@DATABASE @NODE "MAIN" "RCS - Documentation for v1.05" Micro Dimensions Software are proud to present:- _ a m_ , &_ J "" "" "" "" Copyright 1996 Micro Dimensions Software. e-mail: mds@enterprise.net Written by Rob Wilson & Neil Tweedy Finished 23-08-96 @{" " LINK "notic"} NOTICES @{" " LINK "sdocs"} SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION @{" " LINK "pdocs"} PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION @{" " LINK "miscl"} MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION * END OF RCS DOCUMENT - ENJOY USING RCS * @ENDNODE @REM "********************************************************************" @NODE "notic" "Notices.." *NOTICES* @{" " LINK "discl"} DISCLAIMER @{" " LINK "copyr"} COPYRIGHT @{" " LINK "giftw"} GIFTWARE/CONTACTING THE AUTHORS @ENDNODE @REM "********************************************************************" @NODE "sdocs" "System Documentation.." *SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION* @{" " LINK "requi"} REQUIREMENTS @{" " LINK "probl"} PROBLEMS @ENDNODE @REM "********************************************************************" @NODE "pdocs" "Program Documentation.." *PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION* @{" " LINK "intro"} INTRODUCTION @{" " LINK "insta"} INSTALLATION @{" " LINK "runni"} RUNNING THE PROGRAM @ENDNODE @REM "********************************************************************" @NODE "miscl" "Miscellaneous Information.." *MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION* @{" " LINK "credz"} CREDITS @{" " LINK "amiga"} AMIGA MAGAZINES @{" " LINK "teste"} TESTING HISTORY @{" " LINK "histo"} PROGRAM HISTORY @{" " LINK "futur"} FUTURE UPDATES @{" " LINK "thanq"} THANKYOU @{" " LINK "other"} OTHER MDS STUFF @{" " LINK "remem"} FINAL NOTE @ENDNODE @REM "********************************************************************" @NODE "discl" "Disclaimer Notice" *DISCLAIMER* How you use this software is beyond our control. Documentation is provided (here-in) for you, the user, to read at your leisure. This documentation is thorough and comprehensive and it should provide you with all you need to know about this program. If you do not use this program as guided, Micro Dimensions Software can not be held responsible for any damages, hardware and/or software related to your system. We, the programmers, can not be held responsible for certain user's incompetence and we will therefore not be bullied into compensating `Joe Bloggs' who has just blown-up their Amiga into bits, whatever reason it may be for. @ENDNODE @NODE "copyr" "Copyright Notice" *COPYRIGHT* *THIS PROGRAM IS NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN! IT IS FREELY DISTRIBUTABLE COPYRIGHT!* This program, its code, graphics, documentation and all other related files are Copyright 1996 Micro Dimensions Software. In *NO WAY* must any file be altered by any one, by any means, at any time, in any way, if redistribution is to take place. Permission will *NOT* be given to do so. This archive is to *REMAIN INTACT*. It may be distributed on the Aminet sites, namely wustl.edu and sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk and any of their respective mirror sites. Permission is also given to all Amiga magazines to place this archive on their coverdisk and/or coverdisc. Public domain distributors may re-distribute this program *ONLY* as part of its *FULL AND ORIGINAL ARCHIVE*. Public domain distributors must not charge more than a nominal copying fee and postage costs in the Public Domain category. This applies to all World Wide distributors of Public Domain software. *THIS PROGRAM IS NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN! IT IS FREELY DISTRIBUTABLE COPYRIGHT!* @ENDNODE @NODE "giftw" "Giftware.." , a # 7 J @@@@ @@ ___ # @@@L "" "" "" "" "" "" """""" The Giftware label means that for our hard work in bringing you this program, we would like a gift of some nature in return. Please consider any from the following :- A postcard with a greetings message on it. 3.5" disks HD or DD (you can never have enough disks!) :) Any Amiga program you have written. Shareware stuff is accepted, if you accept this program as a Shareware fee that is. Any Amiga spare parts (IC's, psu's, RAM, drives, etc). Any Amiga unwanted games (Original's only!). Chocolate Chip Cookies (in packets or boxes preferably!). Jaffa Cake Biscuit (in packets or boxes preferably!). Stella Artois (lager!) Pepsi Cola - regular! None of this MAX stuff! Any rather sexy atractive females out there. The postage might cost a bit though! ;) Send Gifts via.. _@'' to.. MDS 33 Cartmel Crescent, Chadderton, Oldham, Lancs. ENGLAND. OL9 8DA. Hopefully, this program should be on the