon" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Espionage: Federation on Klingon@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Federation intelligence-gathering has often relied upon sympathetic informants and electronic surveillance."@{ui} @{b}Plays on any Klingon mission. Your Federation personnel may now attempt this mission. Discard after mission completed.@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node ESPKF "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Espionage: Klingon on Federation" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Espionage: Klingon on Federation@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Klingon espionage against the Federation has included data stolen from Relay Station 47 by Morag."@{ui} @{b}Plays on any Federation mission. Your Klingon personnel may now attempt this mission. Discard after mission completed.@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node ESPRF "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Espionage: Romulan on Federation" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Espionage: Romulan on Federation@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Romulan spies are everywhere."@{ui} @{b}Plays on any Federation mission. Your Romulan personnel may now attempt this mission. Discard after mission completed.@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node ESPRK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Espionage: Romulan on Klingon" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Espionage: Romulan on Klingon@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Romulan espionage against Klingons has included efforts to de-stabilize the Klingon government by programming assasins and supporting rebel forces."@{ui} @{b}Plays on any Klingon mission. Your Romulan personnel may now attempt this mission. Discard after mission completed.@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node GINS "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Gaps in Normal Space" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Gaps in Normal Space@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon Original Set @{i}"Pockets of space, such as those in the Mar Oscura nebula, dangerously phase out when coming in contact with a ship."@{ui} @{b}Place between two Mission cards. Creates a gap with a span of 4. Ships stopping on the gap kill one personnel (random selection).@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node GENREPL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Genetronic Replicator" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Genetronic Replicator@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon Original Set @{i}"Medical device invented by Dr. Toby Russell. Capable of growing replcements for damaged organs."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. Prevents any of your Away team members from being killed if 2 MEDICAL present.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node GODEMP "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Goddess of Empathy" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Goddess of Empathy@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare Original Set @{i}"Lt. Reginald Barclay created a fantasy holodeck simulation of Counselor Deanna Troi. Her empathic abilities help other personnel anticipate danger."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table until the end of your next turn. Neither you nor you opponent can play Interrupt cards (except Kevin Uxbridge or Q2). Discard event after use.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node HEICOM "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Heisenberg Compensators" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Heisenberg Compensators@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"Transporter subsystem designed to circumvent the "uncertainty principle" of subatomic physics, allowing the derivation of quantum vector data required for beaming."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. While in play, nullifies Alien Probe and all draw decks are turned face up. OR Nullifies another Heisenberg Compensators card (discard both).@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/heisenbergcompensators.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node HOLOPR "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Holo-Projectors" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Holo-Projectors@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon Original Set @{i}"The hologram projector on Minos is an example of planet- based interactive holographic technology."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. This technology allows your holographic re-creations to be projected and used on any of your ships or Away teams. (Immune to @{"Kevin Uxbridge" link "STCCG:interrupts.guide/UX"}.)@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node IANAMM "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/I am not a Merry Man!" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}I am not a Merry Man@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"I will @{ui}not@{i} play the fool for Q's amusement!"@{ui} @{b}Plays on any one Klingon. While in play, once per turn that Klingon may nullify one Q icon interrupt, event or dilemma where present. (Not duplicatable.)@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/iamnotamerryman.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node IMMAGA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Immortal Again" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Immortal Again@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"Following Q's "selfless act," Q2 reluctantly restored his powers. He warned Q to try to stay out of trouble - just in time to save the Calamarain from further torment."@{ui} @{b}Nullifies Mortal Q (plus any Calamarain). Q-Continuum is active again. Discard event. (Immune to Kevin Uxbridge.) OR Exchange for one Amanda Rogers or Q2 card from your discard pile.@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/immortalagain.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node INTRG "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Interogation" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Interogation@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"In violation of the Seldonis IV convention, Gul Madred interrogated Jean-Luc Picard, seeking Starfleet strategic secrets. He kept asking, "How many lights do you see?""