@database YAGG.guide @author "Francesco Leonardi - Giuliano Pochini" @node Main "Y.A.G.G." Black Blade Desing @{b}Y. A. G. G.@{ub} Yet Another Gravity Game - @{" What is Y.A.G.G.? " link intro} - @{" Installation. " link insta} - @{" What do you need to run Y.A.G.G.? " link user} - @{" Setup screen. " link config} - @{" Available Weapons. " link weap} - @{" Game controls " link game} - @{" History. " link hist} - @{" Known bugs. " link bugs} - @{" Shareware notice. " link share} - @{" How can you reach the author? " link autor} - @{" Registration - orderform. " link reg} - @{" Greetings. " link cred} Copyright 1995-96 - @{" Black Blade Desing " link BB} (sorry for my bad English...) @endnode @node intro "What is Y.A.G.G.?" YAGG is a gravity game like Roketz and Bratwurst. 2, 3 or 4 player must destroy their opponents ASAP. @endnode @node insta "Installation" Just drag YAGG drawer anywhere you want. No assigns are needed. If you cliks on YAGG icon once and select "icons/informations" from WB menus, you'll find the following tooltypes: @{b}FIELD@{ub}=. Write here the default battlefield name, if you want... @{b}MAXZOOM@{ub}= sets the maxinum zoom value when ships are close. Allowed values are 0.49997 to 0.1 @{b}PASS@{ub}= Your key. @{b}4FIREINVERT@{ub}= When it is "ON" firebuttons of joysticks 3 and 4 are exchanged. @{b}ModeIDint@{ub}= Video mode of intro screen. @{b}ModeIDset@{ub}= Video mode of setup screen. @{b}ModeIDgam@{ub}= Video mode of gema screen Most common modes are: PAL mode ModeIDint=$29004 ModeIDset=$29000 ModeIDgam=$21000 VGA mode (Warning: Vfrq is 60Hz instead of 50Hz, so the game will be 20% faster) ModeIDint=$29004 ModeIDset=$29000 ModeIDgam=$21000 dblPAL mode ModeIDint=$A9004 ModeIDset=$A9000 ModeIDgam=$A1000 @endnode @node user "What do you need to run YAGG ?" - A fast Amiga. 68030/25MHz or above highly recommended. - Kickstart v.39 (3.0) or above. - FastRam recommended. - At least 500KB free chip ram - AGA recommended (Blitter will thank you) but not required. YAGG is written in 40% assembly and 60% in BlitzBasic2. Due to using a high level language a data cache will increase the speed very much. YAGG opens a standard "intuition" screen, so you are free to use a screen promotor to use a non-PAL screenmode (e.g. try to activate the "mode promotion" option in Prefs/Icontrol). Anyway you should not use a vertical refresh frequency different by 50Hz. YAGG accesses directly to the blitter, anyway, it multitasks happily. YAGG has been successfully tested on: Amiga 4000/040 25MHz 8MB Fast + 2MB Chip Os v.3.0 SetPatch v40.16 Amiga 4000/Ec030 25MHz 8MB Fast + 2MB Chip Os v.3.1 Amiga 1200/TQM50 (030/50MHz) 4MB Fast + 2MB Chip Os v.3.0 Amiga 4000/Cyberstorm060/50MHz 8MB Fast + 2MB Chip Os v.3.1 PAL and DblPAL AGA modes and ECS/OCS emulation modes. Some other users told me Yagg also run on: Amiga 3000/Cybervision64+CyGfx 4MB Fast + 2MB Chip Os v.3.1 Amiga 1200/020 14MHz 2MB Fast + 2MB Chip Amiga 1200/Blizzard 1230-III 8MB Fast + 2MB Chip @endnode @node config "Setup screen" Player1 O @ Keyboard Quit Available ships Player2 o Player name ---------------- Player3 O Copy Start |Plane | Player4 O |Eracle | |Nettuno | _ _ | | |_| Flms |_|cmt | | ---------------- Last match winner _ _____ Shields |5| L. |350 | g Rot. sp. Ship infos ----> Ship mass ____________ Antispin Weapon1 O |Nothing | Acceleration Weapon2 O |Big Gun 1 | _________________ Weapon3 O | | | | Weapon4 O | | | | ---==========-- | | Arena: |FourL | | | ------------- | | Speed Damage | Ship picture | Shots/s Power | | Deviat Ammo <--- Weapon infos | | Range Time | | | | |_________________| --------------------- From top to bottom: Player ? - Select the current player @Keyboard - Selects how you want to drive your ship by. Adapt3, Adapt4, CPU modes are not yet implemented. PlayerName - Write your name here. Copy - The setting of the current player will be copied to all other ones. Quit - The end. Start - Starts a new battle. Available ships - These are the ships you can use. Just click on the name of the ship and it will be displayed in the box below. Flms - Enable the "flame" effect. Cmt - Enables the comet-like missile trails LastMatchWinner - It explains itself. L. - The number of lives. g - Gravity acceleration. Useful values are -3000...3000. Arena - Click here to choose the battlefield. Weapon ? - Each ship can mount up to 4 different weapons. Select here what mounting you are going to select the weapon. The mounting is highlighted in the ship box and you can select the type of weapon in the list. Each mounting can carry a certain amount of weight. According to the chip you have and the mounting you have choosed, the same weapon can have a different amount of ammunitions. Ship Infos: Shields - The damage your ship can sustain. Rot. sp. - Rotation speed. Mass - Ship