@DATABASE "QuadraPlayer.guide" @AUTHOR "Bo Lincoln" @FONT topaz.font 8 @WORDWRAP ## $VER: QuadraPlayer.guide v1.2 (23.11.94) @NODE Main "Main" @{b} QuadraPlayer v 1.2 @{ub} By Bo Lincoln Copyright 1994 Bo Lincoln. All rights reserved. @{b} U S E R M A N U A L @{ub} @{"Distribution " LINK Distribution} @{i}Who can spread and use QuadraPlayer?@{ui} @{"Requirements " LINK Requirements} @{i}What do you need to run QuadraPlayer?@{ui} @{"Windows " LINK Windows} @{i}The user interface explained...@{ui} :-) @{"History " LINK History} @{i}What has been done?@{ui} @ENDNODE @NODE Distribution "Distribution" @TOC Main @{b}DISTRIBUTION:@{ub} You are hereby given permission to distribute the QuadraPlayer v1.2 and this manual, as long as you DON'T take any fee for the program itself, only the costs for the media itself. @{b}FREEWARE:@{ub} QuadraPlayer is freeware, so you may use it and copy it as long as you follow the rules above. (You could always send me something if you like it... ;-) ) @{b}COPYRIGHTS:@{ub} QuadraPlayer is Copyright 1994 Bo Lincoln. QuadraPlayer makes use of reqtools.library for the requesters. ReqTools is Copyright Nico Fran Amiga is a registered trademark of Commodore-Amiga Inc. @{b}DISCLAIMER@{ub} (Don't blame me...) THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. @{b}THE AUTHOR:@{ub} SnailMail: Bo Lincoln Rydsv gen 246 A:23 S-582 51 LINK SWEDEN Email: d94bosli@isy.liu.se @ENDNODE @NODE Requirements "Requirements" @TOC Main @{b}REQUIREMENTS:@{ub} What you need to run QuadraPlayer v1.2: * An Amiga 500(+), 600, 1000, 1200, 2000, 2500, 3000 or 4000 with at least kickstart 2.0 installed. * "diskfont.library", "reqtools.library" and "gadtools.library". * Some nice modules. * Luck. (No no no, just kidding). @ENDNODE @NODE Windows "Windows" @TOC Main @{b}WINDOWS:@{ub} (What @{i}does@{ui} that button mean?) @{b}QuadraPlayer v1.2@{ub} +----------------------------------------------+ |@{"Pick..." LINK w_Pick}@{"Modlist..." LINK w_ModList}@{"PopCorny.EMOD " LINK w_ModName}@{"<" LINK w_NextPrev}@{">" LINK w_NextPrev}@{"Iconify" LINK w_Iconify}| |@{" Play module " LINK w_PlayMod}@{" Loop Position " LINK w_LoopPos}| |@{" Stop " LINK w_StopMod}@{" Options " LINK w_Options}| |Position @{" | |<>" LINK w_Pos}| |Position: 7 / 55 Time 1:16 / 6:43 | |+-------------------------++-----------------+| ||@{" VU-Meters " LINK w_VUMeters}@{" Monoscope " LINK w_MonoScope}|| |||||||| || ||@{"Spectrascope" LINK w_SpectraScope}@{" Analyzer " LINK w_Analyzer}||ChanVol:|||||||| || |+-------------------------++-----------------+| +----------------------------------------------+ @ENDNODE @NODE w_Pick "Pick..." @TOC Windows @{b}PICK@{ub} @{i}Main Window@{ui} Displays a file requester, in which you can choose one or more modules to play. One of the choosen modules will be loaded. The modules will be added to / replace the @{"module list" LINK w_ModList}. (This depending on the settings of @{"Choosen Module" LINK ow_ChoosenMod}). @ENDNODE @NODE w_ModList "Module List..." @TOC Windows @{b}MODULE LIST@{ub} @{i}Main Window@{ui} This is a window displaying the names of the modules in the current module list. The module list is saved in the prefs file, see @{"Save Prefs" LINK ow_Save}. Some modules will have the name of the song attached to the file name, this if you have choosen @{"Load Name" LINK ow_ChoosenMod} in the options window. To choose a module in the list, double click on it. If you want to rearrange the module list, use the buttons in the bottom of the window. The module list contains info about filename, path and (optionally) module name. @ENDNODE @NODE w_ModName "Module Name" @TOC Windows @{b}MODULE NAME@{ub} @{i}Main Window@{ui} This displays the name of the current module. If you type a module file name here it