@{ui} @{b}Plays on one personnel you've captured. Each turn, ask opponent, "How many lights do you see?" If reply is "Five", return captive to outpost, score 10 points. Otherwise, score 1 point, retain captive.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node INTRFF "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Intruder Force Field" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Intruder Force Field@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"With one look from Jean-Luc Picard, the U.S.S. Enterprise crew captured two alien intruders in a force field on the bridge - turnabout for their own kidnapping activities."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. While in play, reverses Telepathic Alien Kidnappers affecting you and @{"Rogue Borg" link "STCCG:interrupts.guide/RBM"} invading your ships must be 3 or more to be effective.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node KFC "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Kivas Fajo - Collector" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Kivas Fajo - Collector@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon Original Set @{i}"Treacherous collector of rare one-of-a-kind antiquities. Once tried to add Lt. Commander Data to his collection."@{ui} @{b}Choose any player to immediately draw three new cards from the top of their draw deck. Discard event after use.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node KLIM "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Klim Dokachin" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Klim Dokachin@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"Zakdorn quartermaster controlling the Starfleet surplus depot at Qualor II. A typical bureaucrat of the type that delights in delays that make life difficult for officers."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. When opponent reports a unique personnel for duty, opponent draws no cards at end of that turn.@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node KLICIVWAR "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Klingon Civil War" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Klingon Civil War@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"Powerful politcal "houses" in Klingon society can form factions that vie for control. Gowron and his supporters defeated the forces of Duras in the civil war of 2367-68."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. While in play, whena Klingon ship destroys any opponent's Klingon ship, winner scores points = looser's WEAPONS + SHIELDS. (Immune to Kevin Uxbridge.)@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/klingoncivilwar.jpg"}? View the @{"preview Picture" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/klingoncivilwar_preview.jpg"}? @EndNode @Node LORERET "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Lore Returns" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Lore Returns@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare Original Set @{i}"Data's charismatic android brother. Identical except has more emotional ability. Had a negative effect on Data. Became Borg leader known as The One."@{ui} @{b}Plays where Rogue Borg have eliminated a ship's crew. With Lore, your Rogue Borg may now use ship to attack ships and/or beam to battle Away teams.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node LOREFIN "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Lore's Fingernail" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Lore's Fingernail@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare Original Set @{i}"Circuitry in Lore's finger was used to control and manipulate Lt. Commander Data with emotions."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. While in play, all Soong-type androids (including Lt. Cmdr. Data) and Exocomps lose theirs affiliation and are non-aligned personnel.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node LOWDECK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Lower Decks" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Lower Decks@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"Junior officers aboard all starships cooperate in their duties while competing for promotion and advancement, such as Ensigns Taurik, Sito, Lavelle and Ogawa."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. While in play, all your non-holographic, universal personnel are each CUNNING +2, INTEGRITY +2 and STRENGTH +2. (Not cumulative.)@{ub} Picture taken from "Lower Decks" Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node MASTRANS "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Masaka Transformation" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Masaka Transformation@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon Original Set @{i}"Masaka attempted to transform the U.S.S. Enterprise into an ancient temple and grounds by rearranging its matter."@{ui} @{b}Plays on any player. That player must shuffle entire hand, place on bottom of draw deck, then draw the same number of cards from the top. Discard event after use.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node METASHLD "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Metaphasic Shields" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Metaphasic Shields@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"Revolutionary shield using overlapping subspace fields. Invented by Ferengi Dr. Reyga."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. New technology enhances each of your ship's SHIELDS +2 for each SCIENCE aboard. (Cumulative.)@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node MOTAD "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Mot's Advice" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Mot's Advice@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"Mr. Mot offered sage advice to his customers on a variety of subjects, but there was only one thing you could really learn from him."@{ui} @{b}Plays on any one personnel. While in play, that personnel gains the skill of Barbering.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node NSD "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Neural Servo Device" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Neural Servo Device@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon Original Set @{i}"Device which can be used to control a crew by activating pain causing implants."@{ui} @{b}Plays on any non-aligned ship. Unless 2 SECURITY aboard, use ship and crew for one turn as your own. Discard event.