next Aminet CD when it's released (which ever one it may be). @ENDNODE @REM "********************************************************************" @NODE "requi" "Requirements.." *REQUIREMENTS* An Amiga of virtually any type from one of the following:.. A500,A500+,A600,A1000,A1200,A1500,A2000,B2000,B2500,A3000,A3000T, A4000[T]/xxx [substitute xxx with 030/040/060],CDTV & CD32 with a keyboard. Any of the above Amigas will require KS 2.0 and WB 2.0 or greater in order to run the program. Memory required: <1k of RAM. As for RISC based Amigas based around the Power PC-603 & Power PC-604 (and any accelerator cards) as long as the 680x0 and Amiga OS is emulated correctly, the program should work fine. @ENDNODE @NODE "probl" "Problems..?" *PROBLEMS* If anyone has any questions, queries, posers, complaints, complements, etc. about this program then respond via e-mail (addressing the authors) at the following site:- mds@enterprise.net Look out for our WWW pages soon. @ENDNODE @REM "********************************************************************" @NODE "intro" "Program Intrdouction.." *PROGRAM INTRODUCTION* RCS is a simple random colour selection program. It alters a colour in the Workbench palette, that is, the border colour of all windows on your Workbench. Of course any graphics using this colour will change! This program was written because I was bored with the same colour on my Workbench windows on every boot-up. This program just adds a little variety into that process. RCS has been tested thoroughly. @ENDNODE @NODE "insta" "Installation of the program.." *INSTALLATION* Simply copy the RCS program into your Sys:c/ drawer of your WB disk, or partition. You can even add the program to your s:user-startup/ file, for a change of border colour every re-boot. @ENDNODE @NODE "runni" "Running the program.." *RUNNING THE PROGRAM* Simply type RCS from a Shell prompt, e.g:- 1. You can also run RCS by double clicking on its icon. @ENDNODE @REM "********************************************************************" @NODE "credz" "Program Credits.." *PROGRAM CREDITS* Idea and Coding By Robert Wilson Code and Suggestions By Neil Tweedy @ENDNODE @NODE "amiga" "Amiga Magazines.." *AMIGA MAGAZINES* By all means you can include this game on your Coverdisk(s) or Coverdisc(s). The only condition is that you plug our group:.. Micro Dimensions Software and that you mention the authors:- Rob Wilson & Neil Tweedy @ENDNODE @NODE "teste" "Tested on.." *TESTING HISTORY* This program has been tested on the following Amigas:- A500+ 2Mb Chip/6Mb Fast - 420Mb IDE @ 14.90 Mhz (68020+68882) KS2.04 A1200 2Mb Chip/8Mb Fast - 420Mb IDE @ 50.00 MHz (68030) KS3.00 A1200 2Mb Chip/8Mb Fast - 540Mb IDE @ 14.31 Mhz (68020+68881) KS3.00 @ENDNODE @NODE "histo" "Program history.." *PROGRAM HISTORY* v1.00 - v1.04 BETA VERSIONS NOT RELEASED v1.05 FIRST RELEASE ONTO AMINET! new improved random routine streamlined code @ENDNODE @NODE "futur" "Future updates.." *FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS* Possible enhancements for v1.06. These are just ideas. They should not to be taken seriously. Some may be implemented, others may not. We are rather busy with other projects. specify colours in a WB palette to be altered. specify range of RANDOM value for colours. It's like we said, adding new features does count on many things, e.g. @{"*GIFTWARE DONATIONS*" LINK "giftw"}, encouragement from *YOU* and enough time to put them into practise. @ENDNODE @NODE "thanq" "Thankyou.." *THANKYOU* We, at Micro Dimensions Software would like to thank the following:- IN THE U.K. ~~~~~~~~~~~ "alias" (Monochrome BBS) - Random source and code suggestions. AMINET ~~~~~~ The moderators - Without whom the Amiga would be dead. @ENDNODE @NODE "other" "Other bits available.." *OTHER MDS SOFTWARE* On Aminet you may find other software by Micro Dimensions Software of interest:- pub/aminet/game/wb/SnakesNAdders.Lha - v1.00 of 'worm' game. pub/aminet/game/wb/SnakesNAdders2.Lha - v2.00 of 'worm' game. pub/aminet/util/sys/NewDate.Lha - v1.00 of date command. pub/aminet/util/sys/NewDate2.Lha - v2.00 of date command. pub/aminet/gfx/conv/CBASv1.07a.Lha - C64 gfx to Amiga IFF. pub/aminet/pix/misc/ZoolVSonic.Lha - 64 colour IFF picture. * pub/aminet/util/sys/RCS.Lha - WB Random Colour Select. pub/aminet/game/wb/MDSMineSweeper.Lha - Mine Sweeper WB game. pub/aminet/game/wb/MDSCrack.Lha - Crack WB game. * DENOTES: this program. @ENDNODE @NODE "remem" "Remember.." *************************************************** * AN AMIGA IS FOR LIFE! - NOT JUST FOR CHRISTMAS! * *************************************************** @ENDNODE @REM "********************************************************************"