will be treated as if you chose it in the @{"Pick" LINK w_Pick} requester. @ENDNODE @NODE w_NextPrev "Next (Previous) Module" @TOC Windows @{b}NEXT (PREVIOUS) MODULE@{ub} @{i}Main Window@{ui} This will pick the next (previos) module in the @{"Module List" LINK w_ModList}. If you have chosen @{"Random" LINK ow_NewMod} in the @{"Options" LINK w_Options} window, it doesn't matter which button you press. @{i}Shortkey:@{ui} If a QuadraPlayer window is active, press right, enter or down for next module and up or left for previous module. You can always use the @{"Shortkeys" LINK ow_ShortKeys} defined in the @{"Options" LINK w_Options} window. @ENDNODE @NODE w_Iconify "Iconify" @TOC Windows @{b}ICONIFY@{ub} @{i}Main Window@{ui} This button will remove the main window and put a little icon on the workbench. To open the window again, double click on the icon or use the @{"Shortkeys" LINK ow_ShortKeys} defined in the @{"Options" LINK w_Options} window. @ENDNODE @NODE w_PlayMod "Play Module" @TOC Windows @{b}PLAY MODULE@{ub} @{i}Main Window@{ui} Starts playing the current module at the current position. @{i}Shortkey:@{ui} If a QuadraPlayer window is active, press right alt. @ENDNODE @NODE w_LoopPos "Loop Position" @TOC Windows @{b}LOOP POSITION@{ub} @{i}Main Window@{ui} Loops the current position. @{i}Shortkey:@{ui} If a QuadraPlayer window is active, press right amiga. @ENDNODE @NODE w_StopMod "Stop Module" @TOC Windows @{b}STOP MODULE@{ub} @{i}Main Window@{ui} Stops the module. @{i}Shortkey:@{ui} If a QuadraPlayer window is active, press space. @ENDNODE @NODE w_Options "Options" @TOC Windows @{b}OPTIONS@{ub} @{i}Main Window@{ui} @{b}QuadraPlayer Options@{ub} +--------------------------------------------------------+ |+--------------------------------------++--------------+| || Fade Out Time @{" |" LINK ow_FadeTime} MonoScope Acc. @{" |" LINK ow_MonoAcc}||@{" Screen " LINK ow_Screen}|| || Fade In Time @{"| " LINK ow_FadeTime} Analyzer Speed @{"| " LINK ow_AnSpeed}||+------------+|| |+--------------------------------------+|| ||| |+--------------------------------------+|+------------+|| || @{" New Module " LINK ow_NewMod} @{" At Module End " LINK ow_AtModEnd} |+--------------+| || (O) | | |+--------------+| || (O) || || || || || || @{" At startup " LINK ow_AtStartup} @{"Choosen Module(s) " LINK ow_ChoosenMod} || || || | | (O) | | || @{"Colours" LINK ow_Colours} || || | | (O) || || || (O) || || |+--------------------------------------+| || |+--------------------------------------++--------------+| || Next Mod Prev Mod Window Mod List | | ||@{"| || || || |" LINK ow_ShortKeys}| @{" About... " LINK ow_About} | |+--------------------------------------+ | |@{" Save " LINK ow_Save}@{" Use " LINK ow_Use}@{" Cancel " LINK ow_Cancel}| +--------------------------------------------------------+ @{i}Shortkey:@{ui} If a QuadraPlayer window is active, press "o". @ENDNODE @NODE ow_FadeTime "Fade Time" @TOC w_Options @{b}FADE TIME@{ub} @{i}Options Window@{ui} This is where you set the time of the fade in / fade out when a new module is loaded. :*) @ENDNODE @NODE ow_MonoAcc "MonoScope Accuracy" @TOC w_Options @{b}MONOSCOPE ACCURACY@{ub} @{i}Options Window@{ui} This number is sets how many dots will be plotted per voice per frame in the monoscope. @ENDNODE @NODE ow_AnSpeed "Analyzer Speed" @TOC w_Options @{b}ANALYZER SPEED@{ub} @{i}Options Window@{ui} This is where you set the speed of the analyzer scrolling. @ENDNODE @NODE ow_NewMod "New Module" @TOC w_Options @{b}NEW MODULE@{ub} @{i}Options Window@{ui} (O) Next in list <- When a new module is picked it will be in module list order... (O) Random <- ...or in random order. @ENDNODE @NODE ow_AtModEnd "At Module End" @TOC w_Options @{b}AT MODULE END@{ub} @{i}Options Window@{ui} | | Load