@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node NUTSHLD "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Nutational Shields" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Nutational Shields@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"Nutation adjusts the shield frequency phase rotation, thereby increasing shield effency. Used against the Borg in 2367."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. New technology enhances each of your ship's SHIELDS +2 for each ENGINEER aboard. (Cumulative.)@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node PSF "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Particle Scattering Field" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Particle Scattering Field@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"A Tamarian Ship used a particle scattering field to change the atmosphere of El-Adrel IV, stranding Jean-Luc Picard and Dathon on the planet in 2368."@{ui} @{b}Plays on one of your ships with a Particle Scattering Device. No beaming to or from a planet is allowed where ship present. You may discard Field at any time.@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node PATENH "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Pattern Enhancers" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Pattern Enhancers@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Devices which amplify transporter signals to enhance transporter beam power in hazardous areas."@{ui} @{b}Plays ont able. Allows your personnel and equipment unlimited beaming through atmospheric ionization or distortion fields.@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node PLASFIRE "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Plasma Fire" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Plasma Fire@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Intensely hot combustion of ionized plasma gas. Dangerous fire which can destroy a ship."@{ui} @{b}Plays on any ship, except Borg ship. Fire damages ship at end of next turn and continues damaging each turn. SECURITY puts it out. Discard after use.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node QNET "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Q-Net" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Q-Net@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Q used an enormous forcefield grid in space to stop the U.S.S. Enterprise in 2364."@{ui} @{b}Plays between two adjacent spaceline locations. No ship may pass the Q-Net unless 2 Diplomacy aboard.@{ub} Picture taken from premier episode "Encounter at Farpoint" Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node RAISESTAKE "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Raise the Stakes" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Raise the Stakes@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon Original Set @{i}"Weekly poker game aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise honed the tactical and bluffing skills of many officers."@{ui} @{b}Your opponent must forfeit the game @{fg back}@{bg text}OR@{fg text}@{bg back} agree the eventual winner may randomly select and keep one card from loser's 60-card deck. (Cumulative.)@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node REDAL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Red Alert" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Red Alert@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"The state of maximum crew and system readiness aboard starships."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. Allows you to play as many Ship, Personnel, and Equipment cards as desired each turn.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node RESQ "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Res-Q" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Res-Q@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Q once saved Captain Jean-Luc Picard's life following an injury from a compressed teryon beam."@{ui} @{b}Regenerates a card. Exchange this event for any one card from your discard pile.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node REVDOOR "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Revolving Door" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Revolving Door@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"A surreal door created by an unknown alien intelligence, found by the U.S.S. Enterprise on Theta 116 VIII. Open to entry but seemingly closed to exit."@{ui} @{b}Plays on any Doorway card or Iconian Gateway. It is now closed. @{fg back}@{bg text}OR@{fg text}@{bg back} Nullifies another Revolving Door (discard both) and "re-opens" card underneath.@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node RISHON "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Rishon Uxbridge" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Rishon Uxbridge@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} AU icon @{i}"In his grief, the Douwd Kevin Uxbridge re-created his dead wife, Rishon. As if she were real, he responded to her stubborn tendency to keep him calm at tense moments."@{ui} @{b}Plays atop one Event card in play. Protects the underlying event from @{"Kevin Uxbridge" link "STCCG:interrupts.guide/UX"}. However, @{"Kevin Uxbridge" link "STCCG:interrupts.guide/UX"}. may remove (discard) Rishon. (Not cumulative.)@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node SPDOCK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Spacedock" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Spacedock@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Orbital repair and building facility for starships. Such facilities have been developed bymany races."@{ui} @{b}Plays on outpost. Instantly repairs your damaged ships if they stop here. Also repairs non-aligned ships.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node STWPBB "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Static Warp Bubble" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Static Warp Bubble@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Dr. berverly Crusher experienced a shrinking universe, sharped by her own thoughts, inside a static warp bubble created by Ensign Wesley Crusher."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. Opponent must discard one card before ending each turn. (Not cumulative.)