mass. Antispin - How fast your ship regain control after an uncontrolled spin. Acceler. - Acceleration. Weapon infos: Speed - Starting bullet speed. Shots/s - Mah, I don't know :-) Deviat - The lower, the better precision. Range - The distance the bullet can reach. In case of autoguided weapons this is the distance after which the missile begins to follow the nearest ship. Damage - Single bullet damage. (before arming and not counting splinters). Power - Average damage for 1 second burst. Ammo - Number of shots. Time - The duration in time of your amminutions. @endnode @node weap "Weapons" @{b}Machine Gun 1-5@{ub} Standard gun. Medium range. Quite weak. Each model have it's own speed ang Shots/s rate. Bullets appears grey in color. @{b}Bouncers 1-5@{ub} Just like machine guns, but when the bullet hits a wall, it bounces away and splits in 2 (model 1) or 3 (model 2) and so on. Bullets are blue. @{b}Big Gun 1-3@{ub} Same as above, but the autofire is very slow. It's between 5 and 6 time more dangerous than MG. This is a long range weapon. Bullets are orange. @{b}Small Rocket 1-3@{ub} They have accelerated movement and an exposive warhead. They strike a damage just like BG1, but can bump your opponent against a wall. The color is white. @{b}Frag.Rocket 1-6@{ub} They are a bit stronger than SRs. They release a lot of slinters, so you can damage your opponent even if you don't hit him. If you don't want to damage yourself, you should fire these weapons when you are stopped. Higher model are more powerful, faster and long range oriented, but you can fire them at a lower rate. @{b}Medium Rocket 1-3@{ub} They are similar to SR, but they are slower and 3-4 time more harmful. @{b}Large Rocket 1-3@{ub} More dangerous versions of MR. They are really powerful, but also very heavy. Usually you can carry only a few shells. @{b}Turbo Gun 1-3@{ub} High powered version of machine guns. Only little ships (which can't mount heavier weapons) can carry these guns. @{b}Missiles 1-4@{ub} Simple missiles. They are quile easy to avoid beacuse of their strong inertia, but don't try to exceed them in speed! When you launch a missile, it starts just like a small rocket. After a certain amount of time (lower in Mis-1, higher in Mis-4), the missile begins to follow the nearest ship. So don't launch a missile-1 when your opponent is far and vice-versa. @{b}Mini Gun 1-3@{ub} Between MG and TG. @{b}Shooting missile 1-4@{ub} :-)) Really bad weapon. After they are armed (arming time varies very little), they begin to shot to the nearest ship. The higher the model, the longer is the lifetime. @{b}Class-A Smart Missile 1-4@{ub} Slow and hard to avoid missiles. They are a bit less powerful than standard missiles. @{b}Auto Rockets 1-3@{ub} Just like Small rockets, but they can change they direction a bit. You can hit yor opponent much more easily. Higher models have higher precision. @{b}Shooting Mine 1-5@{ub} Very very slow shooting missiles. You are recommended to not collide with them.... @{b}Class-B Smart Missile 1-4@{ub} Faster version of Class-A smart missiles. @{b}Mine 1-4@{ub} Simple and powerful proximity mines. @{b}Missile Mine 1-3@{ub} These mise launch 4,5 or 6 mini missiles. They are quite weak, but they are good against small and fast ships which can easily avoid standard mines. If a missile (mines, smarts and FR too) hits before being armed, it strikes a very low damage. Actually, you waste a bullet. @endnode @node game "The game" Ship controls are: Left and right - Rotate the ship. Up - Accelerate. Fire e - Shoots weapons 1 and 2. Down - Shoots weapons 3 and 4. Keys: 5 Keyboard 1 LShift 1 2 3 numeric pad W Keyboard 2 RShift A S D B ^ ^ |----------------|-- Double key @{b}P@{ub} Pause on/off Try to not bump against the wall. You must destroy your opponent before you can do it with you. To the edges of the screen are displayed the following informations: Lives (2 pixel = 1 life) Shields Ammo1 (1 pixel = 16 bullets) Ammo2 (1 pixel = 16 bullets) Ammo3 (1 pixel = 2 bullets) Ammo4 (1 pixel = 2 bullets) Number of missiles that are following you. @endnode @node hist "History" DO NOT USE OTHER VERSIONS BUT THE FOLLOWING ONES !! v1.0 * First release. v1.8 * Fixed stupid bug in the GUI. Now player 1 has no more need to reselect the first weapon after every match. * Simple mine added. (Old mines are renamed to Shooting mine). * Some changes to the ships. * Minor changes. * Added "Arena:" button to choose the battlefield at runtime. * Added some undocumented weapons. * Speeded up by 50% ship's points calculation. * The direction of weapons in the pre-battle screen was wrong. * Small change to the sound routine * New intro screen v1.12 * When you ship is damaged you cannot shoot well * Ships no more reappear over another ship. * Stupid bug that trashed 115KB of memory removed * Now missile trails are much more fun :)) * Now you cannot completely disable the flames * Little bug in the GUI fixed v1.13 * Now takes care of the ship mass when you are hit. * Code is a bit shorter * Two ships added v1.14 * Stupid bug introduced in v1.13 fixed * Various changes in collision handling routines * "Eracle" collision detection error fixed. v1.15 * Yet another little gub removed. I'm sorry for allt these bugs, but I can't work well for free. v1.16 * Rewritten collisions handling. Improved playability. * Some minor changes v1.17 * Boom3 sound changed. * Updated copyright note. * Some minor changes v1.18 * 17-6-96 * MAXZOOM icon tooltype added v1.19 * 21-6-96 * "Copy" button added v1.21 * 1-7-96 * Some optimizations * Added support for 4-joysticks adapter (not tested yet). v1.22 * 6-7-96 * Really stupid bug in LoadArena() routine fixed. v1.23 * 20-7-96 * 4-played adapter should work now (I hope...) v1.25 * 02-11-96 * Pause key added * Three new weapons * Three new tooltypes * Ship rotation improved * When a player dies, he restarts away from others @endnode @node bugs "Known bugs" - On A1200s the keyboard controller can't handle multiple key pressings, so you can't control your ship by keyboard on A1200s :-( - YAGG seems to hang when QuickGrab is running. - Don't run SuperDuper while playing Yagg. WARNING: I haven't a 4-joy adapter, so I couldn't test my routines. If you find any problem contact @{"Me" link autor}. If firebuttons are exchanged, try setting @{"4FireInvert" link insta} tooltype to ON. Please report all the bugs you find !! @endnode @node share "Shareware notice" This program is shareware. If you often use it, you @{u}must@{uu} register. This software is subject to the "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note" It is SHAREWARE as defined in paragraph 4s. If you like it and use it regularly please send $8 to me (see below). For more information please read "AFD-COPYRIGHT" (Version 1 or higher). @{b}This game can be included in Aminet, Aminet Set, Fred Fish and Meeting Pearls CDROMs.@{ub} In all other cases you must ask me a written permission. YAGG has the following limitations: - You can load only 7 ships. - When you load the game, you must wait 10 seconds. - After 3-5 matches YAGG quits and you have to reload it. If you want to regiter, fill the form at the end of this document and send it to me. If you DON'T want to register, delete Yagg from you disk. Please send only cash, EUROcheque or postal orders. I cannot cash foreign cheques. I'll send you the password to disable all the above limitations. I also accept the registered version of a your program (if I like it, of course. Please contact me first). If I will not receive enought registration agreements, I'll stop development. @endnode @node autor "How can you reach the author?" To pay the registration fee, send bugreports, ... Write to: Giuliano Pochini Via Torino 34 19122 La Spezia Italy Tel. +39-187-714863 Or via e-mail: 2:332/807.18@fidonet pochini@denise.shiny.it @endnode @node cred "Greetings" Thanks to: Francesco Leonardi - Black Blade Desing - Betatester, designer and author of presentation screens. Dario Pochini - My brother, author of a few ships and betatester. Jukebox/talent - Author of the really good PD music. Acid Software - For BlitzBasicII!! Martin Huttenloher - For MagicWB. Prrrr! to: My mum - To be so much demoralizer. Acid Software - To not fix those stupid old bugs!!! Stefano - My brother's friend. He promiser to draw some ships, but he did nothing, wasting my time. Fucked pirates - @endnode @node BB "Black Blade Desing" Black Blade Desing is Giuliano Pochini and Francesco Leonardi Giuliano Pochini Francesco Leonardi via Torino, 34 via Aurelia, 251 19122 La Spezia 19020 Ricc del Golfo (SP) Italy Italy EMail: EMail: 2:332/807.18@fidonet 2:332/807.19@fidonet pochini@denise.shiny.it leonardi@denise.shiny.it Coding, Concept Concept, Desing and Programming and Graphic @endnode @node reg "Registration" To: Giuliano Pochini via Torino, 34 19122 La Spezia Italy I would like to receive the registered version of YAGG Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ EMail: __________________________________________________________ Hardware config: ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Other: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ I send the registration fee by... o Lit. 12.000 (or $8 or equivalent) in cash included in this letter. o An international postal money order of Lit. 12.000. o A registered version of a my program, included in this pack. I read all the copyright notes of this program and I completely agree with them. I will install the registered copy of YAGG only on my Amiga and I will not distribuite it. _____________________ ___________________________________________ Date Sign @endnode