New <- When the last position is reached, a new module will be loaded. @ENDNODE @NODE ow_AtStartup "At Startup" @TOC w_Options @{b}AT STARTUP@{ub} @{i}Options Window@{ui} | | Load Module <- Loads a module from the list when QuadraPlayer is started. | | Start Iconified <- Startup with the main window iconified. @ENDNODE @NODE ow_ChoosenMod "Choosen Module(s)" @TOC w_Options @{b}CHOOSEN MODULES@{ub} @{i}Options Window@{ui} (O) Add To List <- Adds the picked module(s) to the current module list. (O) Replace List <- Replace the current list with the picked module(s). (O) Play Separately <- If only one module is picked, it will not affect the module list, but it will be played. | | Load Name <- When modules are picked, the names of the modules (not only the filenames) will be read. @{i}Note:@{ui} This function may be very slow... @ENDNODE @NODE ow_ShortKeys "Shortkeys" @TOC w_Options @{b}SHORTKEYS@{ub} @{i}Options Window@{ui} These shortkeys works globally on your Amiga: Next Mod <- The shortkey for load next module. Prev Mod <- The shortkey for load prev module. Window <- The shortkey to open the main window. Mod List <- The shortkey to open the module list window. @ENDNODE @NODE ow_Screen "Screen" @TOC w_Options @{b}SCREEN@{ub} @{i}Options Window@{ui} This is a list of all the available public screens on your Amiga. If you pick one, the QuadraPlayer windows will be moved to that one when "Use" or "Save" is pressed. @ENDNODE @NODE ow_Colours "Colours" @TOC w_Options @{b}COLOURS@{ub} @{i}Options Window@{ui} Here you can set the colour settings for the sample display windows. @ENDNODE @NODE ow_About "About" @TOC w_Options @{b}ABOUT@{ub} @{i}Options Window@{ui} Displays an about requester. @ENDNODE @NODE ow_Save "Save" @TOC w_Options @{b}SAVE@{ub} @{i}Options Window@{ui} Saves the current settings to the file "ENVARC:QuadraPlayer.prefs". If you have a module list it will be saved, too. @ENDNODE @NODE ow_Use "Use" @TOC w_Options @{b}USE@{ub} @{i}Options Window@{ui} Keeps the option changes. @ENDNODE @NODE ow_Cancel "Cancel" @TOC w_Options @{b}CANCEL@{ub} @{i}Options Window@{ui} Cancels all actions in the options window. @ENDNODE @NODE w_Pos "Position Slider" @TOC Windows @{b}POSITION SLIDER@{ub} @{i}Main Window@{ui} This slider shows the current module position. You move around the slider to set a new module position. Below this slider there is a text field which displays the current position number, and the time in the beginning of the position. @ENDNODE @NODE w_VUMeters "VU-Meters" @TOC Windows @{b}VU-METERS@{ub} @{i}Main Window@{ui} Displays a window containing two (left, right) vu-meters. @ENDNODE @NODE w_SpectraScope "SpectraScope" @TOC Windows @{b}SPECTRASCOPE@{ub} @{i}Main Window@{ui} Displays a window containing a spectrum analyzer. It is @{b}not@{ub} a FFT analyzer, but it works allright anyway. @ENDNODE @NODE w_MonoScope "MonoScope" @TOC Windows @{b}MONOSCOPE@{ub} @{i}Main Window@{ui} Displays a window containing a "MonoScope". A lot of people keep asking how this effect is created, and I can tell you that it is @{b}very@{ub} simple. But, if you can't figure it out anyway, you'll have to ask me... %-) @ENDNODE @NODE w_Analyzer "Analyzer" @TOC Windows @{b}ANALYZER@{ub} @{i}Main Window@{ui} This is a 256 point FFT analyer, displayed in 2D or "3D". If you make the window bigger, the filter curve will be scrolled. @ENDNODE @NODE History "History" @TOC Main @{b}HISTORY:@{ub} Ver: Changes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.0 First public release. 1.1 Fixed @{b}LOTS@{ub} of bugs. Added module list. 1.2 Added analyzer. Fixed "load module name" bug. It is now much faster... Fixed an add module bug / feature. Now one of the dropped / picked modules is played, instead of one in the list. @ENDNODE