@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node SSWR "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Subspace Warp Rift" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Subspace Warp Rift@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Dr. Serova proved in 2370 that disastrous rifts occur in the fabric of space due to the excessive use of warp drive. Discovery led to a Federation-wide speed limit of warp 5."@{ui} @{b}Plays crosswise on any spaceline location. Any ship passing over here without stopping incurs damage.@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node NOVA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Supernova" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Supernova@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare Original Set @{i}"The exposion of a star, usually caused by natural processes toward the end of its life cycle."@{ui} @{b}You must have a @{"Tox Uthat" link "STCCG:artifact.guide/TOX"} on table. Place atop any mission. Everything there is destroyed (discarded), but leave Mission card underneath for span reference.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node TAK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Telepathic Alien Kidnappers" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Telepathic Alien Kidnappers@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon Original Set @{i}"Unknown aliens abducted Captian Jean-Luc Picard for telepathic studies about authority in 2366."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. At end of each turn, guess a card type and point toa card in your opponent's hand. Card must be shown. If guessed correctly, card is discarded.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node TETFLD "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Tetryon Field" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Tetryon Field@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Intense masses of subspace particles, unstable in normal space, which require ships to route through safe corridors."@{ui} @{b}Plays crosswise on any spaceline location. All ships must stop here before proceeding on next turn, unless Navigation aboard.@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node TCHBD "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/The Charybdis" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}The Charybdis@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"This wreckage was quickly dated to 2033-2079 due to its 52-star American flag, an example of the importance of such knowledge when dealing with ancient artifacts."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. Artifacts at completed missions cannot be acquired until Archaeology present. (If Charybdis destroyed, anyone present may acquire artifact.)@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node TMOK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/The Mask of Korgano" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}The Mask of Korgano@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"In legend, Masaka was chased by Kogarno across the sky like the Terran moon chases the sun. Jean-Luc Picard masked himself as Kogarno to fool Masaka."@{ui} @{b}Plays on one of your personnel. While in play, changes it from normal to AU icon personnel, or vice versa.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node THERDEFL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Thermal Deflectors" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Thermal Deflectors@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"Away Teams from the U.S.S. Enterprise used an array of Thermal Deflectors to delay Bersallis III firestorms long enough to allow evacuation of the population."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. While in play, nullifies Firestorm, Thought Fire, Plasma Fire, Fire Sculptor and Phaser Burns.@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node TRAVTRANS "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/The Traveller: Transcendence" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}The Traveller: Transcendence@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon Original Set @{i}"Benevolent humanoid from Tau Alpha C who could transcend space and time with thought."@{ui} @{b}Place beside any player's draw deck. That player must draw one extra card at the end of each turn. Also, while in play nullifies Static Warp Bubble. (Not cumulative.)@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node TRANSFIG "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Transfiguration" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Transfiguration@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"John Doe was persecuted by other Zalkonians who did not understand his evolution into a higher form. He is now a benevolent energy being with metaphysical powers."@{ui} @{b}Plays on John Doe after he has prevented a death. Each turn he may nullify one Event card (except Transfiguration) where present. (Immune to Kevin Uxbridge.)@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/transfiguration.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node TRFK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Treaty: Federation-Klingon" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Treaty: Federation/Klingon@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Past treaties between these powers included the Treaty of Alliance creating mutual aid and defense without intervention."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. Your Federation and Klingon affilations recognize this treaty. The can now mix and cooperate.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node TRFR "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Treaty: Federation-Romulan" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Treaty: Federation/Romulan@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Past treaties between these powers included the Treaty of Algeron, which created a neutral zone and outlawed Federation cloaking devices."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. Your Federation and Romulan affilations recognize this treaty. The can now mix and cooperate.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node TRRK "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Treaty: Romulan-Klingon" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Treaty: Romulan/Klingon@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"Historically bitter enemies, these two powers had a brief, failed alliance to share technology around 2268."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. Your Romulan and Klingon affilations recognize this treaty. The can now mix and cooperate.