@database @node "Main" "Triz Guide" TRIZ ---- Written in 1995 by Tom Sch Yes, you are right. This game is another clone of Tetris, but it has some @{"features" link "features" 0} that makes it worth existing. @{" IMPORTANT " link "Disclaimer" 0} @{"Introduction" link "Introduction" 0} @{"Installation" link "Installation" 0} @{" Gameplay " link "Gameplay" 0} @{"Special Keys" link "Keys" 0} @{" The Editor " link "Editor" 0} @{" Author " link "Author" 0} @{"Registering " link "Registering" 0} @endnode @node "Disclaimer" "Disclaimer" TRIZ is to Tom Sch nlau 1996 TRIZ is Shareware and not public domain. TRIZ may be freely distributed, as long as the original distribution is not modificated in any way (excluding the files "Triz.scores" and "Triz.levels"),and no commercail gain is made from its distribution. DISCLAIMER This software is provided 'AS-IS'. The author is not responsible for any loss of data or damages of any kind that may result directly or indirectly from the use of this software. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. No warranties are made. @endnode @node "features" "features" -Multitasking and `quitable` (important when used on harddisks !!). -super duper background gfx. (by @{"me" link "Author" 0} ;) ) -Saves a `TOP-HUNDRED` scoreboard. -Shows your ranking during play. -Nice but useless Histogramm. -Shows your Score (WOW, what a feature !!) ;) -Nice Intro and super duper music. (by @{"me" link "Author" 0} ;) ) -@{"Editor" link "Editor" 0} included -more blocktyps optionally selectable -uncrippled !! @endnode @node "Author" "Author" If you want to get in contact with me write to: email: tomsch@uni-paderborn.de snail-mail: Tom Sch Burgstr. 33 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg Germany @endnode @node "Editor" "Editor" Why the Hell does a Game like Triz need an Editor ?? I don`t now ! But I thought it would be nice, to be able to setup the levels according to the players playingstrength. O.K. To get to the Editor you have to press `e` while you are in the Mainscreen (The Screen where the Scroller does its job). Then a window will be opened with a lot of Buttons on it: @{"EXIT" link "EXIT" 0} @{"TEST" link "TEST" 0} @{"DEF" link "DEF" 0} @{"LOAD" link "LOAD" 0} @{"CLR" link "CLR" 0} @{"SAVE" link "SAVE" 0} @{"SHOW " link "SHOWNEXT" 0} @{"LINES +" link "LINES" 0} @{"RND ROTATION" link "RNDROTATION" 0} @{"LINES -" link "LINES" 0} @{"PLAY REVERSE" link "PLAYREVERSE" 0} @{"LEVEL +" link "LEVEL" 0} @{"SPEED " link "SPEED" 0} @{"LEVEL -" link "LEVEL" 0} @{"SPEED " link "SPEED" 0} @{"ADDLAST" link "ADDLAST" 0} @{"RNDBLOCKS +" link "RNDBLOCKS" 0} @{"DELLAST" link "DELLAST" 0} @{"RNDBLOCKS -" link "RNDBLOCKS" 0} By pressing inside the Playfield you are able to set Blocks, which will be displayed after a level began. @endnode @node "Introduction" "Introduction" TRIZ ---- Written in 1995 by @{"Tom nlau" link "Author" 0} Yes, you are right. This game is another clone of Tetris, but it has some features that makes it worth existing. Writing this game was just an exercise in programming BlitzBasic, but I was quite happy with the result, so that I decided to release it. The game should run on all Amigas. Now lets list up some features of Triz: -fully Multitasking and `quitable` (IMPORTANT when used on harddisks !!). -super duper background gfx. (by me ;) ) -Saves a `TOP-HUNDRED` scoreboard. -Shows your ranking during play. -Nice but useless Histogramm. -Shows your Score (WOW, what a feature !!) ;) -Nice Intro and super duper music. (be me ;) ) -Level Editor -more blocks optionaly selectable -uncrippled !! O.K. enough of that ! Why don`t you have a look by yourselfs? @endnode @node "Installation" "Installation" Installation should be very simple: From the Workbench: Take the Drawer `Blitztriz` and place it somewhere you want. Files needed: ---------------------------------- Triz.info TrizIntro TrizIntro.info soft-aztec.med TRIZ.med TRIZ.levels TRIZ.scores Triz.Guide Triz.Guide.info ---------------------------------- This Game may only be spread if all this Files are copied !! @endnode @node "Gameplay" "Gameplay" I don`t think that anyone doesn`t knows how to play TRIZ. So here is a description of the messages displayed before each level: NONEXT - The next upcoming Block won`t be shown RANDOMBLOCKS - After droping a Block a 1x1 Bock will apear somewhere on your playfield !! REVERSE - All Joystick-actions are reversed ROTATION - The Blocks will apear randomrotated. But there are some additional troubles: In each level the speed of gameplay will increase. In some levels there will be a few blocks allready on the playfield. (according to the default Levels) Optionally you can choose EXTENDED blocks for harder gameplay by pressing `b` in the mainscreen. Pressing `n` will bring you back to NORMAL blocks. (see @{"Special Keys" link "Keys" 0}) Now the scores: 1 ROW = 100 POINTS 2 ROWS= 300 POINTS 3 ROWS= 1000 POINTS 4 ROWS= 3000 POINTS 5 ROWS= 6000 POINTS (YES, it`s possible) If you pull your Joystick down to quickly drop a block, the score will be counted up and when you get it to build all rows down you will get 100.000 POINTS. O.K. Now have Fun !! @endnode @node "Keys" "Special Keys" In The Mainscreen (when you see the Scroller below): `ESC` to exit the Game `e` to enter the Editor `b` to choose EXTENDED blocks `n` to choose NORMAL blocks `m` to toggle music on/off pulling the Joystick down will show the @{"TOP-HUNDRED Scoreboard" link "Scoreboard" 0}. While playing: `p` to pause (press again or press Fire to unpause) `m` to toggle music on/off `ESC` to end Game Flip the screen with the old `AmigaR+m` if you want to `multitask`. @endnode @node "Registering" "How to Register" Why Register when this an uncrippled Game ? Why cripple Shareware when everyone registers ? O.K. Software that is worth using is worth paying for. If you like this Game you should pay for it. THANKS in advance ! The Registration fee is 20 DM 15 US-$ 5 or more if you like NO coins !!!! If you send me a Disk and an stamped envelope for answer you will be send the Complete Sourcecode (BlitzBasicII) of TRIZ including the Graphics. The Source will be saved as ASCII-Text so you can probably convert the game to your favorit compiler. The Sourcecode is only meant for personal usage only and is not Public Domain!!!! Send Disks and/or cash to @{"me" link "Author" 0}. @endnode @node "EXIT" "EXIT" This Button EXITs the Editor. You are now in the Mainscreen. @endnode @node "TEST" "TEST" This Button allows you to TEST your currently edited level. Scores that are made in Testingmode are not archived in the @{"TOP-HUNDRED" link "Scoreboard" 0} Scoreboard. Press `ESC` to exit Testmode and to return to the Editor. @endnode @node "LOAD" "LOAD" With this Button you may load a `TRIZ.Levels` File. @endnode @node "SAVE" "SAVE" This Button is to make your edited Levels saved. Saving a File named `TRIZ.Levels` means that this file will be loaded on Startup. @endnode @node "SHOWNEXT" "SHOW NEXT " This Button shows if the Next upcomig Block will be shown or not. @endnode @node "RNDROTATION" "RND ROTATION" This Button shows if the Blocks will apear Random Rotated or not. @endnode @node "PLAYREVERSE" "PLAY REVERSE" This Button shows if all Joystickactions are Reversed or not. @endnode @node "DEF" "DEFault Levels" This Button gives you the ability to restore the Default Levels. @endnode @node "CLR" "CLeaR Levelfield" This Button will clear the Playfield. @endnode @node "LEVEL" "LEVEL Buttons" With this Button you select the Level you wish to edit. @endnode @node "LINES" "LINES Button" With this Button you select how many Lines (up to 99) have to build to solve the level. @endnode @node "ADDLAST" "ADDLAST" This Button will add a level (up to 99). @endnode @node "DELLAST" "DELLAST" This Button will delete the last Level. @endnode @node "SPEED" "SPEED Adjustment " This Button will edit the playingspeed. The current speed is shown above. Remember that this value is the amount of waitingtime, meaning increasing the Speedvalue will give less speed. @endnode @node "RNDBLOCKS" "RNDBLOCKS" RND BLOCKS are Blocks wich will be displayed somewere on the screen during play. This will add the player some trouble. The amount of Blocks is shown above. This value means the amount of lines beeing used for displaying the Blocks. Set this value to zero for no RND BLOCKS. @endnode @node "Scoreboard" "The TOP-HUNDRED Scoreboard" You can have a look at the Scoreboard by moving the Joystick down while you are in the Mainscreen. Then you are able to scroll around moving the Joystick up and down. @endnode