@database BenSpeaks @author "Ben Vost" @$VER: 1.2 (8.11.96 - AFCD8) @node MAIN "Welcome to AFCD8" @{b}AFCD8 Christmas 96@{ub} I thought last month's disc was pretty good. It was almost full and it had loads of reader contributions. But no matter how good last month's disc was, it gets blown away by the magnificence of AFCD8. Not only do we have the full version of HiSoft's top-rated 3D package Cinema 4D, and an exclusive demo of the new "Worms - The Director's Cut", we even have video footage with Andy Davidson, the programmer, showing us all the new weapons like the holy hand grenade. Now where else in the wide, wide world of Amiga could you get something like that? That's not to say that the rest of the disc is shabby by comparison. Oh no, we have possibly the finest selection of games, programs and demos since we started putting the CDs together. The only thing that's missing are your modules, and that's pity because they were all of a very high standard, but we had to stop putting them on the CD to stop the biiig music publishers from suing our butts off because you might just have used a sample from Prince or the Prodigy or someone else you shouldn't have. Still, never mind... That's all for now folks, but have a very good Christmas and a happy new year. All the best and ho ho ho, @{"Ben" link "thought" 0} Very few of you are paying attention to the Submissions Advice file that is in several locations on the disc, notwithstanding my suggestion that you read it last month, so here's that button again. @{"submissions advice" link "sadvice" 0} @endnode @node sadvice "Submissions advice" @{b}HOW TO SEND US YOUR SUBMISSIONS ===============================@{ub} @{b}IMPORTANT! We can no longer accept your music modules as submissions for the Amiga Format CD owing to copyright problems with sound samples from copyrighted sources. Thanks for all your music submissions up till now, but please don't send any more...@{ub} We want you to send us your programs, animations, pictures, game tips and cheats, hacks, hardware projects, basically anything you can think of that you have done with your Amiga. It must be your own work - no passing off Chris Achilleos' greatest masterpieces as your own, and we need a variety of things from you in addition to your submission and we need them on your disk. @{b}1.@{ub} We need your name and address so that we know where to send your prize. You should also put your name and address on labels on your media. @{b}2.@{ub} We need two read me files accompanying your work; one for us and one to go on the CD itself (title them @{b}AF_ReadMe@{ub} and @{b}ReadMe@{ub}). These can be as in-depth as you want them to be, but should contain instructions for us on getting your work running if it is a complicated procedure, including things like necessary libraries and so on. The readme that will go on the CD will be the introduction of your work to the whole Amiga Format reading world so check your spelling and grammar and show people just what is so good about your work. @{b}3.@{ub} If your work requires files such as libraries which you cannot send us owing to copyright reasons make sure we know about them so that we can either arrange to put them on the CD, or warn our readers about them (you will probably do this in your CD read me). @{b}4.@{ub} Be aware that we won't be as interested in programs that need to boot or that require to be in a certain place on the CD, unless, of course, that place happens to be in your directory on the CD. Your directory will almost certainly have the path: @{b}"AFCDx:ReaderStuff/your_name/"@{ub} but then no-one will be able to run your program except from the CD, limiting its usefulness or appeal. If we do put something on the CD that needs to autoboot, it will almost certainly only be as a DMS that readers will have to extract to disk before they can use it. You can send us your work on pretty much any sort of media whether it be floppy disks (high or double density, but don't send us work on high density disks unless you yourself have a high density drive. High density disks used in a double density drive aren't as reliable as using double density disks), a floppy disk back up using AmiBack, Quarterback or any of the shareware backup tools, Zip disk, Jaz cartridge, SyQuest 44MB, 88MB or 105MB or EZ Drive, DAT tape backup from any of the above-mentioned programs (the only thing we're not very keen on is the Video Backup System that Power Computing sell in the UK, we've had nothing but trouble with it), MIME e-mail to @{b}afcdsubs@futurenet.co.uk@{ub}, basically anything apart from a listing on paper. We don't want to have to type in your program too! We will return any media more expensive than high density floppies via registered post, so you won't have to worry about losing seventy quid's worth of Jaz cartridge. Send your submissions to: @{b}CD submissions Amiga Format 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, BA1 2BW@{ub} @endnode @node thought "Thought for the month" @{b}On my soapbox again!@{ub} This week's CTW carries an interesting story. It's front page news that Sony are to release a new version of their PlayStation console, called Yaroze. It's going to be released early next year, it will be black and it will cost But why am I telling you all this? Surely the deputy editor of the World's best Amiga magazine doesn't care about some console or other. Well, other than the fact that I enjoy a game of Tomb Raider every now and then, you'd be right. But the important thing about Yaroze is that it's designed to be hooked up to a PC so that individuals and user groups can make their own PlayStation demos and games. You see the problem with everyone moving onto the PC, or buying PCs as their first machines means that there aren't any programmers who grew up making their own software on their Amigas any more. People who buy PCs (and to some extent Macs) are @{b}users@{ub} - they aren't @{b}creators@{ub} like Amiga owners. Future's a big company and they do magazines for PCs and Macs and since I put this CD together, I often end up speaking to the guys that put together the CDs for titles like Mac and PC Format and do you know what? Mac Format occasionally gets pictures from their readers to go on the CD, but PC Format gets @{b}nothing@{ub} from its readers. @{b}Nothing!@{ub} We wouldn't be able to put our CD together every month if it weren't for the contributions we receive from you lot and that's why Sony are making this step towards introducing a PD paradigm to the PlayStation. They know that people won't buy games that cost more than time forever. Of course, this relies on those people being able to buy a development package for the PC - a not inexpensive proposition, and actually being willing to sit there and develop for the PlayStation, not the easiest task in the world. Even then, how will these people be able to disseminate their wares to a wider PlayStation audience that cannot read from a gold disc? It seems to me that Sony are making a brave, and necessary, effort to try to keep a swell of "bedroom" programmers going, but in the end, unless the Amiga survives, they won't get the kind of talent that put together the likes of Speedball2, SWOS, Worms, Lemmings, and other such Amiga greats, that they so desperately need. @endnode