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node WCB "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Warp Core Breach" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Warp Core Breach@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare Original Set @{i}" ."@{ui} @{b} @{fg back}@{bg text}OR@{fg text}@{bg back} .@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node WARCND "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Wartime Conditions" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Wartime Conditions@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"In an alternate timeline caused by the events of Narendra III, the Federation entered into war against the Klingon Empire. 40 billion lives were lost."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table only if a Federation ship is attacked by another ship. While in play, the Federation may battle the attacking ship's affiliation at will.@{ub} Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node WNOHGB "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Where no one has gone before" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Where no one has gone before@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common Original Set @{i}"The Traveler transcends space with thought. Took the U.S.S. Enterprise to galaxy M-33, then to an even greater extragalctic distance."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. Allows all of your ships to leave one end of the spaceline and enter the other end.@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node YAL "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Yellow Alert" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Yellow Alert@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} common @{"Warp Pack" link "STCCG:warp.guide/WARP"}/@{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} @{i}"State of increased readiness and watchfulness. Declared by a captain in anticipation of danger or when a crisis situation has lessened."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. While in play, cancels (discard) and prevents @{"Red Alerts" link REDAL} AND all of your Personnel are each CUNNING +1 (Not cumulative.)@{ub} Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node ZASTCA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Zalkonian Storage Capsule" @font diamond.font 12 @next EVENTS @{b}@{u}Zalkonian Storage Capsule@{ub}@{uu} @{"Event" link EVENTS} rare @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"Alien information storage device salvaged from John Doe's escape pod. Uses a chemically based system for molecular energy encoding."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. Each turn, you may store one hand card here (may be returned to hand any time). If destroyed, shuffle stored cards and place group on top or bottom of draw deck.@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/zalkonianstoragecapsule.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node QEVENT "STCCG.guide/Universe/Card List/Q Events" @next ALDSER @prev YOWITI @{b}@{u}Q Events@{ub}@{uu} @{i}Rarity Name Affects Icon Set Description@{ui} C QC @{"Aldebaran Serpent" link ALDSER} Mission Q unless number Away Team>lowest attribute place on mission. Away Team stopped until different mission tried C QC @{"Amanda's Parents" link AMAPAR} Amanda Rogers Q until Q-Flash Opponent may remove played Amanda and 2 other cards from game C QC @{"Door-Net" link DOORNET} Doorway Q one doorway closed until Q-Flash, Alternate Universe Door or 2 Diplomacy in hand U QC @{"Frigid" link FRIGID} Security Personnel Q on interrupt one security is put into stasis until Q-Flash C QC @{"Into the Breach" link INTBRE} Warp Core Breach/Ship Q until Q-Flash nullifies WCB and repairs all damaged ships immediately C QC @{"Jealous Amanda" link JEAAMA} Dilemma Q if Love Interest/Parallel Romance/Alien Groupie opponent may relocate personnel to any planet C QC @{"Military Privilege" link MILPRI} Personnel Q until Q-Flash all Fed/Non-Aligned OFFICER/CIVILIAN swap classification U QC @{"Penalty Box" link PENBOX} Personnel Q place one personnel in penalty box, move personnel already there then out-of-play C QC @{"Scottish Setter" link SCOSET} Personnel Q unless ANIMAL turn one personnel into ANIMAL until next Q-Flash C QC @{"Tijuana Crass" link TIJCRA} Flute/Data Laughing Q Ressikan Flute applies to all players, Data Laughing of opponent is now Event card C QC @{"You will in time" link YOWITI} Personnel Q Away Team=1 personnel put one unique personnel into stasis until an opponent's request is complied For a description of terms used see @{"Legend" link LEGEND}. @EndNode @Node ALDSER "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Aldebaran Serpent" @font diamond.font 12 @prev QEVENT @{b}@{u}Aldebaran Serpent@{ub}@{uu} @{"Q Event" link QEVENT} common @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"You will abandon that mission, Captain. My business with you takes precedence."@{ui} @{b}Unless the number of personnel in this crew or Away Team > lowest attribute present, place on mission. After experiencing any remaining Q icon cards in this Q-Flash, crew or Away Team is "stopped" and you must attempt a different mission before attempting this one again.@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/aldebaranserpent.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node AMAPAR "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Amanda's Parents" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Amanda's Parents@{ub}@{uu} @{"Q Event" link QEVENT} common @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"They had assumed human form... in vulgar human fashion they proceeded to conceive a child. And like mockish humans they became attached to it."@{ui} @{b}Plays on table until any Q-Flash. Each time you play an Amanda Rogers Card (except to nullify an Q icon card), opponent may take that Amanda Rogers (and any two other cards) from your discard pile and place all three out-of-play.@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/amandasparents.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node DOORNET "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Door-Net" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Door-Net@{ub}@{uu} @{"Q Event" link QEVENT} common @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"Stay where thou art."@{ui} @{b}Plays on one of your doorway cards in play (your choice) until any Q-Flash. Doorway is now closed. May be nullified by Alternate Universe Door OR by showing 2 Diplomacy from your hand during your turn.