@database ampu.guide @node main "AMPU docs" @{b} A M P U @{ub}- The Ultimate Humanoid Game (c) @{"Naamahaukat" LINK group} 1995-96 @{b}About this piece of software: @{ub} * This software is Freeware, so you are allowed to spread and use this software FREE. * It is also copyrighted by its developer. That means that you are NOT ALLOWED to modify the program and documentation in any way. Especially you MUST NOT REMOVE the documentation or this text file. @{b}NOTES! @{ub} * My english sucks. * This game requires a FAST machine and AGA, but hey it's FREE! @{b} Index@{ub} @{"What is AMPU?? " LINK about} @{"System requirements " LINK kone} @{"Installation " LINK inst} @{"Quickdocs " LINK qdocs} @{"Items " LINK items} @{"Making levels " LINK levels} @{"Problems " LINK help} @{"More info... " LINK dev} @{"Greetz & thanks " LINK greetz} @{b}A M P U@{ub} - a Naamahaukat production 1995-96 @endnode @node "group" "Credits'n stuff" @{b}Credits@{ub} ------- Code, GFX , Design & very hard work -------> @{"Naama" LINK naama}/Naamahaukat Music , SFX & Ideas -------> Haukka/Naamahaukat Weapon design -------> Hellsky if you want to contact us at any reason write to: Riku Rakkola (NAAMA/Naamahaukat) Tuomitie 2 33470 Yl FINLAND or send email to naama@sci.fi @endnode @node naama "N A A M A" name: Riku Rakkola (NAAMA/Naamahaukat) likes: Amiga, The X-Files, food, kossuvodka hates: PC:s, hangover about this game: I have spent many months and days coding this game, and you may think "why it's free??" the answer is... because i hate SHIT shareware games!! @endnode @node about "About AMPU" @{b}So what is AMPU?@{ub} AMPU is yet another artillery game but it's lot more BETTER than any other except worms of course! Basicly it's a lot like worms but it has AGA Gfx and lots of interesting weapons and tools. cool things: + 25 cool items. (weapons, tools etc.) + you can make your own battlefields! + AGA (256 colors!) + Lots of animation. + 640*400 levels. + It's FREEE! shit things: - eats LOTS of mem - needs FAST machine (68020 and accelerator needed) @endnode @node kone "What do i need?" @{b}Requirements:@{ub} * A1200 (68020) with some accelerator or faster machine. * AGA chipset * about 1 meg free fastmem * about 1.7 megs free chipmem * mathrans and diskfont libraries in libs: I have A1200, Blizzard 1220/4MB (31.6Mhz) and the game runs fast enough. Game should work in a standard A1200 with some fastmem but it can be slow. (never tried without accelerator.... ) @endnode @node help "Having problems?" Problem: Game loads and menu works, but when START GAME pressed game fucks up. Solution: You don't have enough chipmem available. If you use wb then close other programs and take backround piccys etc. off. Problem: Game won't load. Hint: Check that all required libs are available. Do you have enough memory?? Problem: Game is slow. Solution: buy faster machine :) @endnode @node inst "Installation info" @{b}How to install?@{ub} Make sure that all required files and dirs are available required dirs: levels saves samples you also need some libs (mathrans, diskfont). then just run AMPU by doubleclicking its icon. No assigns needed. (check also @{"machine requirements" LINK kone}) @endnode @node qdocs "Game docs" @{b}MENUS@{ub} @{b}-----@{ub} @{b}Choosing level@{ub} Just click 'choose level' button and choose a level. If you want a randomlevel just click 'randomize' button. @{b}Options menu@{ub} In here you can change the game options... (movetime, Field of vision, explosions, banzaibrains etc.) and save them. @{b}Teams menu@{ub} In here you can clear team(make new team) and change names of the players and the team. you can also load/save teams. @{b} Weapons menu@{ub} Here you can buy your weapons to all 4 soldiers in the team. your money and other info is shown in the lefthand corner. Some weapons can only be bought by the Leader or sergeant. (read description) To change item click on the arrowbuttons or picture of an item. (item name&prize will be shown at the bottom of the screen.) @{b}Game Controls@{ub} @{b}-------------@{ub} The game is controlled via mouse and keyboard. mouse -> scroll view left mouse button -> target select (teleport,nuke,team placing) right mouse button -> weapons menu del -> weapons menu help -> shows names & energy (help exits) arrows -> aim, move humanoid, change weapon in weapons menu return -> select (weapon etc.) spacebar -> use item, choose power (bazookas, grenades etc.) esc -> abort game n -> end turn @endnode @node dev "Technical..." developing tools: - Blitz II (who said that basic sucks?) - Devpack (best assembler around) - Brilliance - Octamed pro About the code: The code is 95% Basic & 5% assembler and it's not so fast as it could be. (Blitz is pretty fast except the variable handling) This game requires a fast machine and lots of mem. First reason is the colours (256!) as blitting is slower and 256 colour bitmap eats much more mem than 32 colour bitmap. Second reason is that i have made this game using A1200 with accelerator and i had no chance to test it on a slower machine. @endnode @node greetz "Thanks to...." Thanks goes to: Team 17 - for making Worms (It's THE BEST game ever, and i hope you do WormsII) Acid software - for making Blitz II Hellsky & others - for ideas (good & bad) the dude who has rendered the piccy used in AMPU mainmenu. Monzu for additional Gfx. Greetings goes to: mom & dad Sulpu all The Farm @endnode @node items "game items and how to use'em..." There are so many tools & weapons and i might change them later, so i can't write perfect instructions to all tools. sorry, you just have to trie them out and learn :) (was that bad english??) but here are a few tips: * bazooka, grenade, supball, freezer, mine, bigchina & zipgun uses the powerbar. (hold down space and release (just like in worms).) * jetpack is activated using space. use arrowkeys to control it. if you press down arrow it shuts down. * molebomb is also controlled via arrowkeys. * homing missile guides to a nearest person when it starts to fall. @endnode @node levels "how to make your own levels" to draw a level you need some drawing program like deluxepaint or brilliance. short instructions: ------------------- Load tasomuotti.iff or some other level from levels/ directory in your drawing program. you have to use same palette as in piccy or game palette fucks up. page size is 640*500, and if you save larger size piccy... game fucks up. (so don't do that... ) also leave 50 pixels empty space up and down in image. (like in tasomuotti.iff, which should be in levels/ dir) colours: ------------- special colours: colour number 1 is a backround colour (air) colour number 224 is slime. don't use colours 0,2 or 3 (pixel explosion routine fucks up with them) other tips: ----------- save your level in levels/ dir with .lev extension. like > my_level.lev < then just start the game & choose your level!!! @endnode