A couple of changes have been made as follows: Backdrop: A backdrop is now displayed for the duration of the installation process. This is enabled by including a bitmap file of dimensions 640 x 480 pixels with the name "backdrop.bmp" in the same subdirectory as the installer executable, install.exe Verbose: This was already available but has been improved so assigning a value of 0 as: "Verbose=0" in the bbc.ini file held under the same subdirectory as the installer executable, will provide general headings during installation such as: "Copying files..." "Creating Program Groups and Icons..." "Installing Fonts...". Assigning a value of 1 will provide verbose explanation of the installers progress, eg: "Installing File PostPat.exe" "Adding Group BBC Worldwide" "Adding Item Postman Pat to BBC Worldwide" "Installing Font PostPat.ttf"