@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/doornet.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node FRIGID "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Frigid" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Frigid@{ub}@{uu} @{"Q Event" link QEVENT} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"Silence!"@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. The next time you play an Interrupt card during opponent's turn, opponent may place this event on any of your SECURITY personnel in play. Personnel is in stasis until any Q-Flash, then discard event. Maybe nullified by Fire Sculptor.@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/frigid.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node INTBRE "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Into the breach" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Ino the breach@{ub}@{uu} @{"Q Event" link QEVENT} common @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"Ooh!"@{ui} @{b}Plays on table until any Q-Flash. While in play, nullifies all Warp Core Breach cards and immediately repairs all damaged ships in play, except Borg Ship. (Not duplicatable.)@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/intothebreach.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node JEAAMA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Jealous Amanda" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Jealous Amanda@{ub}@{uu} @{"Q Event" link QEVENT} common @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"Do you love me?"@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. The next time any Away Team encounters a Love Interest, Parallel Romance or Alien Groupie, your opponent may override that card's normal result by relocating the affected personnel to any planet location. Discard event. (Not duplicatable.)@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/jealousamanda.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node MILPRI "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Military Privilige" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Military Privilige@{ub}@{uu} @{"Q Event" link QEVENT} common @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"Starfleet Admiral Q, at your service!"@{ui} @{b}Plays on table until any Q-Flash. All Federation and Non-aligned personnel in play with OFFICER classification are now CIVILIAN instead, and vice versa.@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/militaryprivilige.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node PENBOX "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Penalty Box" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Penalty Box@{ub}@{uu} @{"Q Event" link QEVENT} uncommon @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"Unfortunately there is only one penalty box. If any you should be send there, dear Tasha must give the box up to you... and go into nothingness."@{ui} @{b}If any Penalty Box already in play, put its occupant out-of-play and replace with new victim (random selection). Discard Event. Otherwise, place on table and put one personnel present (random selection) here. (If nullified, return occupant to owner's hand.)@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/penaltybox.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node SCOSET "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Scottish Setter" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Scottish Setter@{ub}@{uu} @{"Q Event" link QEVENT} common @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"Crusher gets more shrill with each passing year."@{ui} @{b}Unless ANIMAL present, play on one personnel present (random selection) until any Q-Flash. That personnel's classification changes to ANIMAL. May be nullified by Amanda Rogers.@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/scottishsetter.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node TIJCRA "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/Tijuana Crass" @font diamond.font 12 @{b}@{u}Tijuana Crass@{ub}@{uu} @{"Q Event" link QEVENT} common @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"My brothers and sisters of the Continuum have taken me back! ... I feel like celebrating!"@{ui} @{b}Plays on table. (May not be nullified.) While in play, any points derived from Ressikan Flute count for all players AND opponent's Data Laughing cards are converted to Event cards to be played on table when used.@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/tijuanacrass.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node YOWITI "STCCG.guide/Cards/Events/You will in time" @font diamond.font 12 @next QEVENT @{b}@{u}You will in time@{ub}@{uu} @{"Q Event" link QEVENT} common @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} @{i}"If I return you to your ship, will you agree to give my request a full hearing?"@{ui} @{b}If you began this mission attempt with only one personnel, opponent may name one of your unique personnel in play. That personnel is in stasis. On every turn, opponent may make a request of you; if you comply, remove personnel from stasis. (May not be nullified.)@{ub} View the @{"Picture of the card" system "execute STCCG:show STCCG:QCjpgs/youwillintime.jpg"}? Sorry, no questions currently available in the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ38"}. @EndNode @Node LEGEND "STCCG.guide/Universe/Legend" @{b}@{u}Legend@{ub}@{uu} Here a short description of the different fields: Rarity: C common U uncommon R rare UR ultrarare P promotional OS Original Set AU @{"Alternate Universe Set" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"}, abbreviated to @{"AU" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} QC @{"Q-Continuum Set" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"}, abbreviated to @{"QC" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} WP @{"Warp Pack"link "STCCG:warp.guide/WARP"} PR Promotional Affiliation F Federation K Klingon R Romulan U Un-Aligned Staff H Holographic + Command Ability - Staff Ability u Universal A @{"AU" link AU} icon personnel, @{"Alternate Universe Door" link "STCCG:door.guide/AUDOOR"} must be open to bring into play Attributes I Integrity C Cunning S Strength A @{"Alternate Universe" link "STCCG:au.guide/AU"} card, @{"Alternate Universe Door" link "STCCG:door.guide/AUDOOR"} must be open Q @{"Q-Continuum" link "STCCG:qc.guide/Main"} card, @{"Q-Flash" link "STCCG:door.guide/QFLASH"